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Behind Country Lines - Episode 3

Episode 3 – A Phone Call and a Well Placed Wink.
My name is Detective Chief Inspector Mark Neill. Currently, I am serving as the Senior Investigating Officer on the Birmingham City Organised Crime Task Force.
I am writing out this note as my dying declaration. The events that have led up to tonight, I feel I need to explain. Thus, giving a better understanding as to why I did, what I did.
There doesn’t seem much point to me being here anymore. I’ve failed my profession and I’ve failed my family.
When my body is found, people will say it was a guilty conscience. They will be right... just not in the way that they think, people need to know why I did this. People need to know the TRUTH!
7 years ago, I made the decision that led me on the path to this evening's events. The motivation to make this decision was influence when I saw how much damage Organised Crime did to my friend.
The event happened when I was sat in Birmingham Crown Court. The date was 8th July 2013. I was a Detective Sargeant at the time. I was assigned to the Major Violent Crime Unit, investigating a senior figure in local organised crime. Charges of ‘conspiracy to commit armed robbery’ and ‘conspiracy to supply class ‘A’ substances’ were what we’d put forward to the CPS. We were confident of a conviction.
Thomas Manning was well known Gangland figure. In his area, he was described as being someone ‘not to fuck with’. He ran a local drug gang, known as the ‘Greek Lane Mob’. Greek lane, being the gang's main territory, was a large section of the Borogrove Estate, situated in one of the roughest areas of the city. Manning used youth offenders for drug runners and muscle on the estate.
Thomas Manning aka ‘Tommy’ was also suspected of being a sex offender and being a commanding member of a clandestine network of paedophiles, who abused young boys and girls at the Sands Hill Orphanage. Rumours were rampant that some other members were high ranking police officers, local politicians and a certain BBC celebrity, who liked to ‘fix it’.
These sorts of stories fuelled speculation that Tommy had the local police in his pocket. That’s all they were though, stories. No hard evidence to back it up at the time. However, There were some instances, that I know were true, that provided circumstantial evidence Manning was in bed with some corrupt police officers. In early 2012, a local elderly woman, who lived on the Borogrove estate, had been intimidated by a gang of youths into letting them use her home as a trap-house. Trap-houses are what drug gangs use to cut, grow and dry out their product before getting it bagged up, ready to sell. This woman eventually called the East Midlands Police and informed them of her situation. On three, separate occasions, the police fobbed her off. At first, claiming they would send someone out immediately, they didn’t. The second occasion, they said there wasn’t much they could do, as she was ‘letting them in’ and the third time, they just told her it would be too much Paperwork.
However, despite the police doing nothing and never turning up to the house. The fact she’d called, somehow made it back to the gang of youths. One night, they forced their way into her house, assaulting her before setting her on fire and pushing her down a flight of stairs. She died from her injuries, after a week in hospital. When it came out that she’d begged for police help, the incident was pretty much brushed under the carpet and the police officially ruled it an accident. Yeah, accidentally set on fire, kicked seven bells of shit out of herself by mistake and then jumped, head first, down the stairs. Silly cow.
Thankfully though, this prompted the Police Commissioner to sanction two police operations, executed in late 2012 – mid 2013, rooted out a large amount of corruption within the local police force and the city council. Operation ‘Appletree’ and Operation ‘Lakewell’ were lauded as huge successes. ‘Appletree’ was an Anti-Corruption enquiry, into ties between low to mid-level police officers and organised criminal groups. ‘Lakewell’ was a criminal investigation into historical complaints of sexual abuse, made by residents of the Sands Hill orphanage, against the ring of paedophiles. Evidential Photo Identification by residents, uncovered this ring included known criminals, high-ranking police officers and also some local council officials. None of the residents would I.D. Thomas Manning though, presumably out of fear. However, despite this, these investigations would spell trouble for Mr Manning.
Both investigations are sealed, to protect public faith, in both the police force and the local council. However, I will disclose that a joint number of over 28 people were brought to justice, for crimes that involved ‘misconduct in a public office’, ‘conspiracy to commit a sexual act with a child’, ‘conspiracy to commit rape’. ‘conspiracy to commit fraud’. ‘sexual assault of a child’ and ‘conspiracy to commit murder.’
A number of the convicted parties, in Appletree and Lakewell, opted to trading information they had on Thomas Manning in return for Immunity and Witness Protection. This was a huge breakthrough, as he was the top dog when it came to local organised crime. One of the defendants traded evidence of phone calls that were made during a set-up of an armed raid on a local betting shop. These were given in return for full immunity and a new identity. Then, another nail was hammered into Mannings coffin when one of the policemen, who was arrested during the Appletree operation, claimed he had CCTV evidence against Tommy Manning, that he had sequestered for him. Except, he had kept it for insurance. He’d given the evidence to a lawyer, who was instructed to release the footage to the police, if anything ever happened to him. This was so Manning would never kill him as he was a loose end. In return for another WPA and immunity, he handed over the clip to the CPS. The tape showed Tommy Manning and some other individuals at a drug buy. The power had been cut, prior to the deal but unbeknown to the gang, one of the cameras had a backup battery and recorded the whole thing.
A very good friend of mine, Dave Baxter, was the Barrister for the prosecution. Dave was a high flyer for the Crown Prosecution Service and he was sought out specifically for this trial. We were going to get this bastard!
I was sat in the dock, while Dave question Manning. He tore him apart on the stand. Only Dave had the stomach to look a hardened criminal like Thomas Manning in the eye and belittle him. I looked on with awe at Dave. The Jury saw the CCTV evidence and phone records showing Manning as a violent kingpin who needed to be off the streets. His defence could offer nothing in the way of reasonable doubt. This was in the bag.
Just before closing statements, Mannings defence called for a recess due to one of his barristers forgetting his notes. The judge was understandably furious but the Prosecution allowed. They felt this would also subtly undermine the defence, further. Court was adjourned for the following morning at 10am. After everyone was dismissed, Dave went to the bathroom while I waited for him by the entrance. I was there to give him a ride home, keep him safe and composed due to the fact he was a high-risk prosecutor. High-risk solicitors were generally the ones who prosecuted Gangland operatives and were subject to bribery or intimidation. Alternatively, they also class anyone who defended Domestic or International Terrorists as high risk due to attacks from the outraged public. After 15 minutes had passed, Dave met me in the lobby. For the first time ever that i’d known this man, He looked genuinely rattled. I asked what was up with him and he replied with ‘This Manning character, Mark... do you think he’d be honestly stupid enough to take a shot at me. In open court?’
‘Honestly, he reportedly thinks with his fists and bullets, rather than his head but, still- that would be daft, wouldn’t it? Why you ask?’ I pried.
‘I was having a slash, when this bloke comes into the toilet at the same time, takes the cubicle next to me and closes the door. Few seconds later, I hear him say ‘Oi, psst’. I said ‘Can I help you?’ and this voice, replies with ‘Remove yourself from the Manning case. If you don’t, we will get to you.’ He had stormed out and left the bathroom, before I had chance to pull my pants up and open my door.’
‘Probably just paid some scally, mate. Can’t be much of a plan, to have the barrister killed in the same court that your being tried in. Got to be a bluff. They know if you drop the case at this stage, it was have to be retried and they can make arrangements for him to get out the country’ I said convincingly. However, I only 80% believed it and I 100% definitely knew that I had to keep him focused.
The next day, court resumed. Manning was back in the dock; The defence gave their closing statements. As predicted, the defence team reminded the jury about Mannings been targeted by the police for years and no evidence was found on him in BOTH the Appletree and Lakewell operations. They argued that Witness X and Witness K were used these footages to get out of their own crimes. In fairness, all this was true but didn’t change the fact so was the evidence. Both charges looked to be going over strong with the Jury and wouldn’t be long, before they came back with two guilty verdicts as well as a combined 82-year sentence. Manning would likely trade info on the crime gang and other criminal parties in return for reduced time, Leading to bigger, even more high-profile arrests.
However, the event that drove a knife through my heart and sent me on a hell-bent mission to bring down the cancer that is Organised Crime, came around 12.30pm. As Dave was preparing to give his closing statement. A clerk rushed into the courtroom and made her way over to Dave. She whispered something in his ear and he broke down in floods of tears. He had a complete emotional melt down and was escorted out of the room by two ushers and a paramedic. I was sat in front of the jury and just before I made my way out of the courtroom to check on Dave, I looked at Manning. He was staring right at me and the jurors. The only movement on his smug, smirking face was a quick, subtle wink.
At 11.54am, Dave’s neighbour had called 999, because she’d heard signs of a loud struggle and groans for help. She saw two men in dark balaclavas run out of her house and jump into the back of a white van, which sped off after a third man ran out and climbed into the van, shortly after. Police entered the Baxter home, at 12.13pm. They found signs of extreme violence. Dave’s wife, Jenny, was found on his stairs, beaten to death. She also had a large puncture wound in the side of her sick, just under her ear, believed to have being made with a large, cross-tip screw driver. She had bloody boot prints, pressed into her fractured skull and a forensics team found microscopic traces of wood splinters in the victim's hair, mouth and torso. Likely, from a violent assault with a baseball bat.
The back door was kicked in and Jennys mobile phone was upstairs. Crime scene investigators surmised that the men broke in and assaulted Jenny, striking her with a bat in the head, teeth and ribs. They stomped on her head and back as she lay on the floor. They think the men assumed they’d killed Jenny here and left. However, she was still alive, just barely. She desperately tried to crawl to phone, to call for help but when she couldn’t climb the stairs, she yelled out for help as best she could as she lived in a terrace house and it’s likely someone could hear her. She managed to alert her neighbour but, unfortunately also alerted to men so one rushed back in and finished her off with a screwdriver.
The police desperately attempted to keep the horrific details under wraps. However, a photo of Jenny, laying battered in a pool of her own blood, was leaked to the 12 jurors. The photo was taken on, what looked like an old 2010 model camera phone. Due to this fact, we assume the photo was taken by the perpetrators and wasn’t a leaked crime scene photo. Every single one of the jurors, claimed they did not want to take part in the trial, due to ‘medical grounds. All 12 of them. Fancy that.
The proceedings against Thomas Manning were declared a mis-trial. The case was due to be opened when the CPS found a new prosecuting barrister who was willing to take the case and, let's face it, they were hardly going to be queuing up. Thomas Manning had been staring down the barrel of a near 8-decade prison sentence and he’d escaped it. With what was no doubt, one phone call and one fucking well placed wink.
The world of organized crime, however, is a treacherous one. The major violent crimes unit continued to build a case against Tommy and his criminal associates and after months of hitting dead end after dead end, we had a major breakthrough in the Christmas period of that year. Mannings operation, with the help of another OCG, had carried out an armed raid of police seized goods depot. The other group were a biker gang, known as ‘The Swarm M.C.’, who operated within the city. They ended up making away with a large cache of drugs, pure heroin with a street value of 20 million but, also around £15 million worth of diamonds, cash and precious metals.
Here’s where a few eyebrows got raised, though. An anonymous tip-off came in, alerting us that the two groups who were involved in the raid, would be meeting at a farm, just outside of the city to split the proceeds. It seemed suspect but we didn’t care, it gave us probable cause and was our best lead in months. A large-scale armed police unit planned an arrest of all involved parties. This took place on the night of 30th December. Despite both crews being at the raid, only half the heroin was recovered from the meeting. Nothing else.
Thomas Manning was brought in for questioning along with the other 4 main men of his Greek Lane Drug Gang. However, only Frank Slater, President of The Swarm Motorcycle Club, the 4 associates from the Greek Lane mob and the rest of the biker gang were charged and remanded in custody at HMP Blackmarsh. Between them, they were facing a combined 165 years for Armed Robbery and Conspiracy to supply Class A drugs. Thomas Manning had only gone and secured an Immunity agreement for testifying against The Swarm. The 4 members of Greek Lane Mob agreed to have their sentences reduced to 5 years each, out in 2.5. This was on the basis that they also provided evidence against the Swarm. The GLM seemed to be getting a good deal out of this so far.
