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Tips for finding your (past) self.

The first time I was able to verify that the memories I was recovering weren't just some flight of fancy, I was extremely skeptical. The memory in question involved a few scant seconds at the end of a life, one that wound up being chained to a stake and burned. And I remember thinking, "Bullshit. They didn't bother chaining people to a pole when they were burning them. Why would they?"
As it turns out, they certainly did in some areas. The chill I got down my back when I learned that fact was enough to encourage me to dive deeper into both past life regressions and researching history.
I don't have a blog for past life things, but I wanted to write an article that might be able to help people who have an interest in learning more about who they were in a past life. So, here you go.
While I'm going to write this in my typically sarcastic but helpful way, I should tell you that I am assuming two things: that you are actively engaged in learning about your past lives and that you have done work with past life regression. Memories are typically the only source we have for information. Without them, you won't be able to learn much.
So, let's get started with The Talk:
What You Need to Know
1. You weren't famous.
Do you believe you were Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe, or Marie Antoinette? You weren't. And most likely, neither were any of the 85,000+ other people out there who think they were, too.
As a species, we're not very old. 200,000 years or so. In the history of the universe, that's not even the blink of an eye. And yet, 99.999% of the people who have ever lived passed without leaving any sort of impression on the planet whatsoever. No written records, no mentions in the history books, not even a minor footnote on our collective imagination. The chances that you were that one super-special person is about as good as walking onto a beach and discovering a 40-carat diamond in the sand. More likely, you were completely ordinary, no matter how special your memories may seem.
If you want to go on believing that you were Cleopatra herself, be my guest. I won't tell you what to believe, even if I think you're dead wrong. But what I will tell you is that researching your theoretically famous life is a self-defeating effort. After all, you already assume that you were Cleopatra, even if you really weren't. You lack the objectivity to go into your memories and let them lead you to a conclusion. Instead, you'll just go in looking for proof -- and that's the very last thing you should be doing.
So, when you decide to research your past life memories, go for the boring life that you don’t think is Elvis.
2. You may not be able to find out who you were.
See my note above regarding how many people have lived and died without making so much as a dent in the universe. There is a good chance that you will never be able to find out who you were. The majority of lives you have lived have almost certainly passed without notice, and that's fine. Pursuing those memories and learning everything you can is still a worthwhile pursuit.
That woman who was burned at the stake? Twenty years after recovering that memory of her, I have no idea who she was. I don't even know her name. Does that mean that there was no point in learning about her? Not at all. After all, she exists in that memory, no matter how brief it is. And my research of her circumstances also lead me to learn a lot about people, history, cultures, and a dozen other subjects.
Even if you never find a name, place, or date, your memories are always worth recovering. And you can also correct the errors of history by keeping records of the memories you recover, as well. Consider what you'd like your future self to do if they recovered a single memory of your current life.
3. Memories are subjective.
The human mind is extremely and often stupidly efficient. As a result, we don't remember a lot of the mundane daily activities that make up many of our lives. This is why most past life memories are limited to the only real memorable part of that person's existence: their death.
You will probably never remember taking a bath, washing your hair, doing the dishes, or mending your sleeves. You're much more likely to remember moments that had a lot of emotion attached to them, such as receiving bad news, being injured, getting married, hurting someone, or even getting ready to take part in something you shouldn't be doing.
Does that mean that all your memories will be exciting? No. In fact, a lot of them will be downright boring. But it also means that being unable to remember your favorite food doesn't necessarily mean the memories aren't real.
The memories you do recover will also not be a faithful, flawless historical record. They will be skewed by the emotions, perspectives, and priorities of that person. You may remember people by nicknames instead of their actual name, might find memories focused on completely pointless details that are entirely unhelpful, or might even discover that your only memory is a single thought that translates to, "Yellow is nice."
Memories are chaotic, disorganized, and personal. They aren't designed to make your life easy while researching them. In short, you'll probably never come across a memory where you're standing across from George Washington and thinking, "On this April 15th, 1788, my name was Matthew Jones, age 23, born in a small farmhouse in Sussex, England, and I met George Washington."
This is why you should approach all memories both with an open mind, a strong attention to detail, and the ability to go, "What the hell was that shit?" when you recover something that doesn't make sense.
Dumb memories happen. But you should also remember that, however long ago that person died, that memory was important enough to them that it's lasted this long and it's still there for you to remember. You can learn a lot about who you were by paying attention to the memories you recover, no matter what they might be.
4. Let the facts lead you.
As you dig into researching your past lives, you get to launch an investigation. Watch any crime procedural out there and they'll all tell you the same thing: follow the facts, not the other way around. Don't make assumptions and then look for evidence to support them.
If you're genuinely interested in learning about who you were in a past life, the only thing you should assume is that you know nothing. Your memories can give you plenty of information to start your research: times, places, names, events, styles of clothing, interesting objects, etc. Use those to help you learn more about your own memories.
You also need to realize that you may think you know something that turns out to be dead wrong. Take for example, my idiotic assumption that I knew everything about being burned at the stake. History and life may be different than you think. There's only one way to find out: research.
5. Never let anyone tell you what your memories are.
Past life regressions are fascinating. There are also dozens of ways to carry out past life regressions, both on your own and with help. Generally speaking, find what works for you. There's only one rule of thumb for deciding when something is a really bad idea: when someone else claims they can tell you what your memories are.
I'm not talking about professional psychotherapists who legitimately work with hypnosis and record their sessions. I'm talking about the people who like to claim they can tell your past lives through psychic powers, tarot cards, mystical lima beans, or any other sort of woo-woo. And I say this as someone who reads tarot cards as a side gig. Divination is great. It is not a tool for learning about past lives. You have everything you need to learn about your past lives in your head already. Really.
You are the only person who has access to your past life memories. That really is the long and short of it. Never trust memories you did not recover yourself. If you're struggling with past life regressions, it's fine to get help -- just get the sort of help that will let you do the regressions yourself, rather than paying fifty bucks to someone with a set of Pokémon oracle cards who tells you that you were the Duke of Fartwhistle in 1722 and died when you were stampeded by a herd of unicorns. Seriously.
6. The past is the past.
It would be irresponsible to write any article about past life memories or tracking down who you were without saying something that should be said much more often: your past lives are the past.
Often, the memories we recover have an incredible emotional impact. All the love, fear, hate, or whatever else it might have been that was attached to those memories seems to get condensed over time. By the time we recover them, they can hit us like a tidal wave.
But no matter how strongly those emotions might affect you, you need to remember that everything you're experiencing happened a very long time ago. Those people? They're gone. You are a different person. You're alive. Research your memories, respect the person you were and everyone they knew, but don't try to relive the past.
Finding Information
1. You need information before you can find information.
No matter how you do past life regressions, you need to keep notes. When I say notes, I mean notes about everything. Do you remember being with a group of people? Write down everything you can: where everyone was standing, what everyone was wearing, hairstyles, heights, what the room (or area) looked like, your impressions of how you felt about all the people, what everyone was doing, and why you think they were all there together. Then, go ahead and do that for every other memory you recover.
Knowledge is power. When you start digging into history to learn more about who you were, you might be surprised what details are the most helpful. The color of someone's clothing, the way a wagon was positioned in a clearing, a nickname. Anything can wind up being important.
If you use a tape recorder (or cell phone or computer) to take notes, do yourself a favor and copy them out in long hand when you're done with the regression. You might find that just writing the words down might trigger other memories, as well.
2. Be aware that this isn't an easy task.
I'm a firm believer that anyone can research any past life. However, a dose of reality is also needed: you aren't going to type in a name and a place and magically find a biography of your past self popping up.
If you are sincerely interested in learning about your past lives, you need to know that you're embarking on a quest that may stretch out for years or decades. More recent past lives are easier to research because of the internet, but even then, we are limited by the fact that a lot of useful sources (such as newspapers, government and health organizations, public records, police departments) only upload their files back to a certain point... and that point may be after the death of the life you want to research.
And if you were, say, a white woman that died in a single car accident when you drove off the road and hit a tree, good luck unless you can remember your name, or at least a place and a date. There are thousands of similar accidents every year, so finding which one happened to be you will require more information.
There is a limit to what you can learn online. You will probably find yourself needing resources that require effort: genealogy records only kept in a building in some tiny county in Pennsylvania, or a list of a specific type of businesses operating in Normandy within a particular time frame, or a list of participants in an incredibly minor uprising in a now-defunct country on the other side of the world. The information might be out there. You just might have to go the extra mile to get it.
3. Know your sources.
Time for something useful: a list of resources for you to use. While lives before about 1940 are often best researched with the generic "let's do some internet searching based around the facts I've got" research, more recent lives might benefit from some searches through widely available databases.
While I'd love to tell you that researching the details of the life itself is the easiest route to follow, more recent lives will be easier to track by the way they ended.
For deaths that had remarkable circumstances, even going back before 1900 (sometimes -- older records can be hilariously unreliable), local newspapers are a great source of information. Most newspapers keep their records online going back a few decades at least. Almost every newspaper will have their records going back much further on microfiche or other tangible media, which will require you to visit either a library or the newspaper office to browse.
If you know the rough area where the death happened, you can type in the circumstances and see if there are any articles written about the incident. This sometimes extends to car accidents, suicides, missing persons, and unexpected illnesses, as well as industrial accidents, unusual or unexplained deaths, and obituaries of all varieties. Be aware that obituaries may omit the details of what happened, and so may not be helpful unless you have a name.
If you think you may have been a victim of a crime in the United States that would have caused you to go missing, or may have died without being identified, you should consider databases such as the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the Doe Network, and the FBI, who tracks information about both missing persons and unidentified deceased persons. Keep in mind, these sites list open cases, so they may not be the information you want. But if they’re the information you need, they are still worth looking through.
For less recent lives, consider a more traditional source of information: your local library, college library, museum, historical society, or other similar resources. While COVID-19 has certainly thrown a wrench in the experience of surrounding yourself with a stack of books at a library table, many of them have the option to pick up and drop off books all the same. Many colleges and universities will also let you browse their stacks without being a student.
If you believe you were a victim of a mass casualty, such as a natural disaster, the Holocaust, bombing, or building collapse, you may be able to find a list of victims' names online. However, be aware that victim lists tend to be incomplete for mass casualty events before 1900, and likely will only give you names, not the circumstances or any further information.
Do you have memories of living in a well-documented place at a well-documented time? Look up research and archaeology projects related to the place. Buildings, cities, and even battlefields often have plenty of information available, which might include information about specific people.
Looking for ways to research the details of the life rather than how it ended? Start at the basics, by writing down everything you know and figuring out how specific you can get. A place, a time, a name, a certain event. Anything that can help you figure out the framework of that life can help you dig further into it. If all you remember is a place, start there. Google is fine and you'll probably wind up on Wikipedia at some point -- just remember to double check all the information you find before assuming it's the gospel truth.
When you do search life details, make note of anything that stands out to you as unusual -- whether that's current you or past you that thought it was weird. Did your past self think it was weird that his sweetheart was wearing a red dress? Poke around and see if there's a significance to someone wearing a red dress in the time period and place you think that memory might be from. Do you have a memory of really hating a haircut? See if you can figure out why the haircut took place. These are the things that can help you find out more than just cursory information.
4. It's okay to ask for help... sometimes.
The best source of information is often the one thing you'll never find just by searching on a website: people who know more about the subject than you do. That might mean a college professor or museum curator who is an expert in a certain field or some guy who has worked at a bar for fifty years and who might have known your past self. The real question is: can you ask them for help?
The short answer is sometimes. The long answer is that there are some people you can ask, some you shouldn't, you can't insist, and you shouldn't be a creeper.
When it comes to asking for help from experts, it's perfectly fine to shoot somebody an e-mail and say, "I know you're probably very busy, but I was wondering if you could recommend a resource to learn more about ____________, as I'm doing some research for a personal project. If you're too busy, I understand. Thank you for your time."
They may or may not answer, since they probably are pretty darn busy, but you never know. Once you've asked, leave it be. Don't ask repeatedly, though you can certainly give more information if they respond and ask for it. I'd also advise listing it as a personal research project. Most sensible academics will think you're a few lives short of a reincarnation if you start telling them the reason you're doing some digging.
Generally speaking, if you do think someone may have known your past-self, don't be a creeper. I really can't say that enough times. Unless they have approached you, do not walk up to someone and say, "Hey, I used to be Joe Bob Finch in a past life, and I think you might have known him."
You must remember that, even if you're 100% certain that person did know your past self, your past self is... well, dead. It's neither normal nor generally socially acceptable for some completely random person to approach another completely random person and strike up a conversation about a long-dead family member, acquaintance, or otherwise. Doing so may be hurtful, embarrassing, or even damaging. Stick with the rule of thumb that you're doing a research project and keep a respectable distance unless they approach you first.
5. Remember that even the best information may not be accurate.
History is a remarkably interesting field to explore. However, we tend to assume that academics absolutely know what they're talking about when they say that certain things happened in a certain way and for a certain reason. It might come as a bit of a shock, then, to find out that... fairly often, that isn't true.
Archaeologists and historians are detectives. They see the past through a set of compelling clues and tidbits of information that might be passed down through complete texts and first-person accounts... or might just consist of a pile of pottery shards found a half mile from what they think was once a house.
First-person accounts can be dishonest. The archaeologist who found that pile of pottery shards might be wildly off in their guess about what they were there for. Even the best research projects, academic sources, and historical evidence can be dead wrong.
All these sources that you use to research are valuable because they provide you with information that can help you make sense of your memories. However, you will also need to use a combination of common sense, good research, and your own memories to figure out the real story behind what happened.
With that, I wish you all the best luck in researching yourself!
submitted by FictionallySpeaking to pastlives [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ May 16, 1988