Manning was allowed to continue running his criminal enterprise, as his dealings and activities could lead to other future arrests. I personally questioned Frank Slater. I asked why there was only half the heroin at the raid. Slater explained, the two gangs carried out the robbery and made away with the gear. Due to the Bikers being on motorcycles, they made away with the rocks and cash. Whilst, Mannings crew made away with the drugs in a 7.5 tonne lorry.
The crews were set to meet at an agreed location, on the 30th December. The crews had agreed, after much deliberation, that The Swarm would keep the entire heroin haul. In return, they would trade the rocks, cash and an additional £5 million of their own money, for the van of heroin.
Slater explained that the rocks and cash had been handed at another meet, which went without a hiccup, taking place on the 28th December. This was actually Mannings idea, explaining it would be stupid to have the gear and money at one drop. if we they were followed, they would all lose everything they’d worked for. He also told them Criminal Prosecutors love to see Drugs for Money at meetings to secure large convictions and convinced the bikers, they should have two separate trades so if one got raided by the police, it would be harder for us to tie them to the job than if it was just some heroin we caught them with. He was correct in a lot of way but this was clearly a ploy.
So basically, Manning was handed 20 million in cash and valuable rocks, he also kept a batch of heroin with a street value of 10 million. Now, one of his biggest competitors are facing 15 years in prison and he’s got a free pass from the police to run this city. It didn’t take a genius to work out who made that anonymous phone call.
Up until the 4th April 2014, Thomas Manning swanned around Birmingham, like he owned the place. He drove around the Borogrove Estate, intimidating people into using their homes for crack dens and trap houses. He would also spend a lot of his nights in the Fusion nightclub - Taking cocaine, using prostitutes and violently assaulting anyone who told them he needed to ‘tone it down’. Worst of all, he was reported to have groomed more young girls and boys from another care home, similar to Sands Hill, to preform sexual acts on local politicians, in order to blackmail them in the future. Fundamentally, the income from the raid profits and the swarm being behind bars, had made the Greek Lane Mob the most prominent organised crime gang in the city. Thomas Manning was untouchable, and he fucking knew it.
However, as I said, the criminal underworld is a treacherous one. While, Manning couldn’t be touched by us, his criminal associates were another story. On April 4th 2014, at 12.12am, an anonymous tip off came into the station, informing the Witness Protection team that there was an immediate threat to life against a protected witness. Thomas Manning was the only high-profile witness in the WPP and with the trial upcoming against The Swarm for the raid, he seemed the obvious target.
A police convoy was sent from North Ferry Police station. The convoy was two cars. One containing two officers from the WPP and the other containing two authorised firearms officers to escort them. The Witness Protection Officer requested a low-key extraction. They wanted to simulate the appearance of an arrest so, not to alert people on the estate, that Manning was now a police witness.
The two vehicles picked Thomas Manning up from his registered address of 180 Greek Lane, Borogrove Estate and set off, to take him to North Ferry, to hold him in protective custody until the threat could be verified. He was put in the back of the 2nd car, with his Handler and the driver. The 1st car, containing the two AFOs, led the convoy on a route to the police station. The brief outlined by the WPO’s was to avoid congested roads, so the convoy wouldn’t get stuck at a red light or some other potential hold up and be vulnerable to an attack.
A witness statement from that night said that the two vehicles made their way on to the country lanes outside the city. At around 1.12am, the cars turned on to Farmers Lane and around 150 yards into the road, the front car was hit head on by a black Range Rover, with enough impact to cause their air bags to deploy. This trapped the two AFOs into their seats long enough that they couldn’t arm themselves quick enough to defend themselves and also caused the second car to crash head on into the back of the lead car. Stunning the passengers and also, Manning.
Reportedly, 4 arm men wearing dark balaclavas exited the Range Rover. They carried automatic assault rifles and a jerry can between them. They quickly open fired at the first vehicle, killing the two AFOs as they lay helplessly trapped in their seats. They ordered the two female WPOs out of the vehicle, instructing them to lay face down on the road, whilst being held under gun point. They then open fired into the second car, aiming mainly for Mannings legs. The armed men then doused the cars in petrol using the jerry can. They quickly re-entered the Range Rover and began to flee the scene, throwing a burning rag into the 2nd car as they passed, engulfing it in flames.
The two survivors, DS Rachel Cartwright and DC Kate Winston, couldn’t radio for assistance due to the two cars being on fire. DC Winston had to make her way 3 miles up the country road, in order to get a mobile signal to make a ‘status zero’ call to North Ferry. DS Cartwright said she sat on the road and helplessly watched Thomas Manning, as he screamed in pure agony. She said the way he pulled desperately at this blistering skin as the smell of his burning flesh filled the night air, will stay with her for the rest of her life. Thomas Mannings cries for someone to put him out, quickly turned into desperate begging for Cartwright to shoot him. Eventually his pleas faded out, completely.
There followed a large-scale murder enquiry into the 4th April Ambush. There were questions that really needed to be answered. Such as, why were the AFOs murdered in the attack, but not the two WPOs? Who ordered the attack on Manning? How did the attackers know the planned route of the convoy? However, despite over 2 years of investigating and over 8 high profile suspects being interviewed - none of these questions have been answered, fully.
The events as a whole continued to get stranger, when there was also another high profile set of murders later that month. These taking place in HMP Blackmarsh. The victims were the 4 criminal associates of Thomas Manning, who were involved in the Siege on the police seized goods depot, at Christmas. On the 22nd April 2014, Dennis Rockland, Kyle Warner, Wayne Garland and Johnny Hunter were all violently murdered within a short space of time. There were no witnesses to these murders. Well, not ones that were willing to come forward, anyway.
After a canteen riot broke out, a vast majority of the guards were brought in to get the brawl under control. After 25 minutes, the situation was under control and the guards were dispersed back to their original posts. Rockland was found face down in his toilet, along with 17 different shiv wounds to his throat, face and the back of his neck. Warner was found in the kitchen where he had his work assignment. His head had been forced into the deep fat frier and there was a large meat skewer driven into the back of his skull. Garland was found in the yard, judging by the bruising to his wrists and ankles, he’d been held down on a weight bench whilst someone pulverized his face and head with a 32kg dumbbell. The ferocity of the assault was so severe, they literally found blood spatter and shards of his teeth over 25 yards away. Johnny Hunter, who was Thomas Mannings right hand, seemed to get it the worst. He was on his own work assignment in the prison's laundry room. The guards, who were supervising him, were given the order that they were needed in the dining hall. The short amount of time between those guards leaving and the patrol returning allowed someone or some people to corner Hunter in the laundry room. The returning patrol found Hunter, strung from the ceiling by his wrists, with bed sheeting. The level of sexual and physical violence inflicted on the victim, made one of the patrol guard's vomit. In fairness, I nearly did too, when I read the file. Hunter had been attacked and showed signs of being raped. He’d then being viciously beaten as he hung from the rafter, like a piñata. He’d had a homemade acid cocktail thrown into his face and upper torso. Horrendously, he was found with one of the washing line poles forcibly driven into his anus and he had also been ‘gelded’. Yes, you heard me. Gelded.
Hunter was actually alive when he was found. However, the damage inflicted to his skull rendered him with irreversible trauma and a severe bleed on the brain. He was placed into an induced coma but 4 days later, the hospital diagnosed his state as vegetative. His brain and vital organs would not be able to function without machines. His only surviving relative, his sister, opted to remove the life support on 29th April 2014.
The Swarm M.C. were the obvious suspects. However, all 6 of the members who were inside at the time, were involved in the dining hall riot, nowhere near the victims. There was no evidence to suggest they had anything to do with it.
With Manning and his associates unable to testify against the Swarm, the charges of ‘Conspiracy to commit armed robbery’, ‘armed robbery’ and ‘Conspiracy to Distribute Class A drugs’ were dropped all the way to ‘Possession of a class A substance, with intent to supply’ and ‘Robbery’. Ironically, Manning demanding that the heroin be traded separate to the money was actually great legal advice. With no testimony from Manning about the raid and the trades, the higher charges couldn’t be corroborated. The CPS could only prosecute the gang for being caught with the stolen drugs.
The Swarm all then plead guilty for a maximum sentence of 2 years each. They were released, from Blackmarsh prison on probation, January 15th 2015.
The operation to convict Manning and the Greek Lane Mob was now mute. Manning and his 4 generals were dead. While this was obviously a win for the general public, it still begged a lot of questions. Who ordered the death of Manning? Who ordered the deaths of Rockman, Warner, Garland and Hunter? And the most important question of all... Who was now running organised crime in Birmingham?
A special task force was assembled on the 23rd of June 2014, it was named the City’s Organised Crime Task Force. Abbreviated to the OCT. The objectives of this task force were to establish intelligence on the new group that had taken over from Manning and the Greek Lane Mob. We wanted to be able to paint a picture of the Hierarchy of the new Organised Crime Syndicate that was running the Birmingham underworld. We wanted to know who was who and most importantly, who was top dog. After what happened with Dave Baxter and his wife, I was hell bent on putting a stop to organised crime in Birmingham. I begged my SIO to give me a transfer from MVC to the OC Task Force. Seen as I’d spent over 5 years as part of Major Violent Crime, working on plenty of cases involving dangerous criminals, I had a wealth of experience when it came to gangs and drug operations and therefore, my request was granted. After one year at my new post, I was promoted to Detective Inspector and was 2nd in command.
Over the course of 4 years, we built up a wealth of intelligence on what we discovered to be one of the largest, multifaceted, clandestine criminal networks in British history. These bastards were into everything. Guns, armed robbery, human trafficking, child prostitution but the bread of butter of the OCG was drugs. They manufactured and distributed over 50 tonne of crack cocaine a year. The heroin business was just as significant. They also sold Oxycodone in moderate quantity.
The reason for this gang being able to move so much product, was that as well as flooding the streets of Birmingham with their drugs, they also groomed and manipulated young kids to transport there drugs out of the city. These kids would head up to smaller market and seaside towns in other counties, such as Blackpool, Bridlington, Weston-Super-Mare, Huddersfield, Halifax and Brighton to further their network. Our research and surveillance unveiled that these kids would transport, anywhere between 5 and 50 grands worth of product into each designated area. They would set up their own networks there, recruiting other vulnerable kids to help them sell, cut, and transport the product.
The main OCG would provide the kid in charge of his area with one, or several mobile phones. These are what are known as ‘county lines’. The ‘lines’, or the number of the phones are distributed around the area so that people who want to buy Crack, Coke or Heroin can call that specific line. The kid in charge will then send one of his runners to drop off the product, in return for cash. Once all this product is sold, the kid in charge will return to the City, to deliver the cash to the main OCG. His product will then be replenished and the cycle begins again.
The OCG use these county line methods as the competition is barely non-existent in these smaller towns. These market towns may have dealers currently operating but, in comparison, they are small fry. If there was a current dealer operating in the town and he ended up stepping on the new kids toes, then the kid would only have to make a single phone call to arrange to removal of his competition. This gang and their leaders, whoever they may be, are incredibly ruthless. They will intimidate, hurt or even kill anyone who is a threat or a nuisance to them. Whether that be a witness, a rival gang member or even a member of the police or council.
Our investigation had hit a dead end in November 2018, we had plenty of information on how the gang operated but we had no idea who the high-ranking members were, including the top man. We were given a deadline of 30th March 2019 to identify these individuals otherwise the task force would be disbanded and the resources would be relocated elsewhere.
The only way we were going to do this... was with an inside man.
submitted by Pristine-Engine4388 to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

Alone in the void 2: Chapter 17

Again apologies for the long time between posting, being a bit ill plus having to maintain a busy life this week left little time for actual writing.
Herald woke up in his room, it was half the size it originally was, the door was closer to his bed. Leaning forwards he felt something slide out of his back.
*Connection lost, WNA enabled...connected. Resuming diagnostics. *
standing up and looking around he could see a tank behind his 'bed' feeding liquid into his body
“how long?”
*nutrient uptake required in 92 hours. *
“how long was I asle...oh.” he thought as the system instantly gave him a number. He'd been asleep for weeks.
He looked down at his body and was surprised to find it looked pretty much the same as before, just naked.
Ellen spoke within his head.
She followed on.
Herald walked around his room and noted it felt like he was a little light. “I feel lighter than normal, movement isn't so heavy.” he replied.
Ellen told him.
he spoke as he moved.
she asked him, even though her voice had no concern he could feel some emotion leaking through as information flowed between the two of them.
he replied moving his arms and legs, kicking his feet to the sides and 'limbering' up. He noted instead of a light clink of chitin against floor plates there was a dull thud thud as he hopped on his new feet. He must be heavier.
Ellen told him.
He walked to his dresser and as he thought of pulling on an EVA suit one materialised around him. he thought.
Ellen explained.
Herald nodded and walked out of the room.
High father Nashims rest listened to the report again. Thousands it said. No small matter of rescue. He would need freighters loaded with food and modified for extra life support. Escorts for the freighters and the rest of the logistical nightmare. His system was a resort, a place of luxury and wealth for the faith. Home to millions of faithful servants who ensured the single habitable planet was a place of beauty and carefully curated nature.
He listened to the message and watched the arrival of the decidedly not Faith built ship and decided to ignore the message. Just to make sure no particularly heartfelt faithful fell prey to the obvious ploy he also purged it from his records and the entire planetary networks records before moving to request a patrol in force come by to oust the raiders.
With that trouble dealt with he moved on to more important matters such as preparing the latest feast for his high priority guests and managing the tree baring parasites on the northern continent.
Hananken looked out at the flat rectangle of wielded containers. “You're certain its air tight?”
“Nope, but there should be minimal leaks, I've got some sensors around to help detect them and I can patch them as they come. The life supports good for a few hundred at best though.” the drone next to him replied.
Once again he found the direct honesty refreshing. She had no reason to lie so why bother skirting the truth. “I'll ask for volunteers.”
“Do that...I have something else to tell you.” the drone said looking around. “Quietly if you don't mind.”
the paladin nodded and waved away his hovering guards and a squire checking a light fitting. “Go ahead.” he replied.
“If my math is right, you're nearly out of food and I have none to spare. Are you familiar with reprocessed proteins?” the drone asked him quietly.
“no.” he answered bluntly, he knew rations often had extra proteins calories and vitamins added to them but reprocessing protein was something completely new.
“Alright...I...can, produce more food in my hydroponics bay, enough to feed your people for a while...” the drone pauses and Hananken had gotten good enough to recognise hesitation
“but.” he prompts
“I need to feed the cultures in my bay, and a lot of faithful died here...until rescue comes I need their bodies...”
“you would use our dead to feed our living.”
“yes. They would be broken down, fed to bacteria and fungus then I harvest the fungus for calories and the bacterial for their protein chains. The result is a soft bar that holds everything you need to live.” the drone replies. “also they're starting to decompose in their containers.” the drone adds.
“alright...” Hananken tells her accepting the choice. He'd not eaten in two days and it was beginning to effect him. He waves over a squire waiting out of easy earshot, back to the drone he repeats himself. “Alright its a good idea, Squire. The ship captain has offered to put our dead into cold storage until we can give them proper rights, have the containers moved to the pickup point.”
“yes sir.” the squire replies before running off.
Ellen was working hard now, teasing her ship inside the asteroid ring whilst shuttles moved between her and the container station hovering just above the rings, as she did this drones skirted the small rocks, briefly scanning them for useful material whilst the larger ones had probes launched at them, hundreds of rocks were scanned and each one catalogued. A few were found with rare and valuable resources and those were quickly grasped by demolition charges and broken up for easier transport.
It was a slow process at the start, the first drones to return served one purpose, make more drones. It wasn't long before her stocks where full, then overflowing as the drones returned with material, recharged and refuelled and left again to continue harvesting material.
Inside her body chunks of material where crushed, smelted and refined into ore's and waste before being fed into machine shops and turned into new hull plates, new components and where possible, weapons.
Whilst this was happening, in another section of her ship self faithful bodies were being processed by species and fed into a grinder, chemical macerator and then the remains cleaned of bacteria and reshaped into bars, each in turn sorted by species compatibility. It was disgusting, dirty work but It was also exactly what would keep the faithful alive a little longer.
After all it didn't exactly feel right just killing them now. And whilst disgusting, feeding them their dead did mean they lived a little longer.
Hananken watched as a squad of drones emerged from the corridor as he'd been told. Flanking him were two more droids pulling a crate laden with grey-brown bricks coated in clear film. It had only been half a day but the first shipment of 'soylent' was here.
In front of his soldiers he walked over to the crate and at the direction of a drone picked up a bar, unwrapped it and took a bite.
It was chewy and disturbingly moist but almost void of anything he would describe as flavour. He swallowed the clump and nodded.
“Distribute these one per member of the faith. Each crate is separated by species correct?” he asked.
“Correct.” the drone replied in a dead tone. Over time he'd figured out that when there was emotion the drone was under control, when it gave a direct and blunt answer it was running on what must be an incredibly advanced automated remote control system.
“you heard the drone, figure out what species is what and get moving, there's a few thousand hungry faithful in need of a meal.” he said looking at the half squashed bar in his hand and despite the feeling of self loathing in his chest the burning pain in his stomach's won. he took another bite.
Ellen was busy as all hell, Nakikalic was recovering well, Namke was busy chipping in with the repair work and despite suffering minor bumps and cuts associated with the work was very happy. She'd even offered some high guarded rooms for the more injured members of the Faith. A squire and a drone with each wounded at all times.
Outside her ship self nearly three thousand drones were hard at work. They'd found a large asteroid with a uranium core so she'd set up a drilling team and was busy restocking her fuel dump, every day her factories produced hundreds of hull plate layers, meter thick sheets of iron, polymers, shock absorbent and heat abrasive materials that all got fed into a compressor and then blasted with radiation.
The pylons where still an issue, she had most of the material but the rare elements that where used in trace quantities to finish the alloy structure of each pylon were few and far between. Not to mention the single replacement she'd managed to make was still undergoing treatment, a constant bombardment of radiation from her secondary reactor.
She'd requested the waste products from the faith also be collected, she was actually feeding those into her hydroponics, she estimated another week before harvest could begin. Since the main planet had not responded to her hails repeatedly, these faithful were her problem.
The temporary engines Namke had rigged up were now being torn apart and fed back to her as she installed a replacement pair, the old ruined engines being cut free and recycled even as new dull grey replacements slid in and were wielded in place by her maintenance drones. She smiled as she felt her new engines come online thrust capacity was now at 30%. she gently used them to steady out a tiny spin she'd been unable to totally resolve on her ship self until now.
High father Nashims rest looked down at the sprawling city around him, for a place that held nearly 10 million working faithful it sprawled beyond the horizon even from over 200 meters in the sky from his offices. He stood and watched the parade and wondered why he hadn't been involved with it.
“Mother what is this parade in honour of? I wasn't informed.” he asked turning to the lithe and attractive lady he'd hired to be his second.
The low Mother looked up from her work, he noted an uneaten sandwich and bottle of water at the side of her desk. “its a protest. I've been organising our security forces to keep it peaceful.”
“protesting what? We live on a paradise planet.”
“they say they want a farer share of the bounty offered to the high ranking visitors. Better living quarters and more hospitals and clinics to care for illnesses. Its a long list sir.” she replies before looking back at her terminal.
“humph, have the squires and paladin contingent deployed outside, I don't want any of that interfering with the central hospitality sector.”
“yes sir.” she replied and got back to her work again ignoring the food left for her. He'd have to admonish her for that, food was meant to be eaten, savoured and enjoyed. Not left to go to waste, unless you were full.
He sat back down in his chair and looked at his computer, he had two parties to prepare, one tonight and another tomorrow. He would be hosting an influential trade father and there was a representative of another group hoping to attain bishop corporate status, with the right pushes and the right transfer of assets he could potentially give both groups what they wanted. But to do that, he had to make sure that everyone was where they needed to be when they where needed.
He turned around and watched the parade and idly wondered why they wanted more hospitals. They had one in the city already.
He pushed the thought from his mind and returned to more important business.
Ellen may have been busy repairing herself but she was by no means blind to the goings on around her. Some of the first drones she deployed had tucked themselves into asteroids around her, already tagged as useless to her and began quietly watching and listening. It took nearly a day for any signal to reach her from the main planet and it was with comfort she watched as a distinct lack of significant military moved around the system. Bloated freighters brought goods, sometimes a corvette or cruiser class escort would be with a convoy.
That wasn't what she found interesting though. The planet was, just like any advanced or established colony, ringed with satellites to aid global communications, this meant that signals eventually leaked, just like a news report speaking of global unrest and protests in the capital city regarding the lack of basic needs for the people.
Apparently this planets governor didn't believe in education, medical care or basic infrastructure.
She finished manually installing a new power line and ensured the carbonated remains attached to the previous one where taken to hydroponics before flying her focus into a damaged and battery drained drone in the hangers.
“There's an issue on the planet.” she told the Paladin, he'd proven reasonable and so far, true to his word. The hangers were still staging grounds for his men but more and more were moving to the makeshift station she'd constructed, the faith were industrial if anything else.
“What concern is it to us?” he asked.
“Planetary revolt.” she replied. He turned and gave the drone his full attention.
“Explain.” he demanded.
she gave him all the information she'd intercepted including the planetary governor not rescinding his attendance to two back to back parties to deal with the critical issues.
“Size of the main city, estimated population, number of armed protestors, number of local garrison, severity of violent protests, arrests and fatalities compared to peaceful protests. Information on local leaders, hands palms and unofficial group leaders where identifiable.” he rattled off. “I need as much as you can give me before I make a decision. There's a terminal in here you've left offline, can you activate it and route a news feed directly here from the planet?”
“Of course. I'll need to take this drone away, its internal battery is depleted, I'll return with another one soon, don't rip this ones arm off please.” she told him as she flicked her will and the terminal buzzed to life.
“no promises.” he replied with a toothy smile.
Herald ducked and thrust with an armoured gauntlet, felt metal impact metal and the sparring drone few back to impact the sparring room wall. With a shrug he exited the power armour suit and rotated his joints, micro stress fractures were registered at pressure points but his built in repair systems were already hard at work fixing those. His polymer overspin flowed into shape from a gel like impact layer it hardened on the outside becoming rigid plates and mimicking his uniform.
Once more presentable he ordered the drone to stow his armour and left the room. He walked down one corridor, through two bulkheads to a room where a faith guard was stood besides a drone.
“May I go in?” he asked.
“I'll ask.” the squire replied pulling open the door and moving inside. Herald rolled his eyes at the drone and saw the tiniest shudder of amusement from Ellen as she watched through its eyes.
“He say you can go in...” the squire replies in broken common.
Herald nodded and walked through the door squatting down a little to account for his large frame. Inside the room had been redecorated a medical monitor lay next to the cot, a trio of lines going from it to the patient, one for blood flow and oxygen levels, the second was attached to a pad on his head monitoring brain activity, the third was a fluid line leading to a drip bag of nutrients. A quick blink and Herald knew that the bag's content used to be other faithful killed onboard.
“How are you?” he asked the wounded Nikkian on the bed. Its chitin was covered in a criss-cross of cracks, some had dried resin beginning the sealing process already, others were larger or made more of fragments and the puss flowed freely from the wounds into clear plastic patches that would fill up and then solidify forming a complete new plate. The once proud paladin was in for a long recovery.
“What do you care heretic?” the soldier asked staring with hate in his eyes.
“Its been a while since I spoke to another paladin. You were smashed into a wall when we left jump space correct.” he asks.
“yea, shuttle under fire, no problem, fucking meat grinder of a hanger, easy. Cant stay standing when your magnetic lock fails though. You came through it fine.”
“I was strapped to a crash couch. And had two combat drones hold me down. Burst a few blood vessels though. Inertial dampeners can only do so much.” he explained. He had in fact ruptured several more organs but that wouldn't give him much credibility so he lied a little bit to the paladin in front of him.
“hmm. So what do you want?”
“I was on the depot at the time, fighting for my life just like you. I want to know how it went for your side.” he said. “and perhaps find out if im not so different from you still.”
“Not so different, you faithless bastard wouldn't know sacrifice if it hit you in the want to know what happened. The missiles hit and we got the go signal, we smashed into the hangers and found ourselves being cut down inside the armoured shuttles. Fucking armour penetrating rounds inside your own ship you suicidal assholes... breaking out of the shuttles cost half my unit, we got the shield projectors up just in time to hug them for cover. 'fuck getting the heavy guns from the shuttle.' I thought as those explosive shells rained down on us. Then those scuttle bugs things started dropping and we had to shoot above us, behind us and in front of us just so we didn't get cut to pieces.
I told you it was a meat grinder.” the paladin says. “how was it on the station.”
Herald shrugged. “similar but different, we had launch pods ready to go from the start. Loaded with drones, all three variants. When the attack came they launched. It was a tense few seconds before that. Surrounded, out numbered and with a bare few drones between me and barrages of fusion rifle fire. I was very glad for my new rifle then.”
“I bet. A fusion rifle will rip through a shield but those cannons...i never saw a paladin explode before.” the soldier said trying to shift.
“Do you want me to help you sit upright?” Herald asked.
“I'd love to but the doc says my abdomen is shattered. Need to let the plates reform so im stuck here.” the soldier answered.
“So, I don't know of any renegade Nikkian colonies in this sector which means you're a lone turncoat...or one of a few. How'd it happen.”
“I met our Goddess.” Herald explained.
“phhaahhahaoooo shouldn't laughhahaa ahh fuuuck. That hurt. You met the Goddess? That's fucking rich, what are you then, a prophet?”
“No, I am her Herald, nothing more, nothing less. It was written, she will come to us in burning fury, wipe aside her foes and consign them to the darkest punishment...she swept aside three ships in the blink of an eye. Gutted a flotilla including battleships and then sent them to the dark between universes.” Herald explained before continuing with a different scripture.
“By her hand worlds where formed, shaped from dead rock and nourished from unborn stars. This too I have seen whilst initially her prisoner, now her faithful.” he spoke in reverent terms.
“And where is she then.”
“You're inside her. This ship, those drones, every single part of this ship is her ironclad flesh. Even now when by all rights she should kill everyone onboard and wash her hands of us for the damage we have done to her physical form. Instead she gives the wounded room to heal, feeds us from her breast and works to enlighten us all piece by peace. Our faith has blinded us to the divine and we reject it as heresy.” Herald stopped himself from saying more.
“You truly believe this ship is our Goddess?” the soldier asks
“She carved a hole though a temple ship like it was paper. Everything the faith has thrown at her so far has done little more than annoy her. I fear the day she decides to fight back in true form.”
Ellen spoke inside his head
“Why are you smiling?” the soldier asked.
“She just spoke to me.” Herald told the soldier.
“Didn't hear anything. I recon you're just cracked, got hit in the head once two many.”
Ellen spoke again, this time through the speaker built into each room.
The soldier jerked his head around to find the source of the noise. “Its a speaker behind you.” Herald told him.
“And jus like that you nearly had me.” the soldier wheezed as he painfully laughed.
“ alright.” Herald told the broken soldier as he stood up to leave.
“Wait...are we going to survive this? Her. I mean. Will she kill us?” the soldier asked.
“Only if you make her.” Herald told the man before walking out of the room.
Ellen knew it was a waste of resources but she wanted to do it anyway, she'd modified one of the drones to have a larger power bank, bigger thrusters and after re-orienting its thrusters for mobility. She dove into the machine and gently slid it out of the launch tube before thrusting away, a single central sensor gave her a 140 degree view in front of her and she used it to gently curve towards the top of the ring before flipping upside down and viewing her body through the high quality sensor, her once elegant and beautiful body was pockmarked and patched, engravings and memories carved over lifetimes where gone, replaced with craters, molten and burnt plating or bare clean new panels.
She shed a digital tear over the half charred image of her scratching the head of little Flick. For a moment I dive into a memory millennia old, stroking her smooth fur, slowly working out how to simulate real fur so she could finally die an old cat with a smooth complete coat.
Burying her in fields of lavender flowers... Kar and the other friends we'd made along the way openly weeping at her. Cybernetics on display to show there was no shame in living and dying augmented.
With a jerk she yanked her awareness back to reality and quickly burst away from the asteroid she was drifting towards. She cycled her body again before pulling alongside a faith shuttle running patrol around her, with a spin she arced upwards and oddly enough the shuttle followed. This could be fun. The box shaped thing had the aerodynamics of a brick but in the vacuum of space that really didn't matter. With another burst she flattened her flight so she was skimming the top of the asteroids, letting them race past underneath her. A moment later the shuttle joined her.
“you're one of the crew in there aren't you. That thing looks guns, a scout then.” the pilot spoke over an open channel before pushing past her and diving into the asteroid field, putting his note to a rock and burning hard to push around it and fling himself deeper inside. With a laugh she raced after him burning the thrusters on her belly to near enough grind the drones head against the same rock before racing after the shuttle.
They raced for a while coming dangerously close to rocks or in a few cases where drones had cored a larger rock for resources zooming straight through the hole left. The whole time the pilot would give short comments and she'd reply in kind. 'lets go there' 'diving deeper' 'nice corkscrew' and '...damn.' were often sent back and forth as both flew more and more risky moves before eventually curving back to her ship self low on fuel.
“Its been a while since I've been able to stretch my wings. Even if they're thrusters on a shuttle.” the pilot told her. “you're one hell of a pilot.”
“I've had a lot of practice” Ellen replied aiming herself for the hanger she would glide into and then spinning 180 degrees so she was entering it blind. Of course she knew the exact speed, distance and rate of deceleration she needed to come to a safe stop, and this close to her true ship self she had hundreds of other eyes to make use off, it still looked impressive. Besides it was fun.
Hananken watched the news feed as protests got worse, the planetary governor did nothing and the local forces found themselves ill equipped to control let alone quell the riots springing up across the planet. Once again he entertained the possibility that this was an elaborate ruse by the ships crew, who he'd yet to even see one off. The drone didn't count, the new one was clearly brand new, unpainted and completely unarmed, he could even tell it was physically weaker than the former combat model he'd been communicating with.
He looked over the estimates and frowned. The local forces were using non lethal's, arresting some bigger trouble makers and in some cases giving the louder voices guards, he assumed to keep them from going too far and to show support of their actions.
In the capital things were the worst of course, the security forces had locked down the city centre and were viciously repelling any protestors who tried to push past them whilst also ignoring rioting happening anywhere but in the areas where their own homes were located where they'd made it clear the protestors were not welcome by not sticking to non lethal weapons. News stations showed slightly blurred but clearly dead bodies burnt by fusion fire.
He looked at Ellen's predicted numbers. A few hundred protestors had rifles and many more were relying on simple things like throw able flammables or aerosols that would explode in the fire but the great majority were just civilian protestors finally pushed too far by an ineffective leader.
The local forces where also too few and too divided to properly control the uprising even if they where to use lethal's.
He factored in his own forces and did the math, he had the numbers to tip the balance, in the favour of the protestors or to crush the riots and force the locals back to work. The problem now was landing his forces. They'd raced in on shuttles that now sat mostly in ruins inside the vast hangers of the south wind. Some he'd had towed into space where the drone fleet this ship had deployed quickly picked them up and devoured them for materials.
Idly he took another bite of the ration bar on the table in front of him and mechanically chewed the thing, this was one of the second batch, apparently home grown in the hydroponics rather than reprocessed...he pushed the thought away and returned to his work.
“Im not helping you crush this rebellion.” Ellen the captain told him
“I wasn't asking you to. I'm more inclined to exercise a brief period of martial law to oust the moron who let the situation get this bad. You know their demands?” he asked
“Hospitals, transport, free time. Basics that they're not getting. Are your men capable of doing this?” she asked him seriously, the drone had its arms folded.
“Yes.” he replied after a brief hesitation, they'd more than likely enjoy and honest to gods fight after the meat grinder they'd been put through a few weeks prior.
“would you appreciate support?” she asked.
“...How.” Hananken asked after a brief pause. He remembered a particularly zealous father who would just bombard rebellious planets instead of letting ground and air forces do their work.
“Heavy armour, air superiority, scouting drones...and a specialist team, they'll make your paladins look like kids fresh in boot camp.” she told him. “Anything comes to a head, they'll drop in and go to work. It'll be messy. But its better than bombardment. I refuse to use heavy ordinance on a planet unless absolutely necessary.”
“Has it ever been?” he asked.
“Once. Someday I might tell you.”
“How about after we get past this, my men are safe planet side and you're full repaired.” he told her holding out a hand.
The drone looked at it and shook its head. “Follow me, its time you met me in person.”
submitted by iridael to HFY [link] [comments]

Check out which of these shocking coronavirus predictions from 2/23 came true so far, and which didn't. What will happen next?