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words, continuing in the footsteps of daprice82. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
The Complete Observer Rewind Archive by daprice82
1-4-1988 1-11-1988 1-18-1988 1-25-1988
2-1-1988 2-8-1988 2-15-1988 2-22-1988
2-29-1988 3-7-1988 3-14-1988 3-21-1988
3-28-1988 4-4-1988 4-11-1988 4-18-1988
4-25-1988 5-2-1988 5-9-1988 *
  • The big stories this week really won’t hit until late in the issue, so read down I guess.
  • [NWA] The Midnight Rider angle lasted just a whole two weeks after his initial arrival. The whole thing began just four or five weeks back with a baseball bat and punching Magnum T.A., and all that work was wasted when they pulled the plug. The Midnight Rider gimmick just wasn’t working, so they did an official announcement that Paul Boesch convinced the NWA board to reinstate Dusty. All the panicked decisions lately leave Dave with the impression that the NWA is in worse shape than they seemed to be a few weeks back, and things don’t look likely to change any time soon. More of a surprise to Dave than the fact that it wasn’t working is the fact that they did it so quickly when the angle was supposed to last through the summer. He thinks that has to be hard on Dusty’s ego. So them setting up a feud between Dusty and Barry Windham when the logical feud should be Luger and Windham seems a desperate move to placate Dusty. And there’s no predicting what the NWA will do next, because the people in charge don’t seem to know what they’re doing week to week.
  • Ex-NFL star Steve Courson makes his pro wrestling debut this week at a Pennsylvania independent show. He’s barely trained and being rushed into the ring to capitalize off his NFL fame. The guy was a heavy steroid user back in the NFL and admitted as much, and his career ended due to health issues a couple years ago. Nevertheless, he’s got an anti-steroid book about to hit bookshelves. Seems carny enough for the business.
  • Roddy Piper showed up at Don Owen’s April 30 card in Portland. Billy Jack Haynes’ rival promotion debuted on May 7 and starts its tv program on May 14. Haynes claims he didn’t delay a week due to Piper’s April 30 appearance, but because his ring lights were late in arriving. They were lighting Chris Adams’ ring, I’m sure. Anyway, Piper showed up in the interview area and never entered the ring, and when Mike Golden told Piper to scram during his interview, Piper acted passive and backed off to help put Golden over. Golden then produced a contract for a match on May 7 and tried to goad Piper into a match, to which Piper retorted he’s lost a lot of weight and isn’t a fighter anymore, only to finally get into it with Golden after more taunting and Golden spitting on him. Fans left with the idea that Piper would fight Golden, but Piper never appeared on May 7 and no announcement of them having a match took place.
  • Variety Magazine reports that all the weekly pro wrestling shows have dropped out of the top 15 in syndicated ratings. So the real story is the way that the wrestling shows made it into the top 15 in the first page. The WWF network had 5 shows, Crockett network had 4, and All-Star Wrestling network had at least 6, and each of those packages added up the ratings of all the shows in them and reported that rating. Compare to say, Wheel of Fortune, which is just the one show, and so you had the combined ratings of anywhere from 4-6+ shows trying to act like all the shows in that package were competitive ad space to a show like Wheel or Jeopardy, which is unfair to those single shows that pull in massive ratings. Anyway, those who calculate ratings have done away with those network packages in their calculations to level the playing field, so WWF isn’t getting ahead of Oprah and her single show’s 9 rating by combining five shows to pull a 10 rating anymore. Superstars, which is definitely WWF’s most watched show, doesn’t even come close to the top 15 on its own. For Dave, this isn’t a big deal, other than that it’ll be harder to track ratings, which are the best way to measure interest at the moment. Dave’s tv industry contacts think this is a big blow to wrestling as an industry, however, and more damaging to Crockett than McMahon since Vince has sold most of his ad slots for the year already. Nothing has materially changed, but advertisers are going to see wrestling as less hot, and their places in the top 15 have been taken by shows like Love Connection, Star Search, and Hollywood Squares. A wrestling network package might offer the same number of viewers, but advertisers look at the rankings to decide what’s hot, and wrestling’s not going to appear there anymore, and their ads in trade publications won’t be able to boast WWF or NWA as among the highest rated networks in syndication. Long story short, Promoters are going to have to chase advertising dollars rather than advertisers chasing promotions, and that spells an eventual downturn for the business.
  • [NWA] Clash of the Champions II, called Miami Mayhem, has been announced for June 8. Dave gets the feeling that it won’t be as hot a show as the first Clash and that those in the company think they might have given away too much on the first and thus hurt themselves at the gate. Dave thinks they did indeed give a lot, but they also failed to take advantage of a lot. Like, the barbed wire match was the end of a feud and they didn’t even know it because despite the heels being beaten quick and clean, they’re still running the match when there’s no point in continuing the feud. Dave thinks they had a lot of momentum coming off the first clash and they squashed it by downplaying everything in favor of the now-aborted Midnight Rider angle.
  • Randy Savage is now being billed as Undisputed WWF Champion. They’ve dropped the word “heavyweight” and Dave’s been told they’re planning to no longer use it, for whatever that’s worth.
  • WWF is working on a bunch of non-wrestling specials. Kind of like the Slammy Awards in the way they’ll sell the shows and in their hopes for ratings. Dave hopes not similar in terms of quality, at least.
  • Managers Mr. Fuji, Jimmy Hart, and Frenchy Martin appeared on WWF’s May 7 Boston house show. No idea if it’s just certain New England cities they’ll appear in or what, but yeah, that’s the update on the managers at house shows thing.
  • Dave and his friends were joking that Ultimate Warrior vs. Andre the Giant would be the worst possible match this generation. Lo and behold, Dave found out that they put that match on a few weeks back in Switzerland on a European tour. Dave asks “What did the Swiss ever do to Vince McMahon?” I can't find anything from Switzerland, but I did find a clip from Italy on that same tour.
Watch: Andre vs. Warrior
  • Dave saw the program for the Central States April 28 show in Kansas City and it’s the funniest thing he’s seen in a while. The program talks about the Freebirds (supposed to be coming in) and says they’re managed by Michael Hayes, and it has a picture of Hayes taken from their original heel days in Georgia in 1980. Bob Geigel runs the promotion and makes his own programs, and it’s good to see how up to date he’s managed to be.
  • Ken Mantell sent a letter to every promotion except WWF and NWA offering for World Class to work with them. World Class isn’t running a full-time schedule, so Mantell’s looking for ways to get his guys out there, but they only have a couple guys with any significant name value. Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy, Terry Taylor, and maybe Chris Adams could give a boost to a promotion getting into things with a local babyface, but just sending Taylor and Adams to have a match against each other won’t help anyone (they did that for the May 2 show in Memphis). Talent sharing isn’t helpful to the other promotions unless they can do a tv angle or work several shows rather than a one-off date (with the rare exception of a Michael Hayes date in Atlanta, or Gordy doing an independent show with a match against Brody or Abdullah).
  • [Memphis] Eddie Gilbert beat Jerry Lawler on May 2 to keep Missy Hyatt’s hair on her head. The finish saw Lawler punch Paul E. Dangerously (who manages Gilbert in Continental) after Missy failed to distract Lawler with her open shirt trick. Dangerously showed up when Lawler went after her, and then Kenny Dee, who was managing Lawler, threw powder in Lawler’s eyes, leading to Gilbert getting the pin. Money wound up changing hands from Dangerously to Hyatt to Dee after the match, so Kenny Dee is a newly minted heel manager.
  • Also in Memphis, the Iceman King Parsons vs. Kerry Von Erich match from the same show got little reaction. People came to see Lawler and Gilbert, not them, and Dave still doesn’t understand putting this match on and billing Parsons as a world champion when the next show is Lawler vs. Hennig for the AWA World Title. It’s just undercutting that match to act like the WCCW title is a world title and then turn around and go “Well here’s a different world title” and being very inconsistent in their recognition of world championships.
  • More on the special referee poll for the May 9 LawleHennig match. They’re running the poll from a 1-900 number (which means a cost of $1 per phone call), so the company was profiting off the poll. That explains the amount of promotion they were doing saying that Larry Hennig was winning the poll by a narrow margin due to fans in Minnesota flooding the line with votes for Hennig. They were doing no such thing, but it’s a smart way to bilk the local fan base. In Memphis, they run their tv show live, so when it started at 11 am, they did a segment where they said the poll would close at noon (Hennig still leading the results) to keep fans voting until the last minute, even doing another segment at 11:45 am. At noon, Lawler came out and acted all serious with his best Bad News Barrett impression and said he was afraid he had some bad news. “Bad news for Curt Hennig, that is,” and announced Jackie Fargo was the winner of the referee poll. Dave guesses the reason for the charge is probably to drum up enough money to pay Curt Hennig enough to be happy, but this sure is a new way to try and make money off wrestling.
  • There’s a newcomer in the Oregon territory named Steve Austin. No, he’s not stone cold, but he’s also used the name Steve Winters (Dave believes this is his real name), and he’ll wind up wrestling for Stampede in the future under the name Lance Idol. Dave’s seen him a bit before in his early days in the Bay area and recalls him being a good worker trying to emulate Ray Stevens in style.
  • Don Owen’s May 7 show had the best case for allowing blading that Dave has ever heard of. They had a Northwest Tag Title cage match with Steve Doll and Scott Peterson beating Avalanche and Mike Golden to regain the titles. Owen believes you need blood in a cage match, while the Oregon commission has banned blading, so how do you suppose Owen got around the issue? Mike Golden got bloody hardway, and they wanted Peterson to bleed too, so they had Golden and Avalanche try to hardway Peterson with potatoes to the forehead. Dave hears they did some 14 hard punches to Peterson’s head and none of them opened him up. One did bust up his nose a bit, though. This is what happens when blading is banned and wrestlers feel the need to get color - they’re going to be really unsafe and hurt themselves.
  • Tatsumi Fujinami beat Vader by countout on April 27, in a show that drew 5,000 in Osaka. For comparison, All Japan’s Brody/Tenryu match there last month drew 4,000. Fujinami had vowed to retire if he couldn’t beat Vader, so they kind of had to have that finish if they wanted Vader to keep his monster aura without honoring a retirement. Anyway, Dave isn’t sure if this is legit or just an angle, but Fujinami is being reported as trying to make a play for the top spot now that Inoki’s foot is broken. He’s even got a new haircut to symbolize his change from being a young disciple of Inoki to being his own man.
  • All Japan Women’s May 15 show has a hell of a triple main event lineup. At the top of the card you have the Crush Girls vs. the Jumping Bomb Angels. Then you have Mika Suzuki vs. Kaoru Maeda for the jr. championship (not a weight class, but rather a title exclusively for wrestlers with under 2 years experience). Lastly, Erika Shishido and Nobuko Kimura defend the AJW tag titles against two of the standout rookies from the class of 1987 who are getting their first crack at major exposure, Manami Toyota and Toshiyo Yamada. Erika Shishido, by the way, is a 17 year old from the class of 1986 and the company has big plans for her as a future heel star and partner for Bull Nakano. You may know her better as Aja Kong.
  • Windy City Wrestling drew remarkably well, drawing $40,000 at International Amphitheater in Chicago. It’s the largest gate Dave’s ever heard of for an independent promotion. The card had Col. DeBeers, Candi Divine and Debbie Combs, Paul E. Dangerously, Buddy Rose and Doug Somers, and a bunch else going on. Based on ticket prices, they pulled an audience of over 4,000 people. The promoter sold the show to the venue for $10,000, so they made a big profit on the event. WWF has taken notice and already there’s talk of them running the same venue, because they believe it may tap into a different crowd than the Rosemont Horizon.
  • [Stampede] Owen Hart’s reign as North American champion has ended as of May 6. He dropped the title to Makhan Singh, whom he beat for the title on April 10, 1987. Definitely a step toward Owen’s departure from the promotion here, as his last match with Stampede if he does go to the WWF will be on May 14 before he does the IWGP series for New Japan. Owen did agree to go to the WWF for a masked gimmick, either a Tiger Mask or Mighty Mouse type, but he’s apparently having second thoughts, perhaps related to a personal goal he supposedly has of having the match of the year with Ric Flair. Sadly, Owen’s never going to get that match. Bret and Davey Boy Smith are pushing hard for Owen to come to WWF.
  • Heading to Stampede is Steve Blackman. Blackman’s done some jobs for WWF in the past and is kind of a powerlifter type. He’s being paired with Brick Bronsky, whom Dave describes as an untalented lifter type (Dave rates the May 7 Edmonton match between Kerry Brown and Bronsky at -3.5 stars and calls it one of the worst matches Stampede will ever have), and their team name is the Abortion Alliance. Jeezus, Bruce.
  • A new women’s wrestling promotion is supposed to start up, doing tapings at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas. Wendi Richter and Misty Blue are said to be the top stars and Gordon Solie is said to be on board for announcing, and there’s supposedly tv contracts lined up.
  • Ted Turner is working on a new cable station called TNT. It’s gonna have a lot of MGM movies and sports events, and probably eventually some Crockett wrestling. The FCC is expected to change some regulations, which would put WTBS back to only being Atlanta-local and all the superstations will revert to local tv.
  • Looks like a lock that Financial News Network will be taking on Continental by the end of the month or early June. As for a deal with New Japan, that seems to be on hold, as neither side could come to an agreement.
  • Lawsuits corner. WWF is suing FNN over their Hulkamania package. Larry Sharpe is suing Bam Bam Bigelow for breach of contract. Sharpe was Bigelow’s real manager back in Japan.
  • The best match on an independent show in Brooklyn on April 29 saw Lou Fabiano (a former WWF jobber) team with Cactus Jack against George Skaaland and Tom Brandi. Cactus Jack is a trainee of Dominic DeNucci, and Dave hears that he’s a top flight worker.
  • Word is that Futahaguro (real name Koji Kitao), the yokozuna who got kicked out of sumo, is reporting to the Monster Factory in New Jersey to train under Larry Sharpe. He’s in New York this week on other business (mostly talk shows), so no definite word, but that’s the rumor coming out of the area.
  • The Von Erich Parade of Champions drew an estimated 7,000 fans. Dave anticipates a more accurate estimate and gate next week. The show was… Let me just give some highlights. The first match was terrible. The second match was mostly rest holds and had no heat, and after winning the match Mike George grabbed the mic to make sure the fans knew he was recognized as World Champion in Kansas City. Nobody cared because nobody cares about the Kansas City promotion. Steve Casey was supposed to challenge Eric Embry for the light heavyweight title, but he came in 1.5 pounds over the weight limit. After the crowd heckled Embry, he agreed to a non-title match, which Casey won in 19 seconds. That extra weight made all the difference, I reckon. Bill Irwin vs. Black Bart was fair. Then you had Michael Hayes vs. Terry Gordy in a triple tower of doom and Dave says that while there was heat, the gimmick’s a total dud because you can’t do any moves or take any bumps the way it’s all structured. They then gave the crowd something good, as Terry Taylor beat Chris Adams to keep the Texas title in a great match. The Texas roundup in the triple tower of doom, on the other hand, was the opposite of great. If Dusty plans to actually use this concept, he’s got a lot of work cut out for him, because not one fan in the building understood what the hell was going on. Bruiser Brody carried his match teaming with Kevin Von Erich against Buddy Roberts and Solomon Grundy, and nobody cared about Kevin. They had to replace Schaun Simpson with Terry Gordy due to injury suffered in the Texas roundup for the Wild West/Texas tag title unification match, and Gordy/Simpson won by disqualification. It’s unclear if that makes the Simpsons Wild West tag champs and Gordy/Simpson Texas tag champs, or if it unifies the titles on the Simpsons, or what. In the end, Kerry Von Erich regained the WCCW title. Nobody cares. World Class is every bit as fucked as WCW in 2000.
  • Dave’s got the lineup for the second Clash, and he thinks the NWA is now afraid to put on a hot show. Windham vs. Ricky Santana, Koloff vs. Al Perez, Dusty vs. Larry Zbysko, the Garvins vs. Rotunda and Rick Steiner, the Fantastics vs. Sheepherders for the U.S. Tag Titles, and Blanchard/Anderson defending the NWA tag titles against Sting and Steve Williams. No Flair, Luger, or Road Warriors in sight.
  • When the NWA announced Dusty’s reinstatement, the reaction was pretty negative. After a moment of silence, one woman cheered and two more joined her, and they were swiftly drowned in a chorus of boos.
  • Night 2 of the Crockett Cup grossed $115,000 at the gate. The Cup as a whole managed a combined gate equal to the merch sales gross at Wrestlemania.
  • They’re building a new Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina, and it’s supposed to open in the fall. Word is that WWF will get the first two shows there and Crockett will be relegated to the 2,500 seat Charlotte Park Center, since the old Coliseum building will be torn down. WWF can’t run the existing Coliseum for the same reasons Crockett can’t touch Madison Square Garden, but the new Coliseum has different management with no relationship to Crockett, so they’re going to give WWF a chance.
  • Gordon Solie and Mike Graham’s new Florida Championship Wrestling has opened up and did their first tv taping on April 30. They’re looking to run five days a week in central Florida starting real soon.
  • Antonio Inoki’s injury has led to New Japan declaring the IWGP Title vacant. Tatsumi Fujinami battles Vader on May 7 for the title. Seems to be a lot of behind the scenes tension between Fujinami and Choshu as well. Fujinami walked out after the April 27 show, leaving only Choshu of the original four top draws in the company.
  • Tiger Mask (Mitsuharu Misawa) is getting married on May 10 and will unmask for the wedding. He’s marrying movie star Tomomi Shiina. After the wedding he may stop wrestling as Tiger Mask and go back to his real name.
  • As soon as TNT is available in 30 million homes, Crockett’s tv will be moved there. All kinds of rumors are swirling about Crockett and Turner, but as far as Dave’s aware no firm deal of any kind has been reached.
  • The NWA, Mike Rotunda, Kevin Sullivan, and the city of Albany are all being sued for “torturous acts and personal injury” by 16 year old Mike Strickland. Strickland alleges that on February 9 he was patting wrestlers on the back when city police officers working security for the show seized him and arrested him, then took him to a secluded area where Rotunda and Sullivan “wilfully, intentionally and purposefully assaulted and attempted to commit violent and illegal physical injury” on him and that the police did nothing to stop the beating.
  • Dave wants us to know that although it was extremely predictable, he found the Midnight Express’s party on the WTBS show really entertaining. Yeah, when you have a cake in wrestling it winds up in the heel or announcer’s face, but the banter between Cornette and Stan Lane was really fun.
Watch: Jim Cornette gets caked
  • Ted Turner’s got some kind of package deal he’s pitching, using the July NWA ppv as incentive to get cable systems to buy in on TNT. Or maybe it’s the other way around. Dave understands that the cable companies will likely get a higher share of revenue for the PPV from the show than the usual 50/50 split, and Dave says this show is really do or die for Crockett.
  • Abdullah the Butcher and Kamala no-showed Jerry Blackwell’s May 8 show. They had turned down a spot at the Von Erich Memorial Parade of Champions to do that show, so that’s ironic.
  • ”JERRY LAWLER PINNED CURT HENNIG TO WIN THE AWA TITLE ON 5/9 IN MEMPHIS BEFORE 9,500 FANS." The match was apparently “not great” and saw Lawler win by grabbing Hennig by the knees and kangaroo flipping him headlong into the ring post for the pin. Great reaction to the finish, but yeah, Lawler is the new AWA champion. More on this next week.
Watch: the finish to Lawler vs. Hennig
  • One letter writer chimes in that “loser groups” like GLOW and POWW don’t deserve time in the Observer. In fact, he hopes they lose their time slots in New York and Boston to Continental and Memphis to give WWF real competition. Yeah, because those groups are going to be able to do that.
  • Still a bunch of letters sniping back and forth about Clash vs. Wrestlemania. One says they can’t believe anyone could think FlaiSting was the best match they’ve seen in years. Another says that for “Vince McMahon to put WWF fans through that show constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.” As usual, wrestling fans are level-headed and gracious in their disagreements. It warms my soul to see us carrying on this proud tradition of sober discourse on reddit in 2020.
NEXT WEEK: AWA Champion Jerry Lawler, reports from Texas Stadium, Fujinami becomes IWGP champion, Oregon-Washington Wrestling Federation debut show, and more
submitted by SaintRidley to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Mission Seven

Today I had brought my lunch to work (a Trader Joe’s Salmon salad), but I was pretty hungry and not really in the mood for salad, so I decided to get a burrito at the Taco Del Mar inside the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. I strolled in to the WSCTC, which, as you may already know, is located near my place of work. When I walked in, I immediately noticed a lot more people than usual milling around. I looked for some signage to help explain the commotion and discovered that the Microsoft Tech Ready Conference was taking place all week long. As I made my way through the throngs of people to the Taco Del Mar on the first floor, I became a little concerned that I would have a long wait because of the conference attendees. I needn’t have worried though. I should have known there was not going to be very many people having to buy their lunch at the WSCTC today – it was provided by Microsoft.
I got my lunch at Taco Del Mar (super chicken burrito on a flour tortilla with black beans, lettuce, hot salsa and jalapeños, with a small Diet Coke) and even though I saw an open table in the restaurant, I decided to head out to the lobby area of the convention center to get some air. I found a seat, ate my lunch and threw the trash away in the proper receptacle. As I headed out the door, I noticed a large sign hung above the escalators that read: ATTENDEE MEALS. Damn! I just ate! I wished I had seen that sign sooner. I wasn’t hungry at all now, but a dessert did sound nice.
I approached the escalator and I noticed a smaller sign: CONFERENCE CREDENTIALS REQUIRED BEYOND THIS POINT. There was no staff there checking badges, so I just continued up the escalator without being bothered to the next level. Once there, I checked the information board and discovered the meals were on the 4th floor west entrance, two floors up from where I was standing. I circled around and took the escalator two more flights up. Each step of the way more and more people materialized.
When I got to the 4th floor I wandered around looking for meals. I found a couple rooms that were set up for meetings and Power Point presentations. No luck. I turned around and saw a swarm of people headed toward a giant sign that read: ATRIUM. I was quite familiar with the layout of the convention center of course, but cracking the security perimeter on this mission would be a lot more difficult than any before.
The Tech Ready Conference was sponsored by Microsoft, Even though in the realm of money-grubbing evil corporations, it is plain that Apple has supplanted Microsoft, gaining access this conference would still be very satisfying.
I headed closer to the entrance and discovered that my nemesis; a green jacketed WSCTC usher. It was Sally Jesse, the middle-aged dirty blonde with the bright red glasses. When I had previously encountered Sally Jesse she looked very bored and lost in thought. Now, she was making a point of checking the conference attendees to make sure they had their credentials around their necks before allowing them to pass through the glass doors into the atrium. At one point she even stopped a guy that didn’t have a badge around his neck. The poor harried geek dug in his coat with an overly dramatic display and showed her the badge. I came a little bit closer to see if I could slip past her, but I could tell it might be a while before her attention wavered enough for me to get by. I decided to head around to the south atrium entrance to see if it might be easier to gain entry there.
I walked through the maze of hallways that surrounded the perimeter of the atrium and came upon the south entrance. There I found not one, but two green-jackets on sentry duty. I used the fake cell phone call ploy as I stood near the entrance and contemplated my next move. I hung around for a minute or so, pretending to talk on my phone, but it looked hopeless. I decided to head back to the west side where only one green-jacket stood guard. Walking back, I was a little upset at myself for not thinking about pulling a lunch-lift today. I should have known the WSCTC would be ripe for the plucking.
As I walked back into vast outer lobby, I spied an open spot next to the doorway, near the great windows that lined the room. I headed over to the window and I pulled out my phone and mumbled gibberish to myself and soaked in the scene. Sally Jesse was still standing there nodding and smiling at the guests and occasionally asking to see a badge. She was a very dutiful usher, but I had to find her Achilles heel; it was matter of pride now.
I stood with my back to the wall of windows, with the entry to my left for several minutes, waiting, waiting, and waiting for the right time to slip past the guard and into the room. Sally Jesse would walk through the glass doors, stand just inside the atrium for a minute and then saunter just outside the doors and inspect the guests on their way inside. I was just about to give up when she ventured further away from the doors, past me to my right, into the lobby area. This was my chance. I nonchalantly wandered into the atrium and made a quick look over my shoulder to see if she saw me. She didn’t and I was in.
I walked into the room, turned right and looked around. The atrium was a large carpeted room with the typical industrial looking concrete walls. There were hundreds of people walking around. The crowd was 80% male and ran the gamut from bearded Sikhs with turbans to dumpy Americans with bad haircuts and ill fitting Dockers and seemingly every nationality in-between. I was wearing slacks, a dress shirt and tie and an overcoat, so I fit in pretty well with the crowd - except for the one thing I wasn’t wearing: credentials. This worried me somewhat. Even though I got past the initial security checkpoint, I wasn’t sure if there were staff that was assigned to check badges.
I wandered around looking for the food and cautiously checked out the scene. There were booths along the walls and a couple walled-off lounge areas for the techies to load their new versions of Windows into their laptops. There was also a “Tech Ready Store” that sold computer gadgets and a “Tech Ready Apparel Shop” that sold the kind of hideous pastel-colored polo shirts that will be showing up at the Redmond Goodwill in 3 months.
I turned around and walked away from the store, looked up and saw the exhibition hall about fifty yards ahead of me. Lunch was served.
I entered the massive hall without incident and saw scores of round tables spread around the room and approximately 10 rectangular tables in the center that had signs hanging above that read: BUFFET. It was then I realized I had hit upon my mission’s next goal: Find a hot lunch, served on a glass plate with flatware. The only bummer was that I had already eaten! My sweet tooth was still acting up though, so I ambled over to one of the food tables to see if there was some dessert.
By now it was about 12:45 and the lunch crowd was thinning a bit. I felt completely safe as I walked over to a buffet table and checked out the lunch. It was definitely a cut above the typical convention faire. There was a “build your own Caesar salad” section that had fresh lettuce, cherry tomatoes, boneless chicken, dressing and Parmesan cheese. There were heated buffet pans that held chicken Cordon Bleu, whole new potatoes and mixed vegetables. There was also vegetarian entree (a “pot pie” type casserole with a baked crust that looked tasty). And lastly down at the far end of the table; the desert. It was a chocolate mousse pie with whipped cream frosting and a dollop of fudge on the top. It looked rich and delicious.
I picked up the stainless steel spatula and dessert plate to serve myself a piece of pie. I gently laid the sweet pastry on the plate, picked up linen napkin and looked around the room for a vacant table. For a moment I thought I might sit down at a table with some other diners just for the thrill of it, but I decided against that. I didn’t want to talk to any of these people.
submitted by misterquipster to TheMissionSeries [link] [comments]

Offseason Blueprint: The Dallas Mavericks have started a quest that may end with a ring (again)