On February 23rd, I posted a couple of coronavirus predictions. I was mocked on economics at the time, because the things I anticipated seemed ridiculously outlandish in “normal” pre-coronavirus America.
More and more of the stuff I anticipated came true in the weeks that followed. From today’s perspective, my predictions don’t seem so outlandish anymore. Now they just seem like statements of fact and common knowledge.
A lot of people have asked me for an update and more predictions. So here we go. Let’s start by looking at which of the predictions came true so far:


“They're gonna shut down his rallies, and the Democratic primary, to avoid more mass infections.”
March 10: Sanders, Biden cancel rallies as coronavirus fears haunt the campaign trail (NBC)
March 12: Amid virus fears, Trump moves away from rallies — for now (Associated Press)
March 30: 14 States Have Postponed Their Primaries Because of Coronavirus. (New York Times)

“The Olympics in Japan will be cancelled.”
March 24: Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics Officially Postponed Due To Coronavirus (Forbes)

“Air travel between the US and Europe will be suspended.”
March 11: Trump is suspending all flights from Europe to the US to fight coronavirus (Quartz)

“There will be severe supply/food/medical shortages in the coming weeks.”
March 13: The toilet paper shortage caused by the coronavirus is real (Washington Post)
March 24: ER Doctor describes impact of medical supply shortage (MSNBC)
March 26: Coronavirus measures could cause global food shortage, UN warns (The Guardian)

“As the market continues to decline, mega-funds that hold billions in passive ETFs will automatically dump their holdings when certain price triggers are reached.”
March 3: In a Down Market, ETFs Could Make Things Even Worse (Wall Street Journal)
March 29: Coronavirus puts an end to ETFs’ decade-long spree (Financial Times)

“Before the end of March, the Dow will crash so bad, they will halt trading.”
March 9: Trading halted as U.S. stocks plummet (Axios)
March 12: Trading halted after stocks plunge following Trump's coronavirus response (MSNBC)
March 16: Stock markets halted for unprecedented third time due to coronavirus scare (TechCrunch)

“There will be tens of thousands of dead people by the end of March, and tens of millions of dead people by the end of 2020.”
March 31: U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses China As Global Fatalities Top 40,000 (US News & World Report)

“In the next few days, we'll be seeing outbreaks in every country on earth”
Global coronavirus map (John Hopkins University)

“The market is not going to keep going up up up anymore. It's gonna keep going down”
March 31: Stock markets suffer worst quarter since 1987 (BBC)

“In a few days you'll see massive panic buying and empty store shelves in the US.”
March 16: Panic Buying Leaves Empty Shelves At Supermarkets And Stores (Today Show)

“In a few weeks, people will refuse to accept cash (if you can even find an open store at all) because cash spreads the virus.”
March 7: Dirty money: The case against using cash during the coronavirus outbreak (CNN)
March 16: America Closed: Thousands Of Stores, Resorts, Theaters Shut Down (NPR)
March 20: Paper money shunned for fear of virus spread (ABC News)
March 26: Merchants shun cash as coronavirus infection fears widen (Nikkei Review)

“Entire cities in the US will be put under quarantine, just like in China, South Korea and Italy. The same will happen all over the world, until WHO officially announces that it's a pandemic. From that point on they will no longer try to contain the outbreak, but manage it somehow, by telling people to avoid others.”
March 11: WHO declares novel coronavirus outbreak a pandemic (CNN)
March 14: Why Experts Are Urging Social Distancing to Combat Coronavirus Outbreak (USCF)
March 18: New York: The city that never sleeps on lockdown (BBC)
March 19: California Orders Lockdown for State’s 40 Million Residents (Wall Street Journal)
March 20: Illinois governor issues order requiring residents to ‘stay at home’ starting Saturday (Chicago Tribune)

“A lot of medical personnel will quit their jobs and not show up for work, rather than risk getting infected.”
March 20: “Two of her nurses had just quit, in tears. “They were fed up,” she said. “They couldn’t take it any longer.” (New York Times)
March 25: Georgia Nurse Quits Her Job After Being Assigned To The ‘Corona Floor’ (BET)
March 26: Sibley Memorial Hospital nurse quits over ‘lack of protection’ (WTOP)
March 27: Health care workers on frontlines feel like 'lambs to the slaughterhouse' (CNN)
March 27: More Than 50 Doctors in Italy Have Now Died From Coronavirus (Newsweek)

“The police force and the US military will have more and more infected and quarantine thousands of troops. It's already happening in South Korea. The US bases in the epicenter of the South Korean outbreak quarantined themselves and are under lockdown.”
March 27: Defense department reports more than 600 cases of coronavirus and 2 related deaths (CNBC)
March 30: Pentagon orders military bases to stop releasing specific COVID-19 numbers (The Hill)
March 31: 15 percent of NYPD officers out sick amid coronavirus crisis: commissioner (New York Post)
March 31: Commander of aircraft carrier hit by coronavirus outbreak warns Navy 'decisive action' is needed (CNN)


“There will be tens of thousands of dead people by the end of March, and tens of millions of dead people by the end of 2020.”
My prediction of tens of thousands dead by the end of March was based on the same math model as the prediction that there will be millions dead by the end of 2020. Since the March figures were true, the year end figures will most likely be true too.
March 31: U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses China As Global Fatalities Top 40,000 (US News & World Report)

“The US healthcare system will collapse”
The pandemic follows very similar trajectories in countries all over the world. We are 2 weeks behind whatever happens in Italy and Spain. So looking at what’s happening in other countries is a good predictor of what will happen in the US in the coming weeks, because it’s already happening elsewhere.
March 12: U.S. states scramble to slow virus spread, prevent hospital collapse (Reuters)
March 16: Doctors: COVID-19 pushing Italian ICUs toward collapse (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy)
March 20: Brazil's health system will collapse by April: Health minister (Aljazeera)
March 26: Spain’s healthcare system on verge of collapse as another 655 die of coronavirus (Metro UK)
March 25: More Than 1,000 Massachusetts Doctors Sign Plea Warning Health System Could Be Close To Collapse (WBUR)
March 27: New York City Hospital Director Says Equipment Supply Will Only Last Through March (NPR)
March 31: Hospitals Tell Doctors They’ll Be Fired If They Speak Out About Lack of Gear (Bloomberg)

“There will be millions of uninsured or underinsured Americans going bankrupt because of insanely high medical bills, because millions of Americans will require extensive ICU treatment that will last weeks. It will cost a fortune. People who are lucky enough to survive will be bankrupt.”
This pandemic is the perfect time to start Medicare for All, like the systems they have in the rest of the civilized world. America is the only country where people have to worry about sky high medical bills.
March 10: Kept at the Hospital on Coronavirus Fears, Now Facing Large Medical Bills. Care was mandated by the government, but it’s not clear who has to pay. (New York Times)
March 19: Total Cost of Her COVID-19 Treatment: $34,927.43 (Time)

“When the US government tells us to quarantine and stay home to slow the spread of infections, the quarantine will fail, because homeless people and drug addicts will continue to spread the virus.”
We still haven’t reached the point of a nationwide lockdown yet, but there are already signs that it’s failing because people aren’t listening:
March 24: A shortage of illicit drugs is imminent due to the coronavirus lockdown – and the consequences could be deadly (The Independent)
March 29: People Are Throwing Coronavirus Parties, Prompting Arrests And Citations (Huffington Post)
March 30: Cops Break Up Drug-Fueled Orgy, Confiscate Liquid Ecstasy and Cocaine (Rare)

“We'll be seeing an explosion of infections in India in the next few days.”
India hasn’t done nearly enough testing in the past few weeks. That’s why we didn’t see the explosion of officially confirmed infections yet. But it’s finally starting to show.
March 20: Coronavirus: Why is India testing so little? (BBC)
March 20: India scrambles to fight its hidden coronavirus epidemic: ‘The explosion is already here’ (The Indendent)
March 22: Indian Migrant Workers Crowd Trains, Defying Virus Curfew (US News & World Report)

“At least one old politician (Trump, Bernie, Biden, members of Congress or the Senate) will probably die from coronavirus before the end of the year. Probably more than one since it's so fatal for old people.”
No one in the Senate, Congress or White House has died of the coronavirus yet, as far as we know. But there have been several infections reported inside the beltway in recent days, as well as among political leaders around the world. Statistically speaking, it’s only a matter of time before a high ranking US politician dies from the virus.
March 13: Canadian PM Trudeau's wife tests positive for coronavirus (BBC)
March 21: Rand Paul is first senator to test positive for coronavirus (CNN)
March 27: Coronavirus in Congress: Lawmakers who have tested positive (The Hill)
March 27: Coronavirus strikes UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, his health secretary and his chief medical adviser (CNN)
March 31: White House predicts 100,000 to 240,000 will die in US from coronavirus (CNBC)

“This pandemic will be a cataclysmic change to our way of life. A bigger change catalyst than 9/11. There was a world before coronavirus, and there will be a world after coronavirus. But it won't be the same world. This nightmare is worse than a nuclear war.”
We’re not quite there yet. But we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg so far. The coming weeks will be much worse. But already it is pretty clear that Covid-19 has changed the world forever and is one of the biggest disasters in human history.
March 20: How the World Will Look After the Coronavirus Pandemic The pandemic will change the world forever. (Politico)
March 31: NYC paramedics overwhelmed by coronavirus cases: "We've had 9/11-type calls for eight days" (CBS News)
March 31: The coronavirus has now killed more people in the US than the 9/11 terror attacks (Vox)
March 31: America's deadliest day to date: Coronavirus death toll soars to 3,180 - an increase of 605 with a person dying every TWO MINUTES - as 22,000 new infections are recorded and experts say the worst is yet to come (Daily Mail)


“I think it's a pretty safe guess that Trump will inevitably get infected with coronavirus in India, and within the next 30 days, he'll have symptoms. And in the meantime, while he's symptom free, he'll infect hundreds if not thousands of people at his rallies.”
Out of all my predictions from 2/23, this is the only one that I got wrong.
But using Trump as an example was really only meant to illustrate that the virus will not stay in Wuhan, but even reach the upper echelon in Washington.
And at the time I made that prediction, one day before Trump’s India trip, it seemed the most obvious way he will get infected.
As far as we know, Trump has not been infected yet. But several people around him have. Well, who knows, maybe they didn’t infect him, because he infected them. Maybe Trump simply was lucky enough to have very mild symptoms.
March 9: Republicans who came in contact with Trump self-quarantine (Politico)
March 13: Trump dinner companion tested positive for coronavirus, White House physician says (Politico)


13 coronavirus predictions for April, the rest of 2020, and beyond. Let's hope they don't come true.

submitted by BlueCoastalElite to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

Will the Indianapolis Colts win OVER/UNDER 8.5 games? By University Stats Prof!

1. Introduction

Franchise QB Andrew Luck stunned the NFL world a few weeks before the 2019 season began by announcing his retirement at age 29. I really felt sorry for Colts fans; that had to be a devastating blow. The timing also prevented the team from drafting accordingly.

Indianapolis rolled with Jacoby Brissett and they were right in the thick of the playoff race. They were sitting on a 6-4 record before a four-game losing skid crushed their hopes.

2. Offensive Position-by-Position Breakdown

2.1 Quarterbacks (QBs)

After spending 16 seasons with the Chargers (!!!), Philip Rivers will be wearing a Colts uniform in 2020. That’s going to look weird.

Last year, Rivers had his fourth-highest passing yard output with 4,615, but the problem lied with his poor TD-to-INT ratio. Indeed, 20 interceptions represented the second-most of his career, while his 23 TD passes were its lowest in 12 years.

Rivers has never been much of a runner. Now in his late thirties, things are looking even worse. He seems to get bottled up easily. Also, he appeared dead armed at numerous times. We’ll see if a change of scenery will rejuvenate his career, but it seems doubtful at this point.

Jacoby Brissett has to be one of the top backup QB in the league. With Andrew Luck announcing his surprise retirement a few weeks before the 2019 season began, Brissett took over under center.

Brissett didn’t have a great year. Throwing just six interceptions was nice, but racking up just 18 TD passes just won’t cut it in the NFL. Granted, he didn’t have a lot of weapons at his disposal with the Colts lacking a #2 WR and their top wideout T.Y. Hilton missing six games. He still represents a good insurance policy in case the Rivers experiment doesn’t pan out.

2.2 Running Backs (RBs)

After missing to hit the 1,000 rushing-yard mark by 92, Marlon Mack accomplished the feat in 2019 with 1,091 rushing yards. He’s not much of a receiver, though; he caught just 14 passes last year.

My opinion may not be very popular, but I’m not sold on him. I believe he benefits a lot from the great blocking in front of him. He rarely gets much more than what’s blocked ahead of him. Still, he’ll remain Indy’s top back, while splitting time with a few more guys.

Jordan Wilkins added a bit over 300 rushing yards by posting a nice 6.0 yards-per-rush average. The year before, that average turned out to be 5.6. Those are great numbers, but the team seems reluctant to increase his workload.

Nyheim Hines is mainly used as a pass catcher. He might take on an Austin Ekeler-type role with Rivers this year.

Considering the depth at the position, taking Jonathan Taylor early in the 2nd round of the draft may sound puzzling at first. Perhaps the organization agrees with me about Mack not being as great as he looks. The fact that Mack is set to hit free agency at the end of the year also played a role in the decision as well.

Taylor carried the ball 926 times for the Wisconsin Badgers. He rushed for at least 1,975 yards in each of his three college years, which is unreal! He is a great runner with cement hands; he fumbles the ball too often and doesn’t catch very well out of the backfield.

2.3 Wide Receivers (WRs)

T.Y. Hilton had missed just four games during his first seven seasons in the NFL; he missed six matchups in 2019 alone. He ended with career-lows in receptions (45) and receiving yards (501).

He stormed out of the gate with 30 receptions, 306 yards and 5 TDs over the first five games. During the next five: 15 catches, 195 yards and 0 TD. He had an injury-riddled season.