The playoffs continue to rage on, but there are 26 teams sitting at home with nothing to do but twiddle their thumbs and wait for next season to start.
For their sake, we wanted to look ahead with the next edition of the OFFSEASON BLUEPRINT series. In each, we'll preview some big decisions and make some recommendations for plans of attack along the way. Today, we're looking at the Dallas Mavericks
step one: seek out the One Ring to rule them all
I've been re-watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy on HBO Max, so I apologize if some of that seeps through to this edition. But as you know, in that movie, there's one "ring" of paramount value. Certainly, that applies to the NBA as well. We have the biggest and baddest dudes on the planet, all salivating and selling their souls over a little piece of jewelry.
In the case of the Dallas Mavericks, it's not a foolhardy quest at all. I tend to dismiss the simplistic "title or bust!" mentality for most franchises. It's really friggin' hard to win a title in a league with 30 teams. If you can win 45-50 games and maybe win a playoff round or two, then you had a good, worthwhile season. You have a reason to keep plugging away. Even what the Mavs achieved this year -- the 6th seed and 2 playoff wins -- is admirable. They didn't win big, but they gave their fans a thrill along the way.
Of course, that's not the ultimate goal. The goal is a championship. And the Mavericks are one of the few teams in the league that can actually win one. Luka Doncic, at 21 years old, is already a first team All-NBA performer. He could win the MVP as soon as next season. The coaching staff is top notch. The supporting cast is close to title-worthy. The ingredients are all almost here.
So when we examine the Dallas Mavericks, we have to keep that high bar in place. Winning 45 games isn't going to be good enough. Winning 50 games isn't good enough. We want to strive for 55. 60. We want to strive for 1 seeds, 2 seeds. And of course, we want to strive for a championship. It's what Dirk Nowitzki achieved for this franchise in the past, and it's what Luka Doncic may deliver now. He's the true heir -- the true bloodline of Isildur. The Mavs shouldn't be satisfied until all the other lands bow down and acknowledge his place as the rightful king.
step two: let the courage of hobbits inspire you
Rick Carlisle made his reputation as a more defensive-minded, grit and grind assistant coach, so it's interesting to see that his team has evolved into an offensive juggernaut.
The Mavs don't actually play with a super fast pace (18th in the league), but they embrace an analytical approach. They're 2nd in three point attempts, and 28th in twos. Their free throw rate is in the top 10 if you combine the last two seasons. There's a rudimentary stat that measures your "MoreyBall" ratio -- basically (FTA + 3PA) / 2PA. The league average is roughly 1.00. The Rockets are far and away the top of that leaderboard with a ratio of 1.51. The Mavs were second in the NBA with 1.33.
After Houston bombed out against the Lakers, there may be some concern that their style of play doesn't work. Perhaps Dallas shouldn't follow in their footsteps after all...
But that would be a mistake. MoreyBall does work. The math is on your side. We can't look at Houston's failure as a failure of concept -- it was a failure of execution. The Rockets' approach may have worked if they had the right personnel. However, the Rockets were severely limited by their lack of depth, their lack of shooting at the PG position, and their lack of size at the wing. They ended up playing guys like Eric Gordon (6'4") heavy minutes at the 3, where he's usually losing ground to most forwards.
The flaws that doomed Houston may not apply to Dallas. Dallas is a deep team. Dallas is a tall team at virtually every position, highlighted by a big-ass guard/wing in Luka Doncic and a giant Latvian man. Dallas is a team that has sharpshooters across the roster. They finished top 10 in 3P% despite Luka Doncic sagging down at 31.6%. If Doncic can get up into the 34-35% range, then the team's offense may take yet another step up. That's a scary thought, given that they were already the # 1 offense in the league.
Houston set the template of how to play the "right way" (or perhaps, the "smart way"), but it's up to Dallas to follow through with the proper personnel. You can still play MoreyBall without hobbits and dwarves. In fact, if you do it with humans and giants, then you may have an unstoppable army.
step three: give out new contracts with the urgency of an Ent
In Lord of the Rings, the Ents are tree guardians who make decisions at a frustratingly slow pace. Theirs is a long-term approach, with consideration to the next hundred and thousand years.
The Dallas Mavericks don't have to think that far ahead, but they can't lose sight of the forest for the trees either. As good as the team may be now, they still may be one major piece away from a championship caliber roster. And that piece may realistically come in free agency. The Mavs have $107M committed to next season, but only $72M after that, and only $62M the following year. They're going to be major players in free agency in 2021 and/or 2022.
This is the type of team -- the type of roster -- the type of tax-free state -- that star free agents will have to consider. Giannis Antetokounmpo may be the ultimate dream, but there are other major stars like LeBron James (unlikely), Kawhi Leonard, and Paul George that will available in 2021 as well. Heck, maybe it's even fringe All-Stars like Jrue Holiday or Gordon Hayward that could put the team over the top.
But whomever it may be, the Mavs need to keep the space to draw them in. And as such, they should hold onto their future cap space as much as they can in the immediate term. How does that manifest? The Mavs should be reluctant to give out any new money past 2020-21.
The most immediate threat to that may be Tim Hardaway Jr., a possible free option. Overpaid or not, he's still a good player who averaged 15.8 PPG on 39.8% shooting from 3 (7.2 attempts per game.) 28-year-old shooters are going to get some solid cash when they put up numbers like that. It's unlikely that Hardaway will match his current $19M player option, but he may still try to take advantage of his momentum and try to negotiate a longer-term deal with the Mavs or another team. Even if he takes a haircut in salary next year, he can add an additional 2-3 years to his contract.
It may be a tricky negotiation. As mentioned, the Mavs should be careful about dipping too far into their future cap room. In an ideal world, Hardaway would "opt in" and play out the final year of his contract. Still, Hardaway may press them for more money, either in the short or long term. The Mavs can even bite the bullet and offer more money in 2020-21 than he's due (which is an "overpay" already) if it means they can save some future cash. Hardaway is an important piece for their playoff run next year, but will also be a useful piece in a deeper run down the road. Keeping him -- while retaining their future cap space -- will be the team's challenge.
Another potential sticking point could be late acquisition Trey Burke. He played well for the Mavs, utilizing his scoring talents to add a spark off the bench. Did Burke play well enough to earn guaranteed money next year? Yes. Did he play well enough to earn multiple years of guaranteed money? I'm not so sure. If he did, the Mavs need to be cautious here. If they do re-sign Burke for multiple years, it may have to come in tandem with a trade of Delon Wright. I've always been a huge fan of Wright -- who has a great frame and solid slashing instincts -- but he didn't fit in like a glove with Dallas yet. If the Mavs prefer Burke, I'd try to find a taker for Wright, who should be trade-able on his salary ($9M + $9M.)
step four: maintain the Two Towers
Hopefully, the Dallas Mavericks sign or trade for another star and build a potential dynasty for themselves. If not, they still have two foundational stars in Luka Doncic and Kristaps Porzingis. The pillars of the team -- the two towers.
Given their importance, the Mavericks need to work hard to improve -- or even maintain -- their success. Luka Doncic is awfully close to Basketball Perfection, but there's some improvement he can have at the margins. His defense can be lethargic at times; if he's going to be the best player in the world, he needs to be more locked in there. As mentioned, his shooting can also improve. He's a good shooter, but the results aren't extraordinary -- he hit 31.6% of his threes and 75.8% from the free throw line. If he can get those numbers up, it would go a long way to MVP status. If he doesn't, teams are going to drop off him more in pick and roll situations and dare him to shoot more often. He's so effective at using his size and body control to score inside that you'd hate to see him settle too often.
One potential way to juice Doncic's numbers would be to help him from a shot distribution perspective. Like most primary playmakers, he takes his threes from above the break -- the longest, hardest three point shots. He rarely gets "easy" threes from the corner. In fact, basketball-reference charted that only 2.0% of his threes came from the corner, an exceedingly low rate. If the Mavs can run some more plays to get Doncic some corner shots, he'll be even more deadly. They don't necessarily need to do that, but it couldn't hurt. Golden State runs plays to get Steph Curry some quick open corner threes, and it makes them all the more lethal for it.
As far as Porzingis goes, it's more a matter of "maintaining" than "improving." Any time you have a 7'3" player lumbering around, you have to be cautious about his long term health. This past regular season, Porzingis played 57 of 75 regular season games (76%), which feels like a reasonable number. Still, he struggled to maintain that through the postseason. If the Mavs want to pencil in 10+ games of postseason play every year, they may need to limit Porzingis' regular season minutes even more. Perhaps 30 minutes a game for 65 games a year would be a prudent goal. The strong play of Maxi Kleber and the return of Dwight Powell should make that possible.
Another way to maintain and manage your stars is to keep surrounding them with capable talent. The NBA season is a long slog like a Tolkien trilogy, so you need to keep introducing some new role players like Faramir or Theoden to help give your main characters a breather once and a while. To that end, the Mavs will have two solid picks in this draft -- # 18 and # 31. At 18, I'd like to see them select another wing like Josh Green (Arizona) or Saddiq Bey (Villanova). Tall wing players are like peanut butter -- they go with anything. You can never go wrong filling your fridge with them. Jalen Smith (Maryland) could be another intriguing option; he's a 6'10" PF/C with a capable three point shot. At # 31, they may have the chance to draft and "stash" an international player like Leandro Bolmaro (Argentina). The franchise has had a wee bit of success with international players, after all.
other offseason blueprints
submitted by ZandrickEllison to nba [link] [comments]

The founder of Synanon Charles E. Dederich which is the inspiration of the Troubled Teen Industry/Rehab Industry was involved with Alcoholics Anonymous controlled by the Jesuit Order