I believe he can revert to his old self. He showed he could still play at a high level early in the season, but injuries got the best of him. We’ll see how his 30-year old body reacts in 2020.

The undrafted receiver from Old Dominion, Zach Pascal, showed some flashes last year. He led the team with 45 receptions and 5 TDs. I don’t believe he can do much better, though.

It’s difficult to evaluate Parris Campbell’s first year as a pro. He had a sore hamstring, a sports hernia, a broken hand and a broken foot in 2019. It’s hard to show off your skills under such circumstances.

The speedy receiver out of Ohio St. will have a chance to prove his worth in the upcoming season. He was selected in the 2nd round of the 2019 draft at the #59 overall spot.

Another candidate to start opposite Hilton is second-round rookie Michael Pittman from USC. The word on him is he’s a hard worker with a good mix of size and speed. He also does a great job with contested catches and he has reliable hands, as shown by his five drops out of 254 targets in college.

2.4 Tight Ends (TEs)

The Colts had a nice combo of pass catching tight ends with Jack Doyle and Eric Ebron. Both finished with similar above-average marks from PFF, but Ebron packed his bags to head to Pittsburgh. His presence will be missed, even though he’s known for his tendency to drop passes.

Doyle’s numbers decreased last year, but they are likely to shoot up following Ebron’s departure. After catching 59 and 80 balls during the 2016 and 2017 seasons, he missed most of the 2018 season before hauling in “just” 43 passes last year. He struggled down the stretch with just 7 receptions in four contests, but the 6’6’’ guy is likely to bounce back.

Mo Alie-Cox could see an increased role in 2020. He has only caught 15 passes in two years, but has received great grades as a blocker.

2.5 Offensive Line (OL)

This unit has to be one of the strongest in the entire league. They do a great job, both in the running and passing game.

After pondering about the possibility of retiring, left tackle Anthony Castonzo opted to sign a two-year deal. He graded as the seventh-best tackle in the league according to PFF, but he turns 32 very soon. Keep that in mind.

Pro Bowler Quenton Nelson has been a star at left guard. The number six overall pick from the 2018 draft out of Notre Dame has not disappointed. He was rated the second-best guard in the league, only behind Brandon Brooks from the Eagles.

Center Ryan Kelly has been a steady guy during his first four years with the Colts. He’s entering his prime years at age 27. He obtained the #8 spot out of 37 centers based on PFF ratings.

Braden Smith was a second-round pick in the 2018 draft. After receiving a very respectable 71.8 grade in his rookie season, he improved upon those numbers to reach a 79.8 mark last year. All signs point towards him being a smart selection.

Right guard Mark Glowinski seems to be the weakest link of the fortress. He was claimed off waivers in 2018 after the Seahawks released him. He has been an average player in his two-year stint in Indy.

In summary, all five starters are returning which is excellent news for the Colts. Having continuity on the offensive line is critical to success.

2020 VS 2019 OFFENSE

The whole QB position received a lift with the addition of Philip Rivers. Whether he’ll be an adequate starter or not remains to be seen, but having Rivers-Brissett has to be viewed as a better alternative than having Brissett-Hoyer, as was the case in 2019.

The RB and WR positions remain fairly intact with the exceptions of a few backups who won’t be there anymore. The team definitely has good depth in the backfield; the same cannot be said about the receiving corps. However, the WR position is much more likely to see an improvement with Hilton having a clean bill of health and Parris Campbell getting a chance to show what he can do at the pro level (as well as rookie Michael Pittman).

At tight end, losing Ebron represents a deterioration for the team.

Finally, how is the 2020 outlook for the offensive line compared to last year? Even though I love the group, you have to expect a downgrade here. These guys played at a high level, and none of them missed a single game last year. Can you really expect them not to miss any game due to injuries in 2020? That seems highly unlikely.

Therefore, we have an expected upgrade at QB and WR, but a likely downgrade at TE and on the OL. The team finished 16th out of 32 teams in terms of points scored per game. I expect the production to stay approximately the same.

Final call (2020 vs 2019): Stable

3. Defensive Position-by-Position Breakdown

3.1 Defensive Linemen (DLs)

The best player on the interior of the defensive line for the Colts has been Denico Autry. After posting 10.5 sacks over his first four seasons with the Raiders, he exploded with 9 sacks with the Colts in 2018, but a disappointing 3.5 last year.

Still, his level of play has been adequate as he finished as the 32nd-best DL among 114 qualifiers. He was a respectable player in all aspects of the game.

Considering Grover Stewart was a mediocre player, the team reinforced the position by acquiring a couple of 49ers players: DeForest Buckner and Sheldon Day.

The Colts sacrificed the #13 overall pick in the 2020 draft in order to get Buckner. That’s a fair price to pay for one of the best interior defenders in the league who is also entering his prime years. He’s been good both against the run and the pass; he has averaged 7.1 sacks per season. What a huge boost for this unit!

As for Sheldon Day, he’s not nearly as good as Buckner. He’s more of a rotational presence. His PFF grades have been a bit below-average thus far in his four-year career.

3.2 Defensive Ends (DEs) / Edge Rushers (ED)

Justin Houston was clearly the most dangerous pass rusher the Colts had in 2019. In his first season with Indy after spending eight years in Kansas City, he led the team with 11 sacks.

Despite missing some games due to injuries during his nine-year career, he has average 9.9 sacks per season. Now on the wrong side of 30, you need to start being concerned about whether his play will tail off or not.

Jabaal Sheard was used on more than 50% of the defensive snaps. He regularly gets 4-5 sacks per season, as was the case last year. However, poor tackling has penalized him in his PFF grades, making him the 81st-best edge defender out of 107 players. He has yet to be signed by any team so far.

Al-Quadin Muhammad played 47% of the snaps and had mitigated success. It was his best season over his three-year career, but nothing spectacular either. He’s not a great athlete and was a former sixth-round pick; he has limited upside.

3.3 Linebackers (LBs)

I don’t think the Colts regret picking Darius Leonard in the second round of the 2018 draft. As a rookie, he led the league in tackles with 163 (19 more than any other player!). Last year, he picked up 121 tackles in 13 games, on pace for 149.

He is the total package. He’s efficient in run defense, in coverage and as a pass rusher. As a matter of fact, he has recorded 12 sacks during those two years.

That being said, Colts fans have to be concerned about some comments he made last year. He was concussed for three weeks following a big collision with Derrick Henry and he experienced painful headaches for a while. During his absence, he debated his NFL future. If he suffers another concussion, he seems to be thinking already about a potential retirement.

Anthony Walker’s job could be in jeopardy. He played many more snaps than rookie Bobby Okereke, but the latter is definitely breathing down his neck.

Walker graded as an average linebacker with the number 42 spot out of 89 players. His grade took a huge hit because of poor run defense.

Meanwhile, the rookie from Stanford obtained the 9th-highest grade in the league! He was an every-down linebacker in college, and is very likely to get an increase workload in 2020.

3.4 Cornerbacks (CBs)

Rock Ya-Sin enjoyed a satisfying rookie season. He is an interesting story. After playing three years at a Divison-2 college, he transferred to Temple for his final year. Despite not being particularly fast, his sheer will helped him earn amazing grades. He yielded a meager 53% completion rate and not a single one went above 20 yards. He finished as an average corner in 2019; with one full year of experience under his belt, he is likely to improve this season.

Pierre Desir obtained the second-highest playing time among the team’s cornerbacks. He took a step back after a breakout 2018 campaign and the team decided to release him. The Jets signed him the next day.

It remains to be seen which player will benefit the most from Desir’s departure. The Colts acquired T.J. Carrie and Xavier Rhodes, formerly of the Browns and the Vikings, respectively. Both of them are coming off a very disappointing season.

Rhodes used to be a pretty solid corner, but his play has deteriorated a lot recently. After receiving 73.8 and 72.4 grades from PFF in 2016 and 2017, he earned a disappointing 58.2 mark in 2018 and a dreadful 47.9 last year. Did injuries slow him down, or is he done?

Carrie was pretty ineffective with the Browns last year. After a few fairly good seasons with the Raiders, his play took a dip in each of his two years in Cleveland. I don’t have much faith he can rebound.

Don’t count out Kenny Moore though. He was surprisingly good in the slot last year. We’ll see if he can solidify a starting spot in this now crowded secondary.

3.5 Safeties (S)

Malik Hooker and Khari Willis finished the 2019 season with an identical PFF grade: 69.5. That mark put them in the number 37 spot out of 87 safeties.

Hooker is a former first-round pick out of Ohio State that has picked off at least two passes in each of its first three years as a pro. He has done a fine job and is still very young.

The Colts traded up to select Willis in the 4th round of the 2019 draft. His first season exceeded expectations as he shared time with Clayton Geathers, who has yet to sign a contract.

2020 VS 2019 DEFENSE

Will the 2020 defense be superior to the 2019 unit?

I love the fortification on the interior of the line with the big-time acquisition of DeForest Buckner, and to a lesser level Sheldon Day.

The CB position may also see an upgrade with Ya-Sin’s sophomore season coming up and the additions of Rhodes and Carrie (with the hopes that one of them will bounce back after a frustrating 2019 season).

At safety, Hooker and Hillis could also elevate their play because of their young age and added experience.

However, as a whole I see a downgrade in the edge / linebacking corps. Justin Houston is not getting any younger, and Jabaal Sheard could be missed. The team must also cross its fingers that Darius Leonard won’t suffer another concussion.

Overall, I see a small upgrade here. Adding Buckner coupled with young talented guys like Leonard, Ya-Sin and Hooker makes me predict they will finish around the 12th-15th place in terms of points allowed (as opposed to 18th last year).

Final call (2020 vs 2019): Small upgrade

4. Regular Season Wins

According to sportsbooks, the Colts are expected to win 8.5 games this season. Should we bet the “over” or the “under”?

Here is the methodology I used in order to answer this vital question:

Here are the results:

Estimated Probability Sportsbook Odds ROI
OVER 8.5 WINS 66.9% DraftKings -143 +13.7%
UNDER 8.5 WINS 33.1% Sports Interaction +180 -7.3%

Tip: Bet OVER 8.5 wins
Return On Investment (ROI): +13.7%
Rank: 20th-highest ROI out of 32 teams
Minimum odds required to bet (i.e. ROI = 0%): -202

Here are BetOnline’s point spreads for the Colts’ 16 regular season games:

Note: The “Best odds” from the table above were obtained after looking at 13 well-known online sportsbooks on May 18th, 2020.

Woohoo! You made it through the whole article, thanks for reading my friend! Tomorrow, we'll talk about the Philadelphia Eagles!

Professor MJ
submitted by David-MJ to sportsbook [link] [comments]

An In-Depth Guide to 1v1s and Better Dueling

This is based on personal observation, and analysis from top players as well as my own experience. Am I the best player? No, but I throw a 4.5+ K/DA (~1,000 ADR) overall, and 8.5 K/DA (~1,600 ADR) this season. I'm a strong enough player to trust my experience, and to pass on something I observe a lot of players struggle with. There are elements that exist in other guides, but not many on the art of just 1v1'ing and becoming a stronger fighter in those scenarios.
This is a more conceptual and analytical breakdown of the elements that go into a 1v1 and general dueling. Apply it to your own playstyle and thoughts about this game. Simply applying the content here 1:1 won't cut it.
This won't really go into mechanical skill. If you want to practice that, there are a ton of videos and trainers to help you strengthen your mechanical skill. This will dive more into the cerebral side of 1v1s and how to deconstruct a typical duel and how to get the upper hand. This will also not go into teamfights, yes it's a team game but strengthening your ability to duel or 1v1 will inherently help your team as you become more reliable in disjointed fights.
Start developing an internal flowchart for fights
This one I don't see enough. People tend to autopilot fights, when they feel like they're thinking about them. Initial players response is "point and shoot", congrats you got about 1/10th of the way there and you've subjected the fight to nothing but "Who can aim better with better gear." That is not how you want to take fights in Apex. Pointing and shooting is a start, but it's also what every single other player is doing. Getting the upper hand shouldn't be left to chancing that you'll be a better shot.
Is aiming important? Yes, but it's far from the only thing that will win you fights. When engaging in combat in Apex, there's a finite number of potential important decisions you can make before understanding how the majority of fights will play out. Learning what these decisions are and when to apply them is how a flowchart begins to develop. There are things you want to be autonomous, and there are things you want to adapt to.
Things you want to be autonomous are obviously mechanical things such as healing, reloading, shooting, sliding etc. The less obvious things that you want to be autonomous are crucial.
One of these things is recognizing a losing fight before it begins. And this might sound strange to some of you, so let me break it down. Developing good reactionary autonomy comes from understanding your surroundings. An example of stronger autonomous understanding is running into a building, hearing a Peacekeeper go off, and recognizing you're within range of it and backing out. That's the start to building a flowchart right there. In the future, that should be an autonomous response. All of it will help you before you've even fired a shot.
Limit your opponent, if you can't find an advantage
This leads a little bit from my point above. Say you run into a building, and notice they have a Peacekeeper and you have a Longbow. The chances of you winning that fight are vastly lower. Far too often I see players engaging their opponent regardless of their gear or their own gear. This is a fast way to get you killed out of position.
If both players are autopiloting and doing the aforementioned "aim and shoot" with nothing else in tight corridors, that Peacekeeper will lay out that Longbow user. And I don't want to hear, "Well they could win with the Longbow still." and sure, they could. They could also win with their fists. But this is all about minimizing risks and maintaining/gaining advantage. You can win fights with an infinite amount of methods but what we're chasing is improvement and optimal play.
So what do I mean but limiting opponents? This comes with understanding what weapons are capable of. Listening for certain guns, seeing how your opponent uses them. If they have a R-99 and you've got a Longbow, make some distance. You might not necessarily be able to kill them any easier, but you can bet your ass they're going to struggle more to reliably fire that R-99 at you with a ton of distance between you and them.
Same goes with character picks. Say you see a Caustic or Wattson, you know their kit becomes less powerful outdoors than indoors. There are certain conditions and autonomous decisions you need to be comfortable with making on the fly to strengthen your dueling potential. Stop having such an itchy trigger finger. Gather as much information about your opponent as you can before making a play.
If you find yourself saying, "They had a Peacekeeper." or "Man how did he snipe me with that Longbow?" you're probably depriving yourself of vital information needed for combat. Combat doesn't just mean the portion of the fight where you're actually shooting. Combat begins when you or your enemies intend to pull the trigger.
Stop taking losing fights
This goes back to the previous point as well. If you've got no armor and a RE-45 and you know the person below you has better gear, don't shoot. Just leave, gear can be found later but getting downed away from your team is a much worse outcome. This happens more often in early game as RNG dictates your starting gear obviously. But the point still stands in the later portions of the game.
You wouldn't want to fight a Peacekeeper with a P2020, so why would you fight a Kraber using an R-99 at distance? You're putting yourself at needless risk for no reason at all. Just because you have a kitted R-99 and Golden Armor doesn't mean you're at the top of the food chain. Some dude with a Kraber, 1 bullet, and no armor can take you out of the game just because you engaged in a fight that was disadvantageous. You need to develop some restraint and understand what the most likely outcomes are possible before the fight starts.
Stop relying on your opponents to be a worse shot to win fights
I think a lot of players naturally do this. They'll scrap it out with other enemies and just bank on them being a worse shot. And this will net you kills. But it isn't a product of you being a better player, rather you're just hoping they're worse.
If you've got worse gear, and you don't have any plan or reason for your fight, just don't shoot. Leave, regroup with your team, find another route, go loot another building. Just assuming they're going to lose the fight before it's begun is going to get you killed over and over again.
Use verticality to your advantage
The advantage of vertical play cannot be understated at all, especially in duels.
If you force someone to climb after you, that puts them at a massive disadvantage. Climbing up to someone is 1000x more dangerous than dropping in on them. They have to put their gun away to climb, they likely have no view of what they're climbing up to, you lose a massive ton of spacial awareness when climbing up. If you force an enemy to climb, it's a method to even the playing fields at least in one aspect. It's free cover from opponents below, it's an escape route, it's a vantage point, high ground only offers you benefits. Take it when you can.
Don't stand still. Just keep moving with intention. If both you and your opponent are behind cover and have no visual on eachother, don't stop moving. Chances are when you reengage, you'll more likely be somewhere they weren't predicting. You know what your next move is going to be, do your best to make sure they don't. Dissolve any information they have by switching positions, going back to old positions, flanking them and poking them a little then moving back. If you remain unpredictable and poke at them with safe shots, you'll chip away at them without them ever being able to pin you down. Change angles, change engagement distance, change floors. As long as you don't lose information on them, preventing them from gaining any on you is invaluable.
The last thing that you want is to be predictable. That will get you killed with little effort from your opponent. Learn to jiggle peek, and fire off a few safe rounds. Safer, more guaranteed damage is almost always better than sustained fire to burst an opponent down unless you're confident you can secure that fight. Forcing your opponent to heal using cells, or batteries or whatever resources they have is good. Chip damage isn't nothing, even if they heal it back.
Keep your proximity weapon on when entering buildings
This goes back into autonomous play. If your close range is a Peacekeeper and your long range is a G7, don't walk into the building with the G7 equipped and fumble to switch guns after you realize its occupied/they also have close range weapons. Switch to what you would want to be shooting with if a fight were to break out at that time, even if you have no intent on fighting anyone. Be ready.
Restarting fights
If your teammate is screaming "They're low!!!!" and you're also low as well, there's nothing wrong with stepping back and healing instead of chasing. I would encourage it, honestly. Unless you know they're reloading/healing/reviving, you have no idea what they're up to most likely. Far too often have I killed my opponent because they saw I was low, assumed I went to go heal when really I knew they would follow and would stand around the next corner with a Peacekeeper and kill them as they ran to chase. I had the advantage of listening for them, as well as controlling where the fight would take place next. And I can potentially pop cells/synergies incrementally while waiting for them.
They assume or are ready for you to follow. You likely have zero information on them. If you're low, heal up, reload, get a better position, and ready up for another engagement. Or, disengage and leave. Which leads me to my next point:
Disengaging/Leaving a fight. Your Life > Your Knock/Kill
You don't have to always finish whatever fight you come across. If you're in a 1v1, and you're nervous about your ability to win it, leave. You know there's only 2 possible outcomes if you leave and survive. They'll either chase, and reengage the fight, or you'll move to a new area. Nothing else between you or just your opponent can happen. I would rather a teammate acknowledge an unsure fight and attempt to disengage than to throw themselves at an enemy they have no info on.
Being alive comes above all else in Apex, especially in 1v1s with potentially no team to immediately back you up.
Leave, get help from your team, and reposition.
Finishing off downed enemies
Before I engage in a 1v1, I make sure to finish off downed enemies involved in our fight. This isn't just to secure kills. Let's say the scenario is this, an opponent just finished off my other teammates while both of their teammates are also down making it a 1v1 between me and them.
If you take into consideration how much info you can get just by watching and listening, you know that a downed player has almost all of these things at their disposal. They can ping, type, talk, and communicate what an opponent is doing while I'm on my way there. If I down an enemy and start another fight, you can assume that they're telling their teammate what I'm doing in cover. If I'm healing, reloading, setting up an ult etc.
By killing downed enemies, you disable another eye they have on their team. If you want to engage in a 1v1, try your best to safely remove the another enemies from the game if they're downed, or move to an area they won't ever be able to see you. I prefer to kill them though, as moving to a new area means they're influencing how you're positioning yourself. Better to take them out. Do this safely, and without wasting time though. Engaging and capitalizing on a wounded enemy comes before taking out their teammates.

Finally, here are some general tips for duels
- Keep a Thermite on you whenever you can. Currently, Thermite hits through doors. A common strategy when losing is to run to the nearest door, and block it while healing. Sure you can kick it down, but having a PeacekeepeMastiff/R-99/Eva sitting on the otherside could spell your death really quick.
If you use a Thermite, you can break the door cleanly while also providing some quick tick damage, so by the time the door breaks you'll have a shot lined up for them without exposing yourself with just kicking the door.
This works inversely as well. Block the door, throw the Thermite at your feet and door while running to the opposite wall/door. Force them to run around the building, in which time you can hopefully get a heal off or reload. Blocking off exits with Thermite is a great way to force them into different areas/unfavorable positions
- Arc stars for the aforementioned problem above also work in a different way. You can bait them to kick the door down by healing, and when they kick and they're stuck in the animation momentarily, it's a free arc star stick in which you can quickly turn the fight around on them/make them flee.
- Count your damage, never be afraid to melee. Melee is actually quite strong, dealing nearly a 1/3rd of a health bar with massive knockback with a single use. Many times I've won a fight by knowing if my melee attack will kill. If you hit them with a burst of the R-99 and deal 180 damage, you know a melee will knock them. Keep floating numbers on, and pay attention.
- Switching weapons is faster than reloading! If you know they're low after bursting them/emptying out your one weapon, don't retreat to reload, just switch and hip fire if they're close. You can reload after they're dead. This goes back to autonomous awareness in any given situation.
- If your fight is taking place on a hill, heal while sliding and jumping. If you aren't shooting back at them while sliding down the hill, do something at least. Pop a cell, syringe, whatever you can to keep you in the fight longer. It's better than just taking the damage and hoping you have enough health to last you the trip down.
submitted by SK_Jynx to apexlegends [link] [comments]

Ski test notes for ~40 pairs of 19/20 skis

Good people of skiing! I submit for your perusal and reference: my notes on the nearly 40 pairs of skis I got to demo last year. I know many folks have made ski purchase decisions already, but for you fence straddlers: maybe my notes can push you over the edge. You may not agree with my notes. For example, I genuinely dislike the Bonafide, which is one of the most popular skis of all time. People like skiing for different reasons. I split my notes into four sections: powder, all-mountain wide, all-mountain narrow, and piste skis. I found exceptional skis in each category. It’s a good year to be a skier.
Notes on Tester: I’m 6’1”, 170 lbs, 34 yo. I get most of my ski days in north Lake Tahoe, Mammoth, and Utah. I work in a small ski shop. My tastes in skis definitely reflects my bias: I like heavy and especially metal skis because they cope better with our beloved Sierra snow. I don’t get as much time on independent ski brands as I would like - something I hope to change. I try to acknowledge my bias while still highlighting the virtues of skis I write about.

Powder Skis (110+ mm waist)

The powder ski! The ski you save for those special days! The ski that keeps you up at night knowing that your body and spirit will transcend time and space through this sacred instrument! Most people associate their powder skis with the best times, and I’ll make the argument that most “quiver of one skis” fall apart when faced with 12”+ of fluff. So do the right thing and consider adding one of these to your lineup!
Blizzard Spur Length: 192 Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountains, Snowbasin ~15” powder day The Spur is in a category by itself, which is apparent just by looking at the asymmetrical cut. Insane float, a unique blend of sturdy and surfy. I found it easy and reliable at any speed, though it did have a tendency to get hooked on the heavy pow. In blower, the Spur would be an effortless dream. I found it easier to manage than the Nordica Enforcer Pro and the Dynastar Proto, a little more turn-y and fun than those skis, which excel at charging down gnarly terrain.
Blizzard Rustler 11 Length: 188 and 192 Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountain, Mammoth January Storm (windblown powder), Alpine Meadows March storm (4” of cream on top of 12” of Sierra cement) The Rustler 11 has been a favorite of mine all season. I went up to the 192 today to push the limits of this very versatile ski. I continue to think that this is the perfect resort powder ski. It enables me to attack everything from fresh lines to tracked pow. It can rip around on groomers getting back to the lift. For a metal ski, it has a fantastic ooey-gooey interface with soft snow. Some testers fault the rustler for lacking snappy response on groomers, and I’ll acknowledge that it does not have the race-bred super G feel that you might find in an Enforcer 110. But I still think it's the best ski in the category. It's versatile and approachable for a ski this wide, and I never lacked float. It's essentially three skis in one: a super fun surfy pow ski, a surprisingly clean and nimble carver, and an end of day or leftover crud buster. I now own this ski.
Armada ARV116 JJ Length: 187 Test Location: Alpine Meadows, what looked to be a powder day turned into cement with 2” of cream on top. I was excited to take out this legendary ski for the first time, knowing that it would be a different beast altogether from other skis in the category. I was thrilled with the experience, and felt that the JJ provides a unique surfy / smeary experience that I absolutely loved. I would love to get it out in deeper snow sometime, where those qualities would really shine. Still, I was pleased and impressed with how the ski did while cruising groomers back to the lift. This ski skis a little short - would have liked to try the 192 (and I’m 6’1” // 170 lbs).
Armada Tracer 118 Length: 188 Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountain I was impressed by how much this ski liked speed. I think it makes great sense as a hybrid resort / backcountry ski for the skier who likes speed. It floats great, but I found it a little sloppy on edge hold, at least in heavy (wet) Sierra pow. May have been the conditions, but other skis were handling better. I loved the graphics. I would give it another shot on different snow.
Armada Declivity X Length: 192 Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountain Surprise hit for me. I thought it would be a big mountain high speed tool, but found it to be surprisingly accessible and versatile. Close call with the Rustler 11, these were my two favorite resort powder skis. At 115mm waist, a wonderful dedicated powder ski. I look forward to riding it again sometime.
Armada ARG 133 Length: 187 Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountain This was a huge treat to test, and I think I kept it out longer than any other ski in the somewhat epic blizzard conditions at Mammoth. Like the Blizzard Spur, this is a purpose-built ski. And that purpose is spraying face shots all over the mountain. I found the ARG to be great at short cuts and yet still stable when I pointed them out. Of the pure powder skis, this was my favorite.
Nordica Enforcer Pro Length: 191 Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountain I've been a huge fan of the enforcer line for some time, but never got to try the pro / 115. It feels like an enforcer for sure. It's a big ski for sure. I would love to take this ski to Alaska. I love that it can mow down chop. It certainly rails on groomers. But...I'm not sure this ski really makes sense for people who aren't pro skiers. Although it's fun on groomers, it's not much more fun than other powder skis, and it's more of a chore in tight spots. I think I learned something about how Enforcers win a lot of awards: the skis nail a lot of the evaluation criteria. But that doesn't always translate to fun. And in the case of a powder ski, railing groomers is beside the point.
Dynastar Proto Length: 189 Test Location: Mammoth WWSRA Demo Days I tested this ski right next to the Enforcer Pro, and overall I preferred it as a powder ski. They are both high speed float masters, and I suspect they both will be most at home charging steep lines where you need to point'em out. I found the Proto to be a little planky, but nevertheless it was surprisingly agile and nimble. I found myself hopping turns more than slarving or smearing, but I still charged down the hill with confidence, even in tight corners. The Proto got my vote for a high speed pow ski, but the Rustler 11 and the Declivity were more accessible and well rounded.
Salomon QST 118 Length: 192 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days I enjoyed the QST 118, and I wouldn't have a hard time selling it. It carves nicely. It floats beautifully. Lots of rocker, decently stiff tail. I could imagine falling in love when skiing it in heroic conditions, but I could say the same about a lot of skis.
Head Kore 117 Length: 188 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days The 117 feels like the most different ski in the Kore lineup. With almost no camber, this ski is buttery and quick at lower speeds or in deeper snow. The ski felt a little less grippy and solid as compared to other Kores, or even other skis in this category, which makes a lot of sense for this ski. In the end, I like this ski a lot for somebody who wants a pivoty pow ski that can handle a little speed, but not too much. As with other Kore skis, I’ll continue my complaint that they are in fact too light. Utah skiers may disagree.
Atomic Bent Chetler 120 Length: 192 Test Location: 2+ foot dump at Mammoth Mountain, storm day with high winds Having previously tried (and disliked) the Bent Chetler 100, I wasn’t sure how I would like the 120. It turns out to be a much better shape and size for this style of playful, surfy construction. I struggled a bit with the forward stance, though that can probably be blamed on the heavier Sierra snow I skied that day. Floatation is obviously in a league of its own, and for the skier who has the good fortune to score deep powder, the Bent Chetler is the perfect surfy, playful feel that encapsulates the carefree fun of skiing in powder. For me personally, I still need my powder ski to hold up for afternoon leftovers, and I felt the 120 was a little too light for that. I do love the idea of using this as a touring setup, where fresh powder is almost endless. Makes a great all-purpose powder ski if you don’t want to fly with a downhill and backcountry setup when you fly to Japan.
Fishcer Ranger 115 Fr Length: 188 Test Location: 2+ foot dump at Alpine Meadows Hats off to Fischer for their Fr lineup. They managed to marry the crisp, round carve of their race lineage with a ski that surfs, slashes, and pivots. I really enjoyed the 115, and have wondered if maybe I would have preferred it over my very beloved Rustler 11. I plan to revisit this ski again.