For anyone interested Charles E. Dederich who is the founder of the Synanon Rehab in California which is considered as a cult was also involved with Alcoholics Anonymous controlled by the Jesuit Order:
Synanon, is the first ever self help–no doctors– drug rehabilitation program, founded by Charles “Chuck” Dederich Sr. (1913–1997) in 1958 in Santa Monica, California. The name was chosen when a member slurred the words “Symposium” and “Seminar.” One of its early cardinal rules was “no violence” or threat of same. It went from the first ever no doctor involved self help drug rehab (Synanon I), to a building of a new society in Synanon cities to lead the world into the 21st Century (Synanon II), to becoming a self-claimed religion (Synanon III). Eventually followers took on the paranoia of its founder, Synanon developed the Imperial Marines and commenced a Holy War against its enemies. Its ultimate doom came when Dederich and members tried to kill by means of a de-rattled rattlesnake in the mailbox, Pacific Palisades lawyer Paul Morantz who was battling Synanon in the court and trying to expose the Foundation for criminal conspiracies. The below Synanon 1, II and III are Synanon’s own designation of its history (Deposition of Charles Dederich; People vs. Dederich; IRS vs. Synanon, Morantz Synanon archives)
Dederich was born in Ohio in 1913. At age 4, when his father died in an auto crash, his mother, an accomplished pianist, made him the family male figure and her favorite. At age 8 his youngest brother died of influenza and Dederich felt guilty and responsible. He would never bond with kids again, including his own until they became adults. At age 12 his mother remarried and Dederich went on a jealous rage turning to drinking and rebel rousing. He flunked out of Notre Dame for lack of effort and worked for the Mellon family. He married, but drinking ended it. He was saved from meningitis in the l940s by the discovery of penicillin. It left a droopy eye and a facial tick. He decided to move to Santa Monica and become a beach bum. He got a job at Hughes Tools. He remarried, but alcohol did in that marriage, too. He was found passed out on a kitchen floor and was told, “Fatso,” if you do not go to Alcoholic Anonymous you will die.” (Dr. Dan Casriel, So Fair a House, Yablonski, The Tunnel Back: Guy Endore, Synanon; Charles Dederich tapes on history of Synanon.)
Dederich became an AA favorite speaker and went to an AA meeting every day. During a bout of paranoia where he would not leave his room, he read Emerson’s “Self Reliance” and using it as a bible he quit his job to devout full time to cleaning up other Alcoholics. He existed on a $35 unemployment check and charity from others. He volunteered for a Dr. Keith Ditman LSD experiment and felt he had a cathartic break through and now understood the world and that good and bad were the same. He studied on his own in a library and his AA speeches changed from typical religious overtones to a psychological/philosophy slant. He gathered his own following in AA and after a time of meetings at apartments, they rented a small store in seedy Venice. The original name was The Tender Loving Care Club. They played the “game” in which anyone was allowed to say anything, true or not, to someone to cause an effect. Only the threat of violence was prohibited. It was a game because one being gamed could turn the game on another. They survived by begging stale food from catering trucks, hookers doing tricks and donations. For a shower, a hose ran through a window (Casriel, So Fair a House, Yablonski, The Tunnel Back: Guy Endore, Synanon; Charles Dederich tapes on history of Synanon).
Drug users started coming, and the alcoholics objected, and since there was already AA Dederich tossed out the drunks and kept the “dope fiends.” A member’s sluring the words “symposium” and “seminar” led to name Synanon.
On the wall was a lifesaver called the “U.S. Hang Tough” and Dederich pulled on everyone to stay, promising that a great future would “emerge.” When members kicked and their shakes disappeared many were told their problems were they still loved their mothers and were given suggested mates for holding power. Addicts’ behaviors and past lives were attacked viciously in games, members were told their lives depended on staying, contacts with family were prohibited, and a system of rewards and punishments was applied. Publicly one was berated (“haircut”) for misdeeds and this was designed to “carom” off and affect behavior of those watching. Dederich and Yablonsky acknowledged that the system was brainwashing (thought reform) as described by Dr. Robert Jay Lifton in “Coercive Persuasion—The psychology of Totalism (Yablonski, The Tunnel Back). So did Synanon member Steve Simon in his Harvard dissertation (the danger of being a participant observer is that you may be converted). Simon, not heeding what he wrote, later went to prison for destroying evidence unfavorable to Synanon (People vs. Simon). Dederich said freedom to think to a dope addict was like a gun to a baby, and they wash dirty brains. Dederich is credited with coining the phrase “Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life.” (Casriel, So Fair a House, Yablonski, The Tunnel Back: Guy Endore, Synanon; Charles Dederich tapes on history of Synanon).
Dederich preached “Act as If” which meant do not try to reason as to what Synanon asks they do; as thinking got them there, just trust what they were told and act as if it is right. (Dederich, “Act as If).” In 1962 Dederich moved to an empty National Guard building on the beach in Santa Monica. Neighbors complained fearing Synanon would unleash non-recovered addicts into Santa Monica who came from other areas. Dederich was arrested for operating in Santa Monica without a health license and out of zone. Convicted, rather than move as condition of probation he chose to go to jail. This made him a public hero and Governor Edmund Brown, Sr. signed a save Synanon bill giving Synanon an exemption from Health licensing laws. Synanon was allowed to have members kick addiction “cold turkey” without drugs. The medical board was to establish rules for Synanon but never did. The imprisonment made Dederich a public martyr. Monetary donations came in from the rich and Hollywood, as guys like Robert Wagner, Leonard Nimoy and Ben Gazzra came to Synanon to play the game with ex-addicts and ex-hookers. Life Magazine did a 14 page photo spread, which a Congressman called the “Miracle on the Beach”, and Columbia Pictures made a movie “Synanon, ” starring Edmond O’Brien, Chuck Conners and Stella Stevens. (Casriel, So Fair a House, Yablonski, The Tunnel Back: Guy Endore, Synanon; Charles Dederich tapes on history of Synanon, Columbia Pictures: Synanon). With its sudden fame, by early 1964 Synanon had also become an alternative community, attracting people with its emphasis on living a self-examined life, as aided by group truth-telling sessions known as the “Synanon Game.” With its new wealth, they started building its first “city” in Marin County (Tomales Bay). (Yablonski, The Tunnel Back: Guy Endore, Synanon; Charles Dederich tapes on history of Synanon). Professionals, even those without drug addictions, were eagerly invited to join, provided they transferred their assets to the organization. Control over members occurred through the “Synanon Game.” The “Game” could be considered a therapeutic tool, likened to group therapy; or a social control, in which members humiliated one another and encouraged the exposure of one’s innermost weaknesses, or both. Members were to confess in games and no secrets were allowed.
Dederich concluded in l967 that the program was not a success, and ended the concept of “graduation.” Without continued peer pressure, most ex-addicts reverted on leaving, as did the Korean prisoners of War (giving up Communism) in 90-days. (Robert Jay Lifton, Coercive Persuasion, the Psychology of Totalism). As full recovery for graduates was not happening sufficiently, Dederich proclaimed no one should ever graduate. Remain forever and they could build a Utopian world designed by Dederich. Dederich was familiar with “Walden’s Pond” and the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson and B. F. Skinner. The organization developed a business that sold promotional items, a successful enterprise that eventually generated roughly $10 million per year of revenue. Synanon enterprises would run gas stations, pottery making, apartment buildings and other income businesses without having to pay workers or taxes. Dederich bought and sold real estate. ( Dederich tapes on Synanon history; Tony Lang, Synanon, Guy Endore, Synanon, Gerstel Paradise, Inc)
Synanon purchased in 1967 the Club Casa del Mar, a large beach side 1926 hotel in Santa Monica (during WW II it was a military headquarters), and used it as a center and dormitory for drug treatment and business operations. Synanon pressured old club members to leave and complaints led to the city taking a wrongful action that may have changed Synanon’s course in history. The city claimed it owned the beach front and rather than take the issue to court it sent police officers and bulldozers across the sand knocking down cabanas and paved courts. Paddy Wagons awaited Synanon protesters. Dederich appeared at a press conference and declared the city had fallen into the hands of Mad Dogs and Synanon would sue them all. As a result of its poor conduct, Santa Monica surrendered and Synanon became untouchable. It no longer obeyed zoning rules, sympathetic donations reheated and Synanon soon became Santa Monica’s largest land owner.(West Magazine, l967, Morantz archives on Synanon) Subsequently, Synanon acquired a large industrial building in Oakland, California, transforming it into a residential facility for its members, outsiders were permitted to attend the “Game” there as well. California donated a block long building in San Francisco.
Babies were taken from the parents and raised in the “Hatchery.” Mothers who wanted to see their kids too much were called “head suckers.” Children were reared communally in the Synanon School where eventually they wrote essays on Dederich telling everyone what to do, Syndo (karate) “changing partners,” childliness, and fighting the “Holy War.” (Casriel, So Fair a House, Yablonski, The Tunnel Back: Guy Endore, Synanon; Charles Dederich tapes on history of Synanon; Dederich, “Childiness; Time Magazine l977).
Synanon instituted “containment” which was disallowing contact with outsiders. One was to participate only in Synanon. Synanon’s goal, Dederich said, was to lead the world into the 21st Century and “anything less than changing the world is Mickey Mouse.” (Morantz archives on Synanon, Gerstel, Paradise Inc.”)
Dederich experimented with environmental manipulations so as to recreate the heightened awareness and inner discoveries he experienced while taking LSD. To recruit needed non addict club members, Dederich created The Trip, forerunner of Werner Erhard’s est training, which was a combination of group psychotherapy, coercive persuasion, mysticism and old fashion spiritual revival. (Tony Lang, Synanon, Morantz archives on Synanon).
Dederich designed an efficient program of individual emotional breakdowns followed by a mass group euphoria all designed to re-educate individuals into the Synanon II philosophy and lifestyle. It was first offered to the selected few as an honor, but the entire population was eventually targeted. Dederich called it an “insight producing” experience.
Dederich said: “At the end of this rainbow, there will be a pot of gold. Through dissipation, or long hours of activity without very much sleep, we hope to bring about in you a conscious state of inebriation… we want to get you loaded without acid.
“You will learn more about yourself, your fellow man, the world, the nature of reality in one weekend than you would in four years. “Let your ego go…let things happen to you. It’s a feeling of closeness to each other we are after, the death of the ego. A reference point for the rest of your life. You may change your value system, notions about life and viewpoints about people. It will produce a new breed of human beings with greatly expanded potentials. If you do your best, you can’t fail.” (Tony Lang, Synanon, Morantz archives on Synanon).
At 7 p.m. on Friday the chosen Trippers, around 50 in number, of all ages, were met in the Del Mar lobby by people dressed in long white robes and yellow silk scarves. A Shepherd led them through candle-lit and incense-burning corridors to a locker room filled with rows of Army cots with name cards. Each person stripped and put on white robes. Watches were taken as time was no longer important. Women removed all makeup and jewelry, a symbolic stripping of past selves. (Tony Lang, Synanon, Morantz archives on Synanon).
The Guides, all experienced game players, turned each group from enthusiasm to a depression and defeat, wallowing in its collective shame. Sitting in comfortable green armchairs, they made the dope fiends tell their tales of drugs, rape, crime and beatings. The squares were pushed to confess their prior loneliness and despair. The games turned on one than another. Disoriented by lack of sleep, each was moved to the point of intense disillusionment. Aids, who did their homework, provided ammunition to the Conductors on each Tripper. Everyone was to cop-out (confess to past sins).
The result was implantation of a common bond and sense of ideals, all identified with Synanon. Each Tripper was to write a paper on some feeling or admission. A big shot would advise the Trippers they were not really chosen as an honor, but each was really selected because each was a resister, thinking he or she knew better the direction Synanon should go, part of the “dummies that hold Synanon back.” “Maybe,” Dederich said, “one day we will just put dingbats like you against the wall and wash them off and bring them back into the human race.” (Tony Lang, Synanon, Morantz archives on Synanon).
There was The Witching Hour which featured a Ouija Board to be operated by Witches, two women in black and white robes. The board would spell out Emerson messages on self-reliance, but self-reliance was interpreted as the ability to make choices and the best way to end loneliness and suffering was through trusting in Synanon. They would adopt the Synanon family, said the board, or the “fifth circle” in Dante’s hell, where tormented souls are terrorized and torn, awaited them. (Tony Lang, Synanon, Morantz archives on Synanon).
When the first Tripper, physically and emotionally exhausted, “broke” and wept it caromed to the others. Crying, Trippers embraced, feeling euphoria and transcending love. The Conductor made it clear this was the resisters’ last chance. Their last hope. The game took on each unbroken’s dirty rotten story with great brutality. Aids returned with smut obtained from the un-broken’s spouses to use. The broken joined the attack. Some Trippers began to hallucinate, Dederich having achieved his LSD replicated altered state of consciousness. Fighting to stay awake, defenses wiped away, the unbroken broke and asked for forgiveness. Some rolled up on the floor in fetal positions. Some laughed, others howled and sobbed. Some cried for their mothers. When they asked for friends they were hugged in mass. All thought the experience was beautiful. (Tony Lang, Synanon, Morantz archives on Synanon). Dederich would elsewhere declare that if you kept people up long enough you can make them believe anything (Deposition of Charles Dederich, Morantz vs Synanon, Morantz archives on Synanon.
At eight a.m. Monday hand in hand the Trippers went down the corridor toward the sounds of band music. Now in a ballroom the Trippers were surrounded by hundreds of cheering, clapping Synanites. The Trippers, many of whom had been awake for 65 or more hours, were hugged and cheered. A hoop-a-la began (Synanon’s dance). Everyone bonded. All had pain. One just had to surrender to Synanon. Teachers, lawyers, doctors, police, politicians, all got hooked, many forming an allegiance previously not matched in their lives to the group and trainers that trained them. The Trip was so successful that in only its second year the lifestylers business contributed $500,000. (Tony Lang, Synanon, Morantz archives on Synanon). (Tony Lang, Synanon, Morantz archives on Synanon).
Despite the Trip conversion success, the old-timers, the Retired Dope Fiends, aka The Walking Dead, remained a problem. As the alcoholics had not wanted change, neither did they. Curing dope fiends was what they wanted. Dederich placed them in a 72 hour game (“stew”) and harangued them for not seeing his vision. Later the “flies” (Dederich trained youngsters) took over the attack. When all were exhausted Dederich returned and offered forgiveness for surrender. (Tony Lang, Synanon).
Juveniles in the 70’s were often sent to Synanon by juvenile agencies or by courts on juvenile officers’ recommendation. Synanon wanted the kids to try to keep their tax free status and placed them in a militaristic “Punk Squad” (forerunner of Scared Straight and other failed camp programs). As these juveniles did not want to be there, Synanon methods failed. Violence was then permitted upon them, breaking for first time Synanon’s “non violent rule.” Children were struck across the face, knocked down, otherwise punished and then “gamed.” Soon the OK on violence would spread to “splitees,” suspected thieves and perceived spies and enemies. (Synanon Punk Squad Files; Deposition of Synanon school master, Morantz vs. Synanon, IRS vs. Synanon)
Dederich was ahead of times in ordering aerobics, running, diets and non smoking. All such “notions” Dederich declared were also a “squeeze” to get rotten fruit out of Synanon (those who will not obey). (Deposition of Charles Dederich, Morantz vs. Dederich; Morantz vs. Synanon, IRS vs. Synanon.) Beginning in the mid-1970s, women were required to shave their heads (men did the same and bib overalls became the uniform). (Gerstel, Paradise, Inc.)
On remote properties in California such as Tomales Bay in Marin County and Badger, Tulare County, the organization had built un-permitted buildings, a trash dump, and an airstrip. (Gerstel, Paradise Inc.) Beginning in 1974 the authorities began to question Synanon’s promises and practices. The concept of “lifetime rehabilitation” did not agree with therapeutic norms, and eventually in l977 attorney Paul Morantz would bring to the Health Dept’s attention that the group was running an unauthorized medical clinic and taking in people with medical needs Synanon had no license to treat. Tax issues arose. In response to these accusations, Dederich declared in l974 that Synanon was a tax exempt religious organization, the “Church of Synanon.” A memo declaring it a religion asked a question that didn’t need to be answered: “Who will be God?” (Gerstel, Paradise Inc.; Morantz vs. Synanon, IRS vs. Synanon) Dederich declared no more children (1976) as they take time away from Synanon goals. Males were forced in games to have vasectomies performed by Synanon doctors, and a few pregnant women were even required to have an abortion. One was four months pregnant. Childbirth said Dederich, was no more important than squeezing out a football. (Dederich, “Childbirth Unmasked.) Dederich and his wife sat on thrones and often wore robs. Dederich declared when he moved to The Home Place in Badger he did not want ex dope fiends around him (Gerstel, Paradise Inc.). In l977 when Dederich’s wife Betty died he married a volunteer to be his wife and decided to save others from pain of death or divorce by ordering all married couples to break up every 3 years and take new partners selected by Synanon (“love matches”). (Time Magazine, Dec, 1977). Some believe Betty’s Death unleashed Dederich’s fury. Yet the Imperial Marines were named officially “Her Majesty’s Imperial Marines,” and she was often at their training and spoke of a militant Synanon (Wendell Stamps Imperial Marine diary).
The Foundation had the “wire,” an internal broadcasting system that played 24 hours with repeated talk of getting the enemies. George Orwell’s l984 had arrived early. In not too long of a time, Synanon commenced training the Imperial Marines in Depot Flats in the Badger Mountains and then attacked over 40 people (some attacks were before Marines trained—Dederich, “New Religious Posture, Don’t Fuck with Synanon. “Carom” shots now involved public beatings and getting “enemies” on missions that went coast to coast. Members were taught that if caught on a violent mission to go to jail and to not blame Synanon. (Synanon board minutes—Jady Dederich, Wendall Stamps Imperial Marine diary, People vs. Dederich, IRS vs, Synanon). Publicly, Dederich warned that people should not mess with Synanon because the organization could not control its members. “Bombs,” he would say in l978 to news reporter Connie Chung (CBS NEWS l978), could go off in homes of critics (Deposition of Dederich, Synanon vs. Time, Inc.; Synanon vs. ABC). Synanon members bought stock in ABC and attended a stock holders meeting, and naming their names, the members, identifying themselves as former members of Murder Incorporated, asked if the board had protection for their wives (Synanon vs. ABC, AP Western Union Telegram; Pat Lynch, NBC segment 3). Inside, Dederich compared Synanon to the mafia (Synanon Think Table Summaries; Dederich, “New Religious Posture—Don’t Fuck with Synanon). The Marines were led by Dr. Douglas Robson who would eventually flee in fear of arrest and set up practice in Seattle. (Synanon Holy War file, Robson letters, IRS vs. Synanon).
Abused Children assigned to Synanon began running away, helped by an “underground railroad,” led by neighboring rancher Alvin Gambonini, who sought to return them to their parents. A Synanon mob beat Gambini in front of his family. (Dave Mitchell, The Light on Synanon; Gerstel, Paradise Inc.: Letter from Dederich to Mike Garrett. Synanon Holy War file memos on beating). Beatings of opponents, alleged thieves and ex-members ( “splittees”) occurred across the country. Synanon mobs attacked teenagers and youngsters who got too close to the property. (Dave Mitchell, The Light on Synanon; Gerstel, Paradise Inc.. Synanon Holy War file memos on beatings, Dr. Doug Robson letters, various police reports).
In l977 in Santa Monica, Synanon took in a woman in a pre-psychotic break, and would not return her to her husband and transferred her to Tomales Bay. The husband hired attorney Paul Morantz, who had recently finished a case against persons who had kidnapped skid row alcoholics and kept them on thorazine in nursing homes in order to bill the State. Morantz and Synanon locked horns for 8 years. (IRS v. Synanon; Morantz vs. Synanon; Winn vs. Synanon; Renfroe vs. Golden State).
A Grand Jury in Marin County, pushed by Paul Morantz, issued a scathing report in March of 1978 attacking Synanon for its child abuse and for the profits that flowed to Dederich, weapons, threat and also attacking authorities for their lack of oversight. Remarkably, the authorities refused to intercede. (Marin Grand Jury Report on Synanon l978). Though local newspapers and broadcast media covered the case, they were largely silenced by lawsuits from Synanon lawyers charging libel. The Associate Press did a study of Synanon’s efforts to discourage the press (AP Study on Synanon Retraction Program).
Local authorities refused to investigate after the Gran Jury report issued and this caught the attention of Dave Mitchell who ran a small weekly, “The Point Reyes Light.” Mitchell found the report rejection was led by Sheriff Lou Montanos who turned out to have been nominated for Sherriff with Synanon help and who had given gun permits to Dederich and second in command Dan Garrett. Mitchell developed a “deep throat” in the Sheriff department, Art Disterheft. (Mitchell, Light on Synanon. Other journalists who took on Synanon were LA Times reporter Narda Zuchinno and CBS’s Connie Chung. Synanon’s purchase of over $200,000 dollars of weapons from a single gun store also brought media attention. (Synanon vs. KGO, Los Angeles Times archives, CBS News archives)/ Law suits brought by Morantz, and ones by Synanon against ABC and Time Magazine ultimately turned out to be Synanon’s undoing, giving through legal investigation journalists access to some internal documents on violence. Synanon members were instructed in writing to physically harm others, take responsibility for it and never reveal Synanon’s involvement. Those who went to jail for Synanon were treated as heroes. Dederich officially declared it a “Holy War.” (Dederich letter to Mike Garrett, Synanon Holy War file, 1978 Board minutes of Synanon—Jady Dederich, Morantz vs Synanon, IRS vs. Synanon.
In June of l978 Ernestine White, a black grandmother was trying to get her three grand kids out. Her daughter died in Synanon and the husband split. Paul Morantz got the court order giving Ms. White custody, but Synanon refused to turn them over. Morantz had prepared for that. Upon Synanon’s disobedience, 13 police vehicles surrounded the building and drew their weapons. The police told Synanon the kids were coming with them; the only question was how? All three minors were then returned to Ms. White. (White vs. Butler, Herb Caen column, Pat Lynch, NBC Synanon segment 3.)
During summer l978 California congressman, Herschel Rosenthal, a long-time Synanon supporter, attached a rider to a bill that if passed would exempt Synanon from all health licensing laws regardless of condition person taken in. The Marin County Supervisors, including Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein did not want to take a public position against Synanon as it was a constituent. Through a telehone call to Paul Morantz by the Marin County council, the Supervisors requested Morantz lobby to defeat the bill which was in its last committee for vote. Morantz did and the bill was defeated by one vote.
Eventually, on September 21, 2008 the Marines tried to murder ex-member Phil Ritter, who was trying to get his child out and had gone to the authorities complaining of forced vasectomies in Synanon, by clubbing him over the head (Berkely Gazette September 1978; Mitchell, the Light on Synanon). At the same time Pacific Palisades attorney Paul Morantz won a $300,000 judgment against the group on allegations that it had kidnapped, imprisoned and attempted to brainwash a woman on the verge of a psychotic break. He had been litigating against the organization, getting children returned to their families, giving information to the media, lobbying against a Synanon bill and fighting to expose its hit squad to law enforcement. Ex-Synanon members heard from members inside Synanon, that they had Morantz’s address and that he was next, While Morantz was meeting with the California terrorist unit and LAPDID (intelligence) for protection on October 10, 2008, Synanon Marines Joe Musico and Lance Kenton, son of band leader Stan Kenton, as part of conspiracy with Dederich and other top officials, placed a 4-foot rattle snake sans rattles in Morantz’s mailbox. (Mitchell, the Light on Synanon).
The Imperial Marines had caught and caged rattlesnakes in training (Wendall Stamps, Imperial Marine diary) and the snake was from Visalia (expert testimony, People vs. Dederich). Morantz was bitten and hospitalized for 11 days. A Los Angeles District Attorney search warrant led to a discovery of an audio tape wherein Dederich bragged of beatings that had occurred, the Imperial Marine training, and said one day the message would be delivered to everyone “Don’t mess with Synanon. You can get killed Dead. Physically Dead.” Morantz’s name was mentioned in the tape along with threats to get the wives and children of adverse lawyers. (Deposition of Paul Morantz, Morantz vs. Synanon; People vs. Dederich; IRS vs. Synanon.
Before the snake in the mailbox, Dederich, to escape a warrant for his arrest in Washington, D.C. fled to Europe where he returned to alcohol drinking. He was passed out when he was arrested for the assault and attempted murder of Paul Morantz. (People vs. Dederich; Arrest report on Charles Dederich; IRS vs. Synanon).
The Department of Justice in the 80’s, hiring Morantz and sociologist Richard Offshe as consultants, sued Synanon to remove its tax-free status retroactively for committing a reign of terrorism. The concept was based on law that even charities are taxed if they commit acts against public policy. Synanon fought and lost the action on summary judgment based on their own admissions in their internal records. After litigation over the tax assessment, which in the end it could not pay, Synanon doors finally closed for good in 1991. (IRS vs. Synanon) Before the attack on Morantz, Synanon had opened a new “private corporation” city in Lake Havasu which was a plan to send Synanon money to the private corporation and then into the hands of Synanon leaders through salaries. (Dederich tape: The Freebies are Over; Arizona vs. Home Place Inc., Morantz archives on Synanon.)
On March 20, 1978, a former member of Synanon, Tom Cardineau was severely beaten (for being an alleged spy) while tied to a post during his honeymoon when he took his bride to show her where he had once lived on the Walker Creek Ranch. (Dave Mitchell, Light on Synanon; Dave Gerstel, Paradise Inc.; Marin County crime report on Cardineau beating.)
They also beat a neighboring rancher, Gamboninni, who was helping children run away from Synanon and return to their parents (Light on Synanon; Dave Gerstel, Paradise Inc.; Marin County crime report on Gambinini beating, Synanon memos describing incident.
Ron Eidson, after a road skirmish, and refusing Dr. Robson’s demand for apology, was pistol whipped and hospitalized while shotguns were held on his watching family. He and his family were represented by Paul Morantz and Ed Martin in a civil suit. (Eidson v. Robson, Synanon; Synanon memos describing incident)
Many young teenagers who got too close to Synanon property were beaten brutally by Synanon mobs. Teeth were knocked out. Believed trespassers were taken into the basements of Santa Monica Del Mar building and worked over on directions of Dr. Robson. Synanon evicted by tossing people and belongings out of apartments (even off a roof). (Robson letters, crime reports, Synanon memos on each event, Synanon Holy War file, Depostions of ex-Synanon member, Morantz vs. Synanon; IRS vs. Synanon).
Dan Garrett ordered a kidnapping and then changed the order to beating the person on the spot. (People vs. Dederich, Synanon memos on incident).
Synanon lawyer Howard Garfield ordered Marine head Dr. Douglas Robson to collect all Synanon memos describing their violence and transfer them to legal department so attorney client privilege would attach. Robson wrote back the mission was accomplished (Garfield-Robson letters). But in fact Robson had failed and the violence memos, including the Garfield-Robson letters were scatter in the Synanon San Franciso warehouse which was opened for copying to the law firm of Lillick, Mchose and Charles (to avoid discovery sanctions) who then found them (Synanon vs. ABC; IRS vs. Synanon).
After the rattlesnake incident, Mary Robson, wife of Imperial Marine leader Dr. Douglas Robson, went to a neighbor of Paul Morantz’s mother and left her card so Morantz would know Synanon knew where his mother was. (Robson card, Morantz memorandum).
In the summer of 1978 NBC produced a “hard hitting” news segment on Synanon. Following its broadcast, executives of the network and its corporate chairman received hundreds of threats from Synanon members and supporters, including letters that said, “Your actions place you in legal and physical peril” and “We are going to teach you a lesson you will never forget.”
September 21, 1978 ex-member Phil Ritter, was severely beaten by two members, causing him to fall into a coma for a week. Fluid leaked into his spine causing a near fatal case of spinal meningitis. Former Synanon President Jack Hurst spoke out against Synanon and found his home door open and his dog hung. (Berkeley Gazette l978, Mitchell, Light on Synanon).
Several weeks later, October 10, 1978, two Synanon members placed a de-rattled rattlesnake in the mailbox of attorney Paul Morantz in Pacific Palisades, California. Morantz had successfully brought suit on behalf of a woman abducted by Synanon, winning a $300,000 judgment, obtained release of children, gave information to the press and lobbied (defeating) another Synanon bill written by Herschel Rosenthal. The snake bit Morantz but did not kill him. Before the incident, Synanon investigator Chris Reynolds wrote a memo on Morantz, giving his home address to Synanon legal department. (Reynolds memo, People vs. Dederich; IRS vs. Synanon). It was read on the Synanon wire while Dederich would bellow when will one of you have the guts to go to LA and do something about him, break his knees.
Six weeks later the Los Angeles Police Department performed a search of the ranch in Badger that turned up a recorded speech by Dederich in which he said, “”We’re not going to mess with the old-time, turn-the-other-cheek religious postures … our religious posture is: Don’t mess with us. You can get killed dead, literally dead…these are real threats,” he snarls. “They are draining life’s blood from us and expecting us to play by their silly rules. We will make the rules. I see nothing frightening about it … I am quite willing to break some lawyer’s legs and next break his wife’s legs and threaten to cut their child’s arm off. That is the end of that lawyer. That is a very satisfactory, humane way of transmitting information. … I really do want an ear in a glass of alcohol on my desk.”[3]
A drunken Dederich was arrested on December 2 in Lake Havesu. The two other Synanon Imperial Marines, one of whom was Lance Kenton, son of musician Stan Kenton, pleaded “no contest” to charges of assault and conspiracy to commit murder. While his associates went to jail, Dederich avoided imprisonment by pleading no contest to conspiracy to commit murder, agreeing as part of probation to formally step down as Chairman of Synanon and agreed to have nothing to do with running Synanon. Most of his remaining time he was segregated in Synanon, as the foundation tried to revert back to early images and goals.
Much of the violence was carried out by the “Imperial Marines.” The tiny Point Reyes Light, a weekly newspaper in Marin County, received the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 1979 on account of its coverage of Synanon when other news outlets avoided covering the group. Mitchell had tried to warn authorities, without success, that Synanon was going to try to kill Morantz. (Dave Mitchell, The Light on Synanon). Synanon struggled to survive without its leader but with a severely tarnished reputation. The tax assessment due to the violence conspiracy led the properties to be confiscated and/or sold. By 1991 the community had essentially folded. (IRS vs. Synanon)
While the early Synanon has been declared a success by most observers, there were also early critics who claimed the success only applied to those who remained in the environment where no drugs was pushed by peers or in cases of old timers who had reached saturation point. (Freidenber, Nation 1965). The new drug rehabs that came afterwards followed the advice of Dr. Dan Casriel who wrote the first book on Synanon. He noted psychological testing revealed Synanon members (“dope fiends”) were still anti-social and recommended that the “game’s” fierce attack on self be lightened over a time, and that psychological counseling be given along with follow-up care to those who exit. Dederich refused all suggestions. Casriel went on to found Day Top in New York and thus came the birth of modern day drug rehabs (Casriel, So Fair a House). But Synanon still remains the Granddaddy of all drug rehabs, the failure that launched an industry, its failure teaching us more than whatever its success had (Richard Ofshe, The Failure that spurned an Industry). Brainwashing is powerful enough to cure drug addiction while members remain subject to it. It can also make dangerous criminals out of good people, also subject to it. (Robert J. Lifton, Coercive Persuasion, The Psychology of Totalism; Dr. Edgar Friedman, The Nation 1965, a review of Yablonski’s the Tunnel back– The author fails to see the inhumanity he observes…Synanon is a trade of one addiction for another..one day there will be a Synanon state of Mind more important than the club itself). Several of the famous jazz musicians credited with cure returned to drugs.
Synanon’s ultimate biggest critic was Dederich himself. Knowing away from the environment people were using, he closed the doors in l967 and ended the idea anyone should ever leave. “Containment” was instituted, which meant no contact with the outside world. Dederich declared they were better than the world and through his “experimentation” Synanon would lead the human race into the 21st Century. To keep people in, he posted and announced as a warning all reports of anyone who left and returned to drugs. (Dederich, The Graduate Question). These changes led Synanon to its then certain fate.
Synanon would possess its own fleet of trucks and automobiles, hundreds of motorcycles, a mini-armada of 21 boats, a squadron of ten airplanes and its own airstrip. Its members believed in Synanon enemies and encroachment of spies, created their own words (synanese), sought isolation from outside contaminants and committed to its destiny. Synanon became a Third sector within United States borders, seeking to have its Embassy in Washington, D.C. It became the format of destructive cults. Ultimately, it purchased an arsenal of high-powered weapons, developed its own security force and in an isolated concealed valley across its airfield called Depot Flats, it set up camp to train the Imperial Marines. Then it went to war. (Morantz archives on Synanon, People vs Dederich, IRS vs. Synanon).
The history of Synanon and Charles Dederich http://www.paulmorantz.com/cult/the-history-of-synanon-and-charles-dederich/
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Memoirs of a Hater