All-Mountain Wide (99-109 mm waist)

Probably the most versatile category for folks in the North American West. I like all-mountain wide skis a lot because you can pretty much grab one without looking at the forecast - or knowing what terrain you will end up riding - and still have a great time. These skis have to balance fun and float with precision and power. A tall order - but there are a ton of fantastic options this year.
Nordica Enforcer 104 Free Length: 185 Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountain, Snowbasin Demo Days Fantastic, accessible, carves and smears. Exactly what Nordica needed to add. Enough float for any Sierra powder day. Abundant fun factor. I tried it both at Mammoth, where it was fun and smeary, and at Snowbasin, where it transitioned between fluffy stashes and dusty but firm groomers with ease. A+ ski. If I could only own one ski next year, this would be it. Highly recommend for the energetic, confident skier who wants one ski that does it all.
Salomon QST 106 Length: 188 Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountain This ski surprised me. It immediately made me feel like I was one with the snow. The balance felt perfect from the first turn. It was easy to get on edge and its carving accuracy was fantastic. I skied it in the 188, and was surprised how easy it was. I would guess that intermediate skiers would enjoy this ski a lot. That being said, I skied with some expert skiers at Snowbasin who were ripping on the 106 without a problem. Considering conditions, I thought it was wonderful for the heavier pow.
Dynastar Legend 106 Length: 188 Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountain Although by no means a bad ski, the Legend 106 did not stand out in its category, which is filled with a lot of compelling options. I found it to be more fun and forgiving than I expected, but I was really thrown by the tail, which felt loose and wiggly in the soft stuff. I probably would love this ski on firm snow and high speeds, and I might reach for this for more expert skiers, but I had more fun on the Salomon QST 106 and the Nordica Enforcer 104. I thought I would have preferred the Legend, which has a remarkably stiff hand flex. But the swimmy tail was very unusual and did not excite me.
Salomon QST 99 Length: 181 Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountain Overall I liked this ski and I think it will sell very well. At 99 mm, there were better skis for the blizzard conditions. Nevertheless I found the QST to provide adequate float. It was fun and easy to ski, and would be very accessible for intermediate skiers. It didn't grab on to the heavy and somewhat wet snow. It also got knocked around a bit. But a lot of users will love this ski as an all mountain daily driver that has plenty of fun and forgiveness.
Blizzard Rustler 10 Length: 180 and 188 Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountain, Deer Valley (most firm snow, some dust on crust) I’m a huge fan of Rustlers, and I like the direction of this new, more stable, more confident ski. Still totally fun in trees and deep stashes. I skied with a friend who rode an Atomic Vantage 97 Ti - a much more firm snow oriented ski - and I had no trouble keeping up once we opened up onto groomers. I loved this ski. I took it out again for a sunny day at Deer Valley and I continue to be impressed with its firm and soft snow handling. I struggled a bit in the rutted and firm bumps off piste, which were crust underneath a 3" dash of dust. I'm glad I got that exposure but I still love this ski and would consider it an excellent quiver of one choice. The 188 is probably my ski, but I felt pretty stable in the 180 as well. If I’m being really honest, I would love it in a 185 cm length.
Fischer Ranger 102 FR Length: 177 and 184 cm Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days The 102 is a fun ski that almost anybody can hop on and enjoy. I found its floatation and playfulness to be excellent. It was delightful on a wonderful steep pitch of mostly untracked pow. I cruised onto some mellow packed powder groomers and found it incredibly easy to get on edge and carve nice arcs. The ski produces a remarkably round carve shape which was novel and fun, if not overpowering. The ski got a little lost in some tracked off-piste lower down the mountain, which makes me worry about how it would hold up in heavier Sierra snow. Given its ease of use, I would enthusiastically recommend it to a skier who wants a well rounded all mountain ski that doesn't punish them. To contrast it with the Ranger 99 Ti, this ski was more fun and approachable, and I felt it did great in powder.
Head Kore 105 Length: 180 cm Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days The Kore series has done well for Head, and has helped a lot of skiers get into a freeride oriented ski that allows them to shred without draining their fitness. I like the 105 a lot, and I think the ultralight construction makes a ton of sense for a ski that ought to be more soft snow oriented. Yes, it still rails on groomers. Yes, it is disturbingly stable at speed for its weight. And it's rather dreamy in powder. My only complaint against this ski is that I wish it had more heft to charge through crud and even tracked pow. Many skiers will naturally gravitate toward is lightweight and highlight this aspect as a strength, so I file this critique as a minor one. I do give Head props for adapting each Kore mold to the demands of that model, and the 105 feels like a virtuous fulfillment of this category's most sought after features. I would vote for an Enforcer 104 free or a QST 106 as close competition for this ski. And the Ranger 107ti for the more expert, charge-y skier. One slight ding on this ski: the lack of a mounting plate seems to produce higher than normal binding failures. I’m not sure if Head has addressed this, but other ultra lightweight skis (old DPS) have needed to similar tweaks. Consider a helicoil.
Fischer Ranger 107 Ti Length: 182 cm Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days When I learned about the updates to the Ranger Ti series, I was immediately stoked and excited to ski them. Long a fan of the Ranger series, my only complaint on recent experiences was that I wanted more power out of the ski. Be careful what you wish for. The Ti is a beastly ski. I love its powerful carving. I love how stable it is in crud. And when I got the ski in untracked Utah pow, it floated like a butterfly, only to shred groomers just a few turns later with that deliciously precise Fischer continuous carve. All that said, this is a demanding ski, best for athletic skiers. I would struggle in tight bumps or rutted tree lines. I still love the ski...but maybe it could ease up a bit? Sincerely, Goldilocks
Fischer Ranger 99 Ti Length: 181 and 188 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days, Alpine Meadows spring powder day I expounded on the Ranger Ti series in the 107 Ti review. The 99 is perhaps the ski that took it too far, at least for me on the 188 length. It's a fantastic carving tool. It has no discernible speed limit. It punished me in the bumps. It’s labor-intensive off piste. It's a beastly ski for sure, and those really strong demanding high speed skiers are going to love it. I think it still skis circles around the Mantra M5 in basically every category. But I will be thoughtful about which customers get to look at the 99. On a later trip, I grabbed a 181 and felt much more at home on that length ski. I still found the ski to be a little planky for my 170 lbs while skiing through some end-of-day pow at Alpine Meadows. It was phenomenal on groomers, and thus I find it to be an interesting ski for a quiver-of-one skier. Realistically, many skiers spend most of their time on groomers, but don’t want to be left out in the cold if the powder comes. For an all-mountain skier who wants one ski that is high performance on piste but still fun in powder, the 99 Ti could work nicely, but only if that skier has fitness and technique in spades.
Volkl Mantra 102 Length: 184 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days If you read my Enforcer 88 review, you might expect me to dismiss the Mantra 102 as another business-driven product line extension from the smash success of this year's Mantra M5. Credit where it's due: the Mantra 102 is not only new and different - it's better. While the M5 clearly excels as a high speed, long radius, directional charger, the 102 is in fact a much more versatile ski, while still maintaining its charger pedigree. The triple radius sidecut - while not an altogether new innovation - does make this ski feel more maneuverable in tight spots. It's accordingly more floaty and fun, and more smooth than my memory of the M5. I really liked this ski, but the competition (Enforcer 104, 102) are also really great skis. I think the Mantra 102 will find its niche as a more versatile and therefore broader appeal Mantra.
Armada ARV106 Length: 188 Test Location: Alpine Meadows surprise spring powder day I tested this ski out of step with the rest of the all mountain wide testing I did, so it’s harder for me to do apples-to-apples. I’ll start by saying that I generally prefer metal in my skis, and the list of all-wood skis that I actually like is pretty short. Well, the ARV 106 is definitely on there, and may actually mark a turning point in my attitude toward a) wood core skis positioned for soft snow and b) more forward stance mount. I took the ski up to Alpine Meadows and cut some afternoon stash laps on Alpine Bowl Chair. We were hiking Upper Saddle to High Yellow Face and Our Father, and the ARV was super fun. I found it to be a good combination of floaty and nimble. It was still perfectly capable as I hit higher speeds on the runout. The competition in all mountain wide is definitely challenging, but I think the ARV 106 stands out for giving a little more feedback and connection with softer snow. Like many of the all-mountain wide skis, this ski was still plenty of fun on groomers, so despite its width and lack of metal, it certainly would hold up for most western skiers.

All-Mountain Narrow (88-98 mm waist skis)

An interesting category of skis. Some folks are going to like these skis as a potential quiver of one, particularly if you don’t actively seek fresh tracks. I generally feel like too many skiers, especially young skiers, overlook frontside skis. It is their loss. These skis are quicker, rippier, and more exciting, and they can make boilerplate groomers feel like your own personal race track. It’s worth trying one of these if you haven’t been on a narrower ski in a while.
Atomic Vantage 97 Ti length: 180 cm Test Location: Heavy sierra powder day at Mammoth Mountain The snow was turning increasingly wet by the time I took out the Vantage Ti. Not the right conditions for this ski, but I needed to try it out so I could differentiate from the Mantra M5. I liked it. Seems to be more versatile than the M5. Still charges. It’s an interesting build: at 97mm waist, I’m kind of scratching my head. Is this really a powder ski? If not, why would you want a ski this wide? I suppose that the extra width comes in handy when plowing throw crud, chop, and rutted snow, but that firm and flat tail is a lot to handle in off piste conditions. My personal feeling is that once you cross the 90mm line, at least some tail early rise is pretty essential. That being said, one of my favorite skis is the Stockli Stormrider 95, which has a firm if not punishing tail, and to this ski’s credit, it compares favorably to the Stockli and costs much less. I think that the Vantage style makes way more sense in the 86 and 90 models. Long way of saying: if you are a quiver-of-one skier who specifically doesn’t seek out off piste powder but still wants to ski on piste in variable conditions, this could be a great one for you.
Stockli Stormrider 88 Length: 177 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days I owned a previous generation of the 88 and I loved it. I always found myself slightly between sizes. The 177 was more accessible and quick. The 186 was a point down hill, count 5 seconds, and then turn sort of ski. And the tears streaming backward out of my eyes were 50% joy and 50% fear. The new 177 feels like it gives me both worlds, and even at 6'1", I feel right at home on this ski. Unshakable confidence across all snow types. Crisp, clean turning. The 88 is the gateway drug to edgy and more aggressive narrow skis...but it's a perfectly satisfying end state as well. For my California customer, I don't think it quite works as a one ski quiver, unless one deliberately plans to avoid deeper days. It’s too narrow to be a powder ski. But my goodness, this ski is smoother than a Lindt truffle and sharper than a Victorinox chef's knife. I was testing a host of ~88 mm skis and I almost felt bad because I took this ski out as a baseline. It's hard for any other ski to measure up. I’ll stop short of calling it a one ski quiver, and in the case of this ski, I think that’s a great thing: it’s so powerful and confident on piste while still being manageable in tighter off piste runs.
Volkl Kendo 88 Length: 177 and 184 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days I tested this ski in a 177 and 184, and I just couldn't find the sweet spot. It's powerful. It's edgy. It floats adequately and doesn't hook too badly. The 3D radius sidecut is novel and discernible, enabling different turn lengths. All that said, I found both models to shudder on hard pack. The 184 was a plank for me, and I was more than happy to trade it in for the 177. I would enjoy it in perfect corduroy, but I found the ski to be buzzy and stiff.
Blizzard Brahma 88 Length: 180 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days The Brahma was a surprise ski for me. I like metal skis a lot, but hand-flexing this ski, plus negative experiences with the Bonafide, led me to think I would not enjoy the Brahma. I was wrong. It was a wonderfully precise carver. It navigated day-old pow with ease and aplomb. It was very comfortable at speed. Given that flat tail, I think it is a compelling option for the charger who knows how to finish a turn but still wants to hit some off-piste runs...but not too many. It does demand an athletic user, and folks who don't know they want metal will more likely be at home on other, more forgiving skis.
Salomon QST 92 Length: 177 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days I've enjoyed every 19/20 QST. They are all fun, accessible, smooth, and reasonably precise and stable. From my experience, they ski more similar than different, at least in the models from 92 to 106. The 92 was only available in a 177, and I would have grabbed the next size up if it were available. It ended up not mattering. I was able to draw long and short carves with surprising ease. I did not take this ski up to high speed, but it seemed perfectly stable given the test scenario. The great thing about the QSTs, and the 92 in particular, is how easy the are to ski. That said, even aggressive skiers seem to like them. I'm going long on Salomon for next year. I would still choose the next size up (184?) for me in this model, but the fact that I could enjoy the 177 means that Salomon has succeeded in creating an amazingly broad sweet spot for the QST line.
Nordica Enforcer 93 Length: 185 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days One of my old and dear friends. I still love this ski more than just about any other ski in the category. As great as the Kore 93 is, the Enforcer offers that much more stability and confidence, especially when the going gets weird. It's also a better carving tool. Sure, you need to have the fitness to bend this ski, but it will reward you with the ability to drive through chop. It really stood out to me as the best Enforcer, save maybe the new 104. Or possibly the 110, if one has the good fortune to ski that ski in the right conditions. But the 93 is a very tempting option for the Tahoe one ski quiver. We took a winding road from Snowbasin's gondola, and I ended up doing figure 8s behind a ski patroller on a much narrower ski...until I accelerated past him. Love this ski, and was glad I took the time to ski it again.
Nordica Enforcer 88 Length: 179 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days Admittedly, I was skeptical about this ski. The 93 was already such a smooth and crisp carver, I anticipated that the 88 was less of a ski design innovation and more of a product line extension. I hate when I let my prejudice get the better of me, but I came away with a similar impression after skiing. I didn't find myself enjoying turns any more on this some ways, I missed the 93. Maybe the Enforcer 88 can steal some market from the Brahma. Maybe there are some folks with bum knees who won't go for the 93. But it just didn't thrill me as a new offering. Still thought it was a smooth, polished, and enjoyable ski. Just not a thrillingly new or different ski. The reps (and some reviewers) tout the comparatively stiff tail. I’m a good carver, but I didn’t really notice it as a benefit over the 93, which is my pick purely for versatility. All that being said, the fact that Enforcers have won so many magazine awards and sold so many units, my guess is that there are a bunch of folks who have been holding out for a narrower ski, and I bet they will jump on this one.
Armada Invictus 89 Ti Length: 179 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days Woo hoo! The Invictus had me hooting and hollering, even as I grabbed it at the tail end of two full days of ski testing. Really fast, smooth, confident ski. I felt like the whole mountain was my carving playground. My colleague loves his Invictus and so I had to give it a shot - think this would be a great ski for somebody who rips but still wants the freedom to play. It has the confidence at speed that you get from the Brahma 88 and Kendo 88, but it was so much more FUN on the mountain. For me, it was a shockingly close second to the Stormrider 88.
Elan Ripstick 96 Black - 184 Length: 184 Test Location: Snowbasin Demo Days A premium ski in a relatively attainable price. Elan’s whole Ripstick line uses asymmetrical sidecut that increases edge hold on inside edges while easing up on the outsides. Translation: more power where you need it, while enabling you to smear off a little speed when the going gets dicey. I skied the 96 after ripping around almost all day on ~90mm skis, and found it to be very responsive for a comparatively wider ski. I’m still partial to skis with metal, but for somebody who likes the lightness of carbon, I think the Black edition - which adds an extra layer of carbon and thus an extra “top gear” for high speed charging - is a really appealing ski.
Armada ARV 96 Ti Length: 184 Test Location: Deer Valley, Squaw Valley sleeper spring powder day Excellent ski. One of the first skis I loved riding in a more centered stance. Relaxed and confident, and spectacular carving and edge hold for a twin tip, somewhat new school shaped ski. In fact, those adjectives feel wrong for this model. I enjoyed a bonus day on this ski ripping around Squaw Valley with Mike LaRoche. I had mistakenly predicted more groomer action, but Mike showed me all the powder stashes, often times a foot or more of chalky but light pow. The 96 did shockingly well given even in the deeper snow, and was an animal on the prepared piste. I will probably add this to the quiver...once I find the funds.
Armada Tracer 98 Length: 180 Test Location: Deer Valley Easy, smooth, a close cousin to the Salmon QST 99, but perhaps not quite as damp. Armada has trimmed some weight here, clearly shooting for the touring market. My favorite top sheet of the year. It’s worth noting that in addition to being a fairly light ski, Armada built the Tracer to have more mass concentrated under foot, which makes touring more efficient.
Stockli Stormrider 95 - 177 O Stormrider 95. How I love thee. Let me count the ways. You are the most stable and eerily quiet ski on snow. You take any turn shape with ease. You glide through chop like a maglev train. You'll take me as fast as I want to go and still let me scrub speed if I get into trouble. Your edges slice into snow of all types, from corduroy to graupel to death cookies to boilerplate. You charge through crud better than the likes of the Mantra or the Bonafide, but you still let me feel the texture of snow. I hate most expensive things, but you make me question all that. Call me.

On-Piste / Groomer Skis (<88 mm waist or groomer specific construction)

Stockli Laser AX Length: 175 Test Location: Deer Valley, Squaw Valley, Alpine Meadows This is one of my favorite skis in the world. It’s a firm snow ski, and is rather not much fun in tight, firm bumps and similar terrain. Having spent years on skis north of 100mm, stepping onto the Laser AX’s 78 felt like I had been given the keys to an Italian sports car after schlubbing around in SUVs. Lightning quick edge-to-edge. Disturbingly stable at any speed. Edge hold that bends space-time. All of that, while still being fun to ski, whereas most other race-inspired skis will absolutely punish you if you don’t manage them. I own this ski and I pretty much will beg you to get out and try one for yourself. It will change how you feel about skiing.
Stöckli Laser AR Length: 177 Test Location: Deer Valley A new Laser! Hooray! This is a great new offering. It's interesting how Stöckli skis always have a lot of common characteristics. They are smooth. They have superb edge hold. They beg you (and sometimes taunt you) to open up the throttle. So what does the AR bring that's new? Stöckli has apparently positioned it as the least firm snow specific Laser. Softer tail for sure. I found it be more user-friendly even than the AX, which I praise for its user-friendliness. The AR is more forgiving, which I was pleased to find when I bombed through a narrow gulley and urgently needed to scrub speed on the snowy edges while turning through the icy trough. It's not quite as crisp as the AX, nor is it the speed-hungry powerhouse that the Stormrider 88 is. But it is more than capable in those departments, and it won't make you pay the price for getting a little loose. I think this translates into a very appealing package for the advanced-but-not-quite expert skier. I would enthusiastically sell it to anybody who wants a consummate carving tool and has the pocketbook to buy it.
Atomic Vantage 90 Ti Length: 177 Test Location: Deer Valley Great ski. Fast, precise, and exciting. And a reasonably great price. This ski tempts you to higher speed. One of my favorite runs of the day, and when I turned around, my fiancé was hot on my tails riding the same ski. She later told me: “I could have passed you if I wanted to.” It was awesome seeing her rip up the mountain. The Vantage 90 Ti prefers firm snow obviously, and I deliberately left it out of the all-mountain narrow category in my review because of it’s shape. I liked it much better than the Kendo 88.
Atomic Vantage 86 Ti Length: 181 Test Location: Deer Valley A very close cousin to the 90 Ti. I marginally preferred the 90, but I could attribute that to deteriorating conditions (or legs). Clean, precise, quick. Very fun.
submitted by tree_stash to skiing [link] [comments]

Basic/Intermediate Gladiator Guide

Edit 3/4/2020 - Hey guys, quick update. I was roped into the new wiki/website for GunZ. This guide will be fully complete on there, hopefully we'll be fully up and finished with text and video by the end of the month. Look forward to it.

Got some down time today, so I figured I'd make a text guide real quick. This is meant to be a basic introduction to gladiator and serves more as a foundation for people trying to get into Gladiator for those who might care. This is a WIP for now.
Disclaimer : If you see anything that's worded weirdly, or misnamed please feel free to bring it to my attention, and I'll look into modifying it. This knowledge is based on my time playing from International to Aeria GunZ, where I dropped the game until just recently. This guide is meant to be a gateway into gladiator for the uninitiated, as well as a time capsule for current gladiators to look into to see where our thought processes might have differed back in the day. Who knows, you might see something in here that intrigues you even if you know everything~

Gladiator Basics

The Moves

Let's start real basic, here's the dirt list of all sword moves. Learn em all, a good glad uses pretty much all of these.
Butterfly (Bf/Bfly) - Jump > Dash > Slash + Block
Double Butterfly (Dbf) - Jump > Slash + Block > Dash > Slash + Block
Triple Butterfly (Tbf) - Jump > Slash + Block > Slash + Block > Dash > Slash + Block
Static Variants (All Moves) - Remove the dash (Static Dbf = Jump > Slash + Block > Slash + Block for example)
Block Rush - Dash + Flip + Block
Light Step - Jump > Dash > Slash > Dash
Void Step - Slash (Hold until massive) > Slash (Hold until massive) > .... ( for example)
Void Block - Spam your block key for all you're worth.
Ground Slash - Slash > Block (Double Ground slash, add a second slash, Triple/Quad add one more, etc)
Slash Slide - Slash > Dash at end of slash animation > Jump (optional)
Turtle - Holding a full block in an attempt to stun the opponent. This can be applied to any and all moves that require you to block. For example, A turtle Bfly will be Jump > Dash > Slash + Block (Hold)

Core Gladiator Knowledge

Gladiator Etiquette - There's not much to know here, but these are a few rules we followed back in the day to enhance our personal enjoyment when fighting each other, while improving our skills. The idea behind these rules was to level the playing field, and remove as many cheap shots as possible, resulting in fights being more like a good game of Chess, for lack of better words.
  1. Rusty Swords or something else lower damage - This allows both players to require more hits to both kill and be killed, which allows longer fights.
  2. 1v1 Bow - Bowing is pretty typical, more just to say "Hey, fight me."
  3. No Flipping - Flipping is simply free hits, which lacks very little skill. It simply became boring for the majority of us so we stopped doing it.
  4. Avoid Tip Slashing/Back Pedaling - Simply put, this really just annoys most gladiators, and is typically a low skill way to get free hits. It also stunts your growth overall, and makes you fairly easy to take advantage of (see u/zalibidas post below for some good thoughts)

Theory of "Stalker Style" - The concept of stalker style was developed by Cerb3rus and company. The core tenants are based on controlling the fight to be advantageous to you. There really is no movement "Set" for stalker, as it's more of a mindset, rather than a movement pattern. Taken to the extremes, you're glued on your opponents butt, like a stalker.
  1. Control Yourself - Every step, every slash, every dash should be controlled, and done with thought. Everything you do in gladiator is one step of a grand scheme to ultimately win the fight. There's no need to spam anything, as every slash should ideally be landing. Everything else is just a waste of time.
  2. Control Your Opponent - Once you control yourself, you can begin controlling your opponent. The idea is to predict what you believe they'll do, and lead the opponent into a disadvantageous position.
Theory of "Counter Style" - Counter Style is my personal style that I developed as an end point evolution of Stalker Style. While the DNA is the same, the focus is completely oriented on punishing your opponents mistakes, rather than creating your own openings. The entire idea is to abuse the natural GunZ system of each movement, and punish small openings the opponent leaves you. I'll try to explain this more in the Advanced section, as pulling this off requires a solid grasp of everything in the Basics and Intermediate sections, and developing a gut feeling more than anything.

Phase Slash - Phase slash is the most simple move of gladiator, and allows you to bypass a block without getting stunned. This will result in giving your opponent a massive charge, forcing them into a defensive position.
  1. Slash, Wait a moment, Then turn at least 75 degrees (It's easier to learn to do this by going to a full 90 degree turn.)
The slash damage and sword shape are two seperate entities in gunz logic. They begin at the same point, but finish 'firing' at different times. Basically, by delaying your turn for just a moment, then turning, you're forcing the slash damage to continue in a direction of your choosing, while your sword shape continues into another direction.
To Practice Phase Slash - To practice this, simply grab a friend, and ask them to hold a block up. Stand directly in front of them, and perform step 1.
  1. If you get stunned, your sword shape is hitting the block shape.
  2. If you don't give your target a massive, you're turning too fast.

Angle Slash - Angle slash is the opposite of Phase slash. You turn, then slash. This results in you bypassing the block, but also dealing damage to the target. This requires you to know in advance where your target will be, otherwise you'll be hitting air and leaving yourself vulnerable to counter attack.
  1. Turn to the desired direction, Side/Reverse Bfly, Swing.
To Practice Angle Slash - The easiest way to learn how to angle slash is have your friend block, turn 180 degrees away from them, and then do a backwards butterfly, while delaying your slash just slightly.
  1. If you don't hit your target, you're slashing too early. Delay your slash just a moment so that you slash as you pass the target.
Mirror - The concept of mirror is simple. To opposite (Mirrored) angles will cancel each other. If your opponent is looking right at you, and you're looking right at them, you're mirrored. If you're back to back to your opponent, you're also mirrored. This concept is important because it's how you dodge massive hits at the most basic level and stun opponents when they phase or angle slash you.
Sky/Ground Block/Slash - By looking up or down at least 45 degrees, in almost all circumstances the game considers you to be looking all the way up or all the way down. People will often naturally look at least 45 degrees down when getting close to an opponent, since they'll naturally look down to keep you in their sites. This concept is important because it allows you to stun an opponent who is using ground angles regardless of how far down they're looking so long as they aren't planted on the ground.
Ghost Evade - Unlike mirror, you need to create a perfect 90 degree angle to your opponents direction. This will also allow you to dodge massives.
Zero Angle - Unlike with blocking, If you achieve a perfect "Zero Degree" angle while dodging a massive, all directions up and down become useless, allowing you to simply focus on the 360 degree axis.
Sword Shape / Slash Effect Mechanics - At the most basic level, your Slash and Sword are two entities, that are triggered at the same time when you click the left mouse button. However, the slash will actually become independent of the sword shape after a brief moment. This is the core concept of how phase slash works. You can take this to the extremes by turning faster or slower to fine tune where you slash will actually land. (You can try this by surrounding yourself with 2 to 4 friends around you to figure this out yourself)
Delayed Slashes - Delayed slashes is the core concept of how Angle slashing works. By delaying your slash timing, you precisely send it into a particular spot. This fine tunes your Bfly and Dbfly. While it's often overlooked, this is typically the most defining difference between the top tier gladiators and the normal gladiators. The finer your control, the better you are.

Momentum Control

Controlling your momentum is a very important part of gladiator. It's what allows you to dictate exactly where you will be on your next movement. At the most basic level, we need to look at drifting.
Full Drift - Execute any jumping move, and hold the dash button down. This allows you to maintain your full momentum after a dash to cover distance quickly.
A Full Drift Forward Butterfly will look like this - Jump > W > W (Hold) > Slash + Block > Jump > Release W
Half Drift - Execute any jumping move, but do not hold any keys down. This will result in you losing momentum. This is a very important move to fine tune your distance to your opponent when attempting to stay glued to them during a combo.
A Half Drift Forward Butterfly will look like this - Jump > W > W > Slash + Block > Jump
Zero Drift (AKA Momentum Cancel) - A zero Drift is the removal of all movement, and forces you into a full stop without having to fully land. Like above, this can help you stay glued to your target, but it can also help you out by giving a very jagged movement to your playstyle, which can throw the enemy off guard. It's also a good thing to use to prevent yourself from flying into the enemy as needed and bait them into you.
A Zero Drift Forward Butterfly will look like this - Jump > W > W > S (Hold) > Slash + Block > Jump
While I provided examples of just forward butterfly, you can easily implement this in any of the 8 directions the WASD keys can give you (W, WA, A, AS, etc, etc.)
Mouse Drift Control - You can further tweak your momentum by utilizing your mouse to control your drift. While much harder to adapt to, it allows you to explore new patterns and combos.
An Example of a Mouse Controlled Zero Drift Forward Butterfly will look like this - Jump > W > W (HOLD) > Slash + Block > Turn Mouse 180 > Jump
As with the Keyboard version of momentum control, the mouse can also be used along with any combination of Full, Half, and Zero Drift, only with different keys to further tune your movements.

Training Methods

There are several training methods to getting better at gladiator. Here's a brief overview of some of the more common ones.
Move Restrictions - By either limiting yourself to one or two moves, or removing them entirely, you force yourself to utilize moves differently. For example, you could limit yourself to only using ground slash then bfly, then only being able to repeat that chain. Or you could take out Bfly and only allow yourself to use DBFLY.
Keyboard Restrictions - By disabling certain keys, you force yourself to move in different ways. One of the ways we used to train people who refrained from approaching was to tell them to disable their S key for example. You can do this for any of your buttons, including disabling all but one or two. One of the hardest ones to adapt to is disabling the block key, as well as only allowing yourself to use the S key for movement.

Intermediate Section

Now that we've got the basics out of the way, we'll be discussing more of the mentalities of gladiator, as well as the basic tactics you can think upon and try weaving into your play style to try turning spammed moves into something that's done deliberately and with purpose.
Neutral, Advantage, and Disadvantage - These are the 3 constantly shifting states both you and your opponent will constantly be going back and forth on. Every move in gladiator can be both offensive and defensive, depending on how it's used. The goal of gladiator is to hold the advantage more than your opponent.
Neutral - Neither opponent has an advantage or disadvantage in the fight. Consider when both parties are spamming bfly while trying to get a hit on the other. Neither party is offensive or defensive at the moment. Your goal is to force your opponent into a defensive state.
Advantage - When you have advantage over your opponent, and they have little means of being able to deal meaningful damage to you. Consider when you stun the enemy, and begin harassing them with a stream of slashes. While