The Hate Diaries. Part 2.
To Start At Part 1 Click Here

Quick recap: My dad's mother refused to allow herself to accept my mother as my dad's wife. She chose to hate my mom and her entire family from day one. And then she wrote down her opinions. And my dad kept them. We found these diaries the day after he died.
entitled crazy lady= Grandmother (the authonarrator of said diaries)
my dad= Jimmy Jones (only child)
my dad's father= Jim Jones (died in 2001 at the age of 92. Quiet, but one of the kindest men ever. Grandmother often spoke for him without knowing his opinion.)
my mom= Laura Washington Jones
my mom's father= George Washington (World War 2 veteran, and badass. Currently 95 years young.)
my mom's mother= Martha Washington (died about 10 years ago of alzheimer's)
my mom's aunt and uncle= Dr. an Mrs. James Stevens
There are several other friends and family members, but as they are not/were not members of my mom’s or dad’s immediate family, they will just be given a fake name and dropped in how she mentions them. Otherwise this cast list would be a mile long.
My mom is aware that I am typing the diaries out and knows her fake name. She likes it. If I begin to refer to her by her name more, that is because I call her by her first name (we are one of those ‘first name basis’ families) and only really call her Mom when I want something or need help. Laura wants me to make a few things clear as I share these entries: Grandmother was always entitled to something. If she got something she wanted, she felt entitled to something else. My dad would call Martha by her first name, as the rest of us did, but Laura would only refer to or address Grandmother as "Mrs. Jones”.
The handwriting in these books is some old school cursive and can get difficult to read. Grandmother’s spelling is all over the place, as is her sentence structure. I will keep these errors intact without use of [sic] at these moments. Don’t come at me on grammar- it’s intentional.
Continuing the diary entries... Laura and Jimmy aren't married yet. But we get pre-wedding festivities entries today:: (the year is 1979)
April 21 Saturday
Was a disappointment when we did not even get an Easter Card from Jimmy. He had always sent us such beautiful cards. Well more hurt for us both. We become so hurt and upset that we bicker with one another. Our marriage has been in danger as a result of it all. We both see it happening but can't seem to help it.

Easter Sunday April 22
Jimmy finally called us late Sunday afternoon to talk, but the word Easter was not mentioned.

Sunday April 29
Jimmy Called but he hardly ever comes home on week ends. His visits are when he has business there. I knew the time would come to let go of him but it brakes my heart to turn him over to what I see him getting into.
Dear God. Take care of him and protect him from all harm.

Saturday May 12
Laura and Jimmy came to spend the night. We went out to eat Sat Night and to [Nearby] Lake on Sunday.

Sunday May 13
Got up Early and went to [Nearby] Lake fishing. It was pretty cold but (We.) Jim and I enjoyed getting to be with Jimmy for that long.
When we returned home, they went back to [MyCity]

Monday May 14
Same as every Monday.

Tuesday May 15
Same as every Tuesday

Wednesday May 16
Went to [Small Nearby City] shopping. Had my haircut

Saturday May 19
Attended Open House at Dr. and Mrs James Stevens for Laura & Jimmy Was a large crowd. Violet & EdKnight went with us.
Martha made it clear to all the guest attending that Jimmy Called her “Mom” now and she called him Son.
It hurts to find out that you have been dethroned and replaced as a mother before the wedding takes place. Oh Well, It is So obvious they are so happy that their daughter is has going to marry a lawyer, and I night add a fine young man.
I’m sorry I can’t have some good feeling about him marrying their daughter but I can’t find one good thing in her favor.

Sunday May 20
Today was spent very hurt and blue. I wonder how much more I can take. But I have got to try. I cried all day long today. Jim has been so sweet to me. He wishes he could help, and he does more than he could possibly know.

May 21 Monday
Just the same ole houseKeeping day.
[A Friend] and [Another Friend] Came by and told us of their wedding plans in October 6

Tues May 22
Same as anyday.

May 23
Went to [Small City Nearby], [State Name]. Got a permanent.
Thursday May 24
Same as any day except we came to [City Name] to attend shower at Leslie Carter & her Mother, Mrs. Neil Bugg.

May 25
Same as everyday.

Saturday May 26
Same as every Saturday {she made her y’s really swirly so they underlined their words. Had to skip a line to the next sentence because of the swirls}
out to Eat Dinner with Ed & Violet.

May 27 Sunday
Went to see Aunt Effie. She is just out of the hospital.
Jimmy Called. We always look forward to his calling.

Monday May 28
Same as evey Monday

Wed May 30
Went to [Small Nearby City] had my hair shampoo

Friday June 1
Went to [MyCity] to party at Robert and Sharon Goodmans. Real nice affair. The Washingtons' were there and again Martha was letting the guest know that she had already started to call Jimmy "Son". I didn't hear him call her mom but he might have at this party. I hope he can refrain from so doing when I'm around to hear him.
Everyone was dressed real nice and attractive. Laura wore the dress that she had worked in all day. I can't remember if she combed her hair or not. You cannot tell it when she does. I can't believe she thinks it looks nice.

June 2
Attended Bridesmaids luncheon at the [Nice Restaurant].
Some ole picture taking bunch was there with a camera they didn't know how to operate.
Rained hard all day. After Lunch Jim and I drove home in the rain. As usual, I cried all the way. I don't know how I could have a tear left in me. But they still flow like wine. Laura wore the awful looking red dress. Was to large for her. Hem was not level and on the way home I decided it was dirty. It had under arm odor and her hair needed Shampooing. It was exasperating.

Sunday June 3
Stayed in bed all day. and cried trying to understand it all. If I could only understand how it could possibly be. Then perhaps I could accept it better.
How Jimmy could let someone with her hygienne habits get a hold on him I cannot understand. She is so lazy and has no pride about herself or the house, yard, cars or anything if it involves work.

I had a conversation with Laura earlier and recorded it. Hopefully I will be able to get that together to share soon. Next up is wedding week. So hold on to you knickers!! We're about to visit entitlement central!!!
Click for Part 3
submitted by Buttonyoumustwander to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

[Games of Shadows] - Chapter 2

Olsen I - Hempstead, Long Island, Sep 30th, 5:12 A.M, 2019
“Joey Olsen and four others left St. Louis. Joey Olsen and fifteen others entered New York-”
No-No, too boring. He erased the sentenced.
“Four young boys, abandoned as Green-Seeds, alone and scared, found by a man from a secret wor-”
Is that a run-on sentence? Should I capitalize secrets?. Joey tore the paper and curled it into a ball. I'll write about it when we get to the campus, or whenever.
He took the ball and stuffed it into the bed on his right. He wasn't in the bed itself. He had been stuffed in a small space between too bunk-beds, given only a dirty pillow and a dirtier blanket to sleep. But at least he had a blanket, the children sleeping just in front of him across the floor had only towels to cover themselves.
The house itself fit the dirty blanket aesthetic. But Olsen guessed that made sense as its owner was a blind man. The walls were lightly scraped and needed a new coat of white paint. The floors were dirty, but this was a vacant room that Qorquile had turned into a place for stashing the Green-Seeds he brought with him to New York.
The group of fifteen Green-Seed children Olsen was a part of was apparently the largest James Qorquile had led to safety in New York, to the campus.
They were on the tail-end of their journey now, as the Secret Campus, where they were being led to, was accessible by ferry from the small Long Island suburb of Riverhead, only fifty miles from where they were sleeping: Hempstead, New York, another Long Island area right outside Queens and New York City.
Olsen looked around him and saw his companions. The bunk-beds were full, two kids in every bed, leaving the other seven children to the floor. He stuffed his journal and pen on his small bag and relaxed his body on his pillow.
He stretched and looked at the room. He looked right in front of him, where one of his friends, Clark, was fast asleep. He was one of the three others that Qorquile had found five months previously in St. Louis.
Clark and Olsen were in the same High School in the same grade. They had practically never had a real interaction, well Olsen knew Clark existed... But he doubted it was the same on the other front.
Both were Green-Seeds. Both were kicked out from the homes alongside Clarks sister Sophie, who was sleeping on the bunk-bed to his right.
Olsen stayed there staring down at Clark for a moment.
HA!” A booming laugh was heard from the backyard outside. Out there, through the open mossy window in the overgrown backyard, James Qorquile and the owner of the house, Master Kashi, sat eating breakfast and talking about the good old days or whatever.
Olsen leaned into the wall and concentrated on the window above him. He pushed his ear against the wall harder. Suddenly, the bird’s song became louder, the leaver rustling became stronger and the voices of the two men filled his ears. The whisper of a conversation had become the only thing he heard.
Usually trying that tired him, but the two men were near enough that he didn't need much energy to keep the trick going for a while. Kashi seems like he knows Qorquiel, this conversation might be interesting. Every time they had stayed or encountered a person of the Secret World, Qorquile usually stopped to talk to them, which was like finding gold to Olsen, who wrote down anything interesting about it in his notebook. When they had encountered a wizard in Buffalo, he had mentioned dragons offhandedly, and Olsen had plagued Qorquile with questions about dragons the next day. Unfortunately, the things were next to extinct.
“...I heard little Claven won’t take in more Green-Seeds after yours” the old man Kashi asked.
“Maybe. Claven hasn't been very talkative the last couple of months, so I wouldn't know what the hell she's thinking” He heard the man pick up his sword and heard the steel hit the wood of the table.
“Well, I think little Claven’s gonna be worried now..”
“Why?” Qorquile asked. The “Little Claven” confused Olsen for a moment, since from what he had heard from the people of the Secret World they had met that Claven was nearing fifty. But then again, Kashi could easily be a hundred.
“Haven't you heard?” The blind Master asked.
“I've been in New York for a day Kashi, keeping up with the news hasn't been my priority” Qorquile said.
“John Colton just sent in another fifty G. O. A. agents into New York and Long Island.”
“That fucker really did it, that son of a bitch!” He heard the laughter, but Olsen could sense the worry.
“You should mind the language little James,” the blind master said.
“One of your kids is listening in on us.”
He didn't need to enhance his ears to hear Qorquile’s laughter.
They left Hempstead a few hours later at noon. From the middle of Hempstead to Riverhead there were eighty miles of Long Island suburbs and forests. The day before they had already walked nine hours through the hellscape that was New York City. Thankfully they wouldn’t have to walk the next eighteen hours, as Qorquile knew which buses in Long Island were run by people of the Secret World, the only ones that wouldn't ask questions. As they rode, Olsen took the opportunity to pull out his journal and write down a bunch of stuff he had heard about in Kashi’s home. They mentioned Griffins didn't they? Olsen debated with himself, “And something about a three headed duck...I'll have to ask about that specifically...
But his train of thought was interrupted by Qorquile.
“I've been meaning to ask you about that notebook.” He said, as he drank from a bottle Olsen could safely guess wasnt water, “You write on that thing all bloody day.”
“It's a record.” Olsen explained quietly and quickly, not quite comfortable with the sudden question in front of everyone. He looked around. Nobody seemed to notice, but...Are those girls staring?
“And what are you recording kid?” He asked, taking another gulp.
“Just...anything interesting you mention, or talk about.” Olsen said quietly.
“Like what?” Qorquiel asked, and One thought he was actually curious.
“Just about anything-” Olsen said in a higher tone and actually looked up at Qorquile, “-I mean, it's real honest to god magic we're talking about. It's fascinating.” He said with a smile. He then thought he heard a laugh from a few seats back. Was I really that loud? He thought to himself, and looked down again at the notebook, putting his legs up on the seat to hide himself.
The buses brought them all the way to Medford, it was near three by then, and the rest of the way to Riverhead was empty woods.
“How the hell was Kashi able to sense me?” He finally managed to ask, three hours into their walk as the sun was setting.
“He’s blind, when a wizard that strong loses his eyesight, it's possible to enhance your senses, all of em, they can even sense when wizards are nearby or using magic.” They were walking beside the Long Island Expressway beneath the dying daylight.
“Wizard?” Olsen wondered, “I thought I was a Green-Seed” Nothing special of course, there were maybe fifteen million Green-Seeds in North America alone if some estimates were to be believed, and having those abilities were more a curse than a blessing.
Qorquile laughed, “It's all the fucking same really, it's only the Common World didn't know about wizards to call them that, and the Secret World followed them in calling that.” That wasn't wrong, when Green-Seeds were first becoming visible, most people didn't know what to call them; Were they superpowers, were they mutants, or special people? The only thing many people seemed to agree on was that they were freaks. Of course nobody suggested wizards, and that debate was forgotten once the term Green-Seeds popped up.
“What do you mean by strong magic? I’m pretty sure everyone in the group can somewhat do what I did,” Olsen asked.
“Yeah, anyone could listen in on our conversation, you're the only one who could understand,” he said.
“Why?” It was practically night then, and Olsen's curiosity was growing.
“We were speaking French.”
Riverhead was a relatively small town of Long Island. It grew around the mouths of the tiny Petonic River, which fed into Petonic Bay, a bay that cut through the middle of Long Island. At the edge of Petonic Bay lay Shelter Island, and on its western half, touching the Atlantic, the Mashomack Preserve had been established by the U.S Government to keep the campus secret, the Long Island Campus for the Secret Peoples. Most locations of the Secret World had been made Reservations and Preservations to keep people out.
There were ferries to Shelter Island on towns near the island, many miles from Riverhead, but the only Secret World ferry was in this town. Or at least that’s what Olsen would write in his journal, after a long explanation Qorquile had done only a few minutes before they reached town.
The whole lecture was lengthy, and as interesting as Olsen found it at first,, he felt he was gonna fall asleep halfway into it.
The group was standing in an empty, quiet street. On one side was Riverhead‘s Long Island Aquarium, and on the other were the docks, filled with small yachts and other boats.
“The pier is practically empty” Qorquile exclaimed, shocked, Or as shocked as a man like Qorquile could be.
“Seems pretty full to me.” Olsen said, but Qorquile shook his head.
“Maybe, but the ones on the other side of the river are empty, and some of the boats here look abandoned.” He wasn't wrong.
“I don't think that the ferry's coming Mr. Qorquile” Sophie said from the back of the group. James Qorquile pulled out a gold pocket watch from his brown jacket, Olsen looked over his guide's shoulder and looked at it.
Eight P.M. The ferry was supposed to arrive at six.
A few blocks away from the Aquarium and the center of town, Riverhead morphed into a seemingly endless suburban hellscape. According to Qorquile half of Riverhead (some ten thousand people after the Washington Attacks) were part of the Secret World, and he knew someone that would take them in for the night.
The streets were empty, and they didn't run into anyone while they walked. But Olsen did see someone in the corner of his eye. A kid with dark hair sneaking around the dumpster, probably looking for food.
“Hey, Qorquile, look,” Olsen whispered, and he pointed at a kid, “That's pretty sad, must be homeless, the Washington Attacks really hit the suburbs hard.”
“Yeah, must be” Qorquile answered, but there was a shocked expression on his face, “Does she know the kid?. He shook it off and looked forwards, “Let’s just move forward” He announced, and Olsen didnt fight him on it. He was tired.
They were a few blocks away from a graveyard when they reached the promised safe-house. The streets of the town were empty, and half the houses seemed abandoned. Every town he had stayed on during his travel had seemed half-abandoned as well.
The group of fifteen quickly paced up the driveway to the door, where Qorquile reluctantly rang the doorbell.
Before long, a light turned on inside, and they heard heavy footsteps approaching, probably from the second floor.
Finally, the door opened, and the travellers were met by a tall, black haired man, who seemed as angry as he was pale.
“What the hell are you doing here?” the man in pajamas asked. Qorquile walked up to the door and explained everything to him, “James, haven't you heard the news?” the man asked tiredly.
“I just made it to Long Island today, and we passed the Union-Land borders only yesterday, I've not kept up with all the goddamn news!” Kashi had asked Qorquile if he knew the news, and the Guards at Holland Tunnel had mentioned the news as well. Even Olsen was finding it annoying.
“The Ferry stopped coming by Riverhead a month ago, when the G. O. A started an investigation in Riverhead” the G. O. A had spread across the country like a disease. In every city they had to evade G. O. Agents at every corner.
“Carl, Thats just Colton showing off, he knows he’ll get no fucking arrest in Long Island” Qorquile answered grinning.
“Yea, since everyone's gone into hiding or left” Carl answered, “All of you, get in” he moved from the door and the kids poured in like a flood.
“There were twelve thousand people in Riverhead from the Secret World, and when half of them left last month, my house turned into a free storage unit” Carl told them as they came in, and he wasn't lying. It was packed with old couches and fancy chairs all around, some even staked. Boxes and crates lined up the corners, and a strange floating orb of light in the living room gave out a dim light that wasn't really visible from the outside. A hundred portraits decorated the walls of the place, and the kitchen was a mess of pots and pans and other utensils that overflowed from the wooden cabinets.
“Where did they go?” Qorquile asked Carl after pulling a chair from a cluster of couches and chairs and letting himself fall into it.
“Hiltshire, Waslen, Blue Rose Valley. Secret Towns across the states and up in Canada have filled up with Wizards and Branch-Men from big cities.”
“They really think they’ll be able to come back for all their shit” Qorquile said, not at anyone in particular.
There was an awkward silence.
“Well, they have hope” Carl said as he got onto a chair. Olsen noticed then that the light on the room wasn't a lamp, and that he had not seen any lights from the outside. He looked up at what Carl was doing up in the chair, and saw a small orb of mist which emitted the white light in the room. Carl approached the orb, put both his hands around it covering it up, and muttered something under his breath.
A second later the lights were gone, and when Carl opened up his hands, Olsen only saw a small purple pebble.
“Hope doesn't put food on the table, and those people don't even have their tables” Qorquiel cynically added.
“Well, we're not here to debate what hope is,” Carl said as he walked across the room to the mantle of his chimney, which was dotted with clocks, pictures and pots. He picked up a small golden cup with a cap. He opened it and threw the pebble in. “You and the children can stay the night, and I’ll contact Claven.”
“Can't you just call her?” Olsen asked, and the two men finally noticed he was standing by the stairs, while the rest had already disappeared upstairs.
“Shouldn't that kid already be upstairs?” Carl asked grinning.
“He should. You should keep him and find out why he isn't, I won't mind” Qorquile awenserd laughing.
There were five rooms upstairs. Carl's room, three rooms for his children and a guest room. Two of his children did not live with him, so the kids had three rooms for them, four kids in each. Thankfully, all three rooms were full of mattresses, pillows and blankets left by the wizards that had abandoned Riverhead, so each room had beds and spare mattresses for five kids in each room, and then some.
Olsen had been put in the room at the end of the hallway, separated from Clark and Sophie, and since he was late, he was left with a small mattress in the most cluttered corner of the room. Serves you fucking right you slow-ass snail.
Well, at least it's a mattress... it's better than towels, and floors... and... concrete... at least I'll be able to...sleep...
He was wrong.
He slept an hour. It was a good night's sleep. But it lasted one fucking hour.
From eight to twelve he tried to fall asleep. He closed his eyes for hours at a time. A couple times he even dozed off, but every time he woke up on the verge of screams.
Without anything to do, he started snooping around all the shit on his little corner of the room. Unlike the rest of the house, the clutter in this one was mostly owned by Carl. he had put all his stuff in this room to make space in the other ones for everybody else's.
He eyed some of Carl's books, but none seemed interesting. The History of the Wizards Kings, An Overview of the Six Schools of Magic, those kinds of books. Olsen would have eaten them up if the sun was up. but, well, he might be having difficulty falling asleep, but he didn't have the energy to read a history book, so he looked over at the other stuff.
Apparently this room had been abandoned by Carl's children first, as Olsen found a green and black graduation jacket from 2012.
He found near a few old trophies and notebooks that belonged to some Alice chick, and apparently Carl's last name was Brandon.
Apparently Alice wasn't an athletic type, because all her trophies were participation trophies and third place bronze from competitions with only three people.
“You might be the first boy to ever be excited to be in my sister’s room, but you're like six years late.”
Olsen jumped up on his mattress and hit his head on the wall.
“Shit” He screamed in whispers, making sure not to wake anybody up. Olsen looked up, where the voice had come from, it was a girl.
“Who are you?” The girl was sitting on the top of a tall wooden dresser, one leg dangling on the air, while she rested her head on the other one. In her hands there was an orb much like the one Carl Brandon had downstairs, but this one was made of blue mists and was half as big. She had deep black eyes and dark hazel hair, and was maybe three inches taller than Olsen, but truthfully Olsen was not that tall. She raised her arm forward, going for a handshake alltrought they were seven feet away from each other.
“Haile Brandon-Troy, pleasure to meet you.” Olsen shyly put up his arm, and they did an air handshake.
“So, you're a Green-Seed huh?” The girl had a couple of books on her lap.
Those were the books I was looking at Olsen thought, she's a witch, well, a wizard.
“Yeah...” He answered quietly.
“Cool, I've never seen a Green-Seed before. Do you have like, bleed blue or something freaky?” She asked as she flipped through the smaller of her two books.
“Nah, we're just like, common people- er, wizards, I guess,” Olsen said.
“I guess you are. So anyway, are you an insomniac? ‘cause everyone here is asleep except for you.” She said as she sank her eyes on the thinner of the two books, a children's book Olsen had looked over titled March of the Black Queen.
“I could say the same thing about you, Haile” Olsen replied, “A ten year old girl awake at three A.M is stranger than a fifteen year old, right? And I mean, it makes sense for me to be worried about tomorrow” Well, he wasn't fifteen, only fourteen and eight months, but thats basically the same.
“I'm not ten, I'm twelve!” She was insulted.
“Well you dont look like it,” Olsen replied.
“And you look half a foot tall,” She replied. Well, she's not wrong.
“Wow, I mean, i've heard three feet tall and one foot tall, but thats cold” He said.
“So, what's so worrying about tomorrow Green-Seed boy?” Haille asked,
“Huh, I just noticed I haven't asked you your name.”
“And you haven't answered my question” Olsen replied.
“Fine, but you go first.” She asked, and Olsen answered.
“Joseph Luther Olsen-” He raised for another air-handshake, “- But friends call
me Joey, or Olsen.”
“Well Olsen, My friends call me Haze, and i'm awake cause im bored as shit,
and you guys woke me up, back to you” she made a woosh sound with her mouth and threw an imaginary mike at him, and Olsen reached out to grab it, laughing.
“Well, and I'm worried for obvious reasons, I mean, wouldn't you?” Olsen asked Haze.
“It's just the campus, I go there every few months, literally all my friends live in Shelter Island and go to the campus, I mean, to us it's basically a school. Literally a school”, this girl doesn't get it, does she?
“Well yeah, but I mean, the cops are also a problem-”
“Cops?-” She interrupted, “Cops ain't scary, I mean, my sister’s a cop, the one you were creeping on a while ago, Alice. Yeah, she lives in Manhattan- or Brooklyn? I don't know, haven't visited her in years”
“Wizard cop? That must be cool.”
“Nah, Alice is a little like you, not knowing about the Secret World, but at least you know now.”
“Why doesn't she know?”
“I don't know, something about her mom or something, my dad wont tell her, and he won't tell us why he doesn't tell her, but at least she never visits, so I never have to hide my magic.”
“Ok, maybe the cops aren't the worst part, but it's like a brand new life im going into, guess that has not hit me until now” He said, his voice trailing off...
“Well-” She jumped down from the dresser and landed on an empty mattress a few inches away from him. She turned left and walked up to a shelf on the back of the room, and pulled out a paper from a book. The paper was probably acting as some sort of bookmark.
“Here, a map of the place, it's double sided,” He took the paper. On one side, he saw Riverhead on the left side of the paper (Haile had marked their house in pink), the bay and Shelter Island, with the campus a little part of the Island on the right half of the map, then he turned the page and saw a large map of campus.
“Keep it, and take all the books you want, just make sure to treat them right” Haze told him.
“Huh, um, thanks” Olsen told her, and she pulled his hand up and gave him a high-five. For a second there, Olsen felt she could have gone to sleep easily and calmly.
“It's a big place,” Olsen commented after looking at the map again.
“Well it houses like a thousand hundred kids and teens and college-kids, and a hundred adults, and the woods around it are full of Fauns, Grethins and Satyrs, and a bunch of magic creatures. It's gotta be big, especially now that another hundred Green-Seeds are flooding it. Claven plans to build a set of cabins by the coast, my dad says that Claven says it's getting crowded” Fauns and Satyrs, yeah, about figures.
“Claven, Claven, Claven, is she some sort of celebrity? ‘cause Qorquile and all the other Wizards and Branch-Men we've encountered mention here every time they get?” He stuffed the map below his pillow. “Why do we have to walk all this way anyway, I mean, aren't there other campuses?” For the first time in weeks he had begun to feel the stress of travelling.
“Well, for you kicked out Green-Seeds, she's the only one whos willing to take you.”
“Well-” he picked up a couple books and put them in his bag, “I guess you're right.” That little spike of rage and stress went away quickly, and when Haze began to talk again, he fell back calmly on his pillow again, and she sat on the empty mattress in which she had landed.
They stayed awake, talking about whatever for an hour. It was four by the time, whatever was keeping them both awake was dead. Yawns became more common, and both of them almost fell asleep for a few moments.
“Well Green-Seed boy-” Haze said in between yawns as she rose from her mattress, “-I think i'm gonna go to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow before you go to the Island, and I guess in a few weeks when I visit the campus again.”
She walked up to him for a handshake in between laughs.
Mid handshake they heard the car outside. But, well, it was past nine, so the only cars outside would be-
“The GOA” Haze shouted,“Shit!”
“We need-” Olsen thought for a second, they must have seen us when we were arriving in town, “-To go tell the others, wake everyone up, I'll get Qorquile and your dad.”
Haze nodded, and raced to the nearest bunk-bed to wake the kids. Olsen grabbed his notebook, quickly folded the map and put in the notebook. They might have to run.
He jumped out of the room and ran to the stairs, jumping down more than running.
He was hoping to find Qorquile sitting on one of the chairs, keeping watch as he often did when they were on the road, but he didn't see him. He was about to call out for him when someone put a hand over his mouth and pulled him aside. It was Qorquile. He pulled Olsen around to face him, and put a finger on his closed mouth.
Qorquile looked around. Olsen pointed to the roof, and then outside with his other hand. Qorquile understood. He would hide upstairs with the others, and the cops were almost to the door.
Olsen backed away slowly when they heard the knocking,
Right around the same time, two figures appeared on the stairs, Carl and Haile Brandon.
Qorquile urged him to run up, and he passed the two Brandons when the door suddenly opened.
He looked around, the door wasn't open, the GOA had just kicked into it, they never gave warnings and they never gave time if they had sufficient evidence of Green-Seeds.
Olsen looked around, and decided to make a run for it upstairs, but another kick stopped his progress, so he ran to the left, into the kitchen.
“Wait! Stop!” Carl Brandon cried once he was at the door, “I'm here!”
Olsen then stopped his running, they would hear him. Fuck. The noise stopped all around him, he felt like he was melting, or burning, or both. He looked around.
A cupboard. He tried to move, but, well, he couldn't. A shiver ran up his spine, and up the rest of his body. He tried to stop it, but he couldn't, he tried to move, but he couldn't.
Shit, shit, shit!
It was only when Carl Brandon opened the door that Olsen was able to jump into the cupboard.
He breathed, but his mouth was barely able to keep open due to the shivering of his jaw. He tried to supress the shivering near his mouth, but once he was mildly successful, his arms started to shiver faster, more violently.
It moved like a snake, as he tried to suppress one part of his body, the ones
next to it would shiver faster. He crawled up into a ball in the small space of the cupboard and covered his head and face, trying to calm himself down.
He felt dizzy and about to vomit. His vision began to slow down, and fall into half-unconsciousness. He felt his body melt to sleep, and the world around him, the sounds and smells and movement faded away.
...I shouldn't have come. I should have run away. I should have run away...
He only heard his own heavy, fast whimpering and his jaw clashing with his teeth. And very faintly, in the background, the conversation between Carl Brandon and the GOA.
This had happened before, in St. Louis, that night...the night...he heard the muffled voice of a policeman far way, and the slow footsteps of another closer...that
night...his sister....the footsteps become clearer and clearer, almost as much as his own racing heartbeat.
I should just...I should...The night his sister had...Curl up into a ball and...The back of his head began to hurt, and his hands as well, as if the blood inside of them had been lit aflame. The tightness of which he kept himself in his pathetic position grew and grew, but he controlled this tightening as much as he controlled the violent, explosive shivering.
...die...the footsteps became stomps, louder than they should have been...just fucking...then he realized why. He was listening in, like he had done that morning, the footsteps were not close, they were far away, but he heard them clear as day.
He focused his mind, the panic diminished a little...i'm done, I should've run...and his command to listen into their conversation cut through the intrusive thoughts inside his mind. He pushed his body to the wall, to listen in.
“...Carl, you know tomorrow we need to go back to New York, and some other agents will take our place, so we've been more violent on taking in Green-Seeds to improve our numbers” One voice said, a raspy voice with a thick Brooklyn accent, “so sorry ‘bout your door, but i'm sure you can get it fixed in no time”
“Sure Mandy” Carl Brandon awensered, but Olsen had trouble listening to him, he might be behind more walls compared to the cops, but it seemed Brandon knew the cops on a first name basis.
“You better call Saul down by Hampton Bays, ‘cause I think there's no more carpertnes in town, all of ‘em left for Brooklyn and Queens months ago.”
“I think this visit is a waste” A younger, fruitier voice said closer to Olsen, he was the cop who was walking up to him. And he was getting closer, “We need to be in Manhattan tomorrow by ten in the morning and it's already five” The young voice told his companion.
“And I tell you, we saw that group of kids clear as day downton by the piers, the cameras followed them walking north, but the cameras on this block and the ones around it have not been installed yet” The man named Mandy awnesered
“Were checking every house, But i know since yours is filled up with old furniture, wouldn't shock me if the little freaks hid behind some of it-”
“Well I assure you wont find a thing.” Carl said enthusiastically, cutting him off, and following him, Olsen cut off his hearing from that conversation, and turned his body on the other side of the cupboard, to the footsteps approaching the kitchen.
It seemed the young cop had been walking up to him for ages, but in truth he often stopped, probably to look over something.
He pushed himself closer to the wall, to increase the intensity of his listening, if he could increase it enough, maybe he could determine distance from the young cop and himself.
Once he hears footsteps, he hears them coming closer. He knew the average stride of a step was thirty inches give or take, so with every step he heard from the cop, he would recede his enhanced hearing thirty inches, and he did this with every step until his magical hearing was gone and he was back to his normal hearing in the cupboard. He receded twelve times, meaning a hundred and twenty inches, meaning ten feet, so the cop was ten feet away.
Well actually, he would have been ten feet away when he began counting, as he counted every time he moved thirty inches, so by knowing he should be....oh.
The door opened.
Olsen looked up.
Any panic he had managed to push away before, came rushing in.
The young cop stood over him like a mountain. He was probably six feet seven. He was slim and strong built, reddish blonde hair in a light tanned face. He had a side parted haircut and a short boxed beard of the same color and large dark blue eyes...Why the fuck am I focusing on his looks?, he's got his left hand on his fucking gun!.
Olsen had given the cop a good look, but he hadn't Looked at him, not really.
He was shocked to see the man was sad. Or at least he seemed that way; and once Olsen looked him directly in the eyes, the man looked away, ashamed.
They stayed like that for a few seconds, maybe half a minute, when suddenly the older cop Mandy shouted from afar.
“You see anything Edrian?” He asked in a muffled voice, he was eating something. Thats about the last heart of the outside world, as it seems his brain had shut the hearing department, and given the fear department a new order, as the tingling, almost faint-inducing, came back with a vengeance. A strong one.
He again only hears his breathing, and high heartbeat. The rest of his senses became numb other than the tingling and hissight, but it seemingly became darker, even though the sun was rising outside.
Somehow the man looking over him noticed this, or at least what Olsen supposed, because he bent down and put one finger on his lip and another on Olsens knee, as Olsen was sitting with his arms around his legs.
Suddenly, he felt peace. His senses did not make a sudden return, but he suddenly heard the faint noses of the rest of the world around him, and slowly they came back. The panic subsided, the anxiety of it all seemed to drain away like rain-water down a gutter. and his sight became clearer and clearer.
He felt...calm...like he could fall asleep right then and there for half a day...or run a marathon...it was feeling he hadn't felt in a year, give or a month or two...since he first saw a flame form from his bare hands...or a ray of purple power shoot from one of her fingers and break the bathroom window...that was cool...it was the first time he had seen it in that light.
He felt a wind in his face, a calm, cool breeze which ended any anxiety that could have been inside him before.
Then the man retreated and stood up. And the reality of his situation came flooding in again.
“No, there's no one here and I think we should go,” He awensred decisilvy, and walked away, leaving Olsen sitting there, overwhelmed with confusion, panic and at the same time calm.
“Well, just to be sure I'll give it another look” Mandy told him, and Olsen could sense the shit-eating smile the cop was giving him as a younger companion.
He heard only one step from Mandy, before something stopped him midway through the second one.
“We're gonna be late if we don't move” Edrian explained, “And President Colton arrives in only a few hours, we have to go to Plaza Hotel.”
“I believe the President can wait a few minutes, Imma just gonna give a quick look around the place-”
Suddenly, a muffled voice cut him off. Olsen gained some control over himself and pushed his listening to the living room.
It was a police walkie-talkie.
“...Calling for Detective Edrian Juric, this is Detective Brandon, calling on behalf of Captain Everson, shots fired in GreenHallen Bar, with reported casualties...”
He heard no more, as both cops raced outside into the sunlight, and within a minute they had driven away.
Olsen fell from the cupboard and laid on the floor by the entrance of the kitchen. He stayed there breathing for a minute...or five, before he saw someone running towards him. It was Haile, and behind her Qorquile.
Haile moved in front of him, and helped him sit up.
She hugged him.
“I got Claven on the phone a few hours ago, we're leaving in a while...”
Olsen stopped listening, and leaned into the hug.
She had known Haile for half a day, even less, but Joey Olsen didnt care, he forgot about everything, and just leaned into the hug.
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when will haircut places open in washington state video

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As much of the country has closed everything but food stores and medical facilities, many places down South remain open. Bars, sporting events and sit-down dining rooms are closed. But in many Recently I’ve been impressed with haircut places near me for a doing a good job hence I will encourage you to give one a try. How To Find Good Haircut Places Near Me. 1. Look around for a stylist that you think will be right for you. Ask your friends, family or relatives to recommend a hair stylist that they go to for their haircuts. 2. Talk first to the hair stylist and talk about the style that you want, if you have a photo of the haircut style that you want, much better. If you do not 1 of 4. As salons in Washington prepare to open in Phase 2, major changes have been made to comply with the state's new guidelines. Click through the gallery to see some of the new policies and REGION STATUS AND WHAT'S OPEN. The governor’s Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery plan is a region-based plan. The state's COVID-19 risk assessment dashboard provides data about COVID-19 activity in each county/region as well as a link to a weekly report showing which phase each region is in. REOPENING GUIDANCE FOR EMPLOYERS. Businesses must be able to meet all safety criteria in order to open. Safe Start guidance documents are posted on the governor's website. The state Department After Gov. Jay Inslee announced an order on Monday that caused the closures of restaurants, bars, entertainment and recreation facilities, some people are confused about what’s open and closed. Five states are open for haircuts, including Alaska, Georgia, and Maryland. But experts warn you can still spread novel coronavirus during an appointment. CASCADE PARK, 13215 Se Mill Plain Blvd # C1, Vancouver, WA 98684; FISHER'S LANDING TOWN CENTER, 16420 Se Mcgillivray Blvd A102, Vancouver, WA 98683 Find the best Haircut Places near you on Yelp - see all Haircut Places open now. Explore other popular Beauty & Spas near you from over 7 million businesses with over 142 million reviews and opinions from Yelpers. Yelp. Cancel. For Businesses. Write a Review. Log In. Sign Up. Restaurants. Home Services. Auto Services. More. Near Me; Haircut Places; Best Haircut Places Near Me. See All. Bocz Salon. 215 reviews. Hair Salons, Skin Care, Waxing. 1511 6th Ave, Seattle, WA. Closed. Sports Hair On May 1, hair salons and barbershops in the state of Colorado were able to open their doors again—no restaurants yet though for residents of the Rocky Mountain State. According to the Department of Licensing, there are 66,098 active cosmetology operators in Washington state, which includes shops that have barber and salon endorsements. All were deemed

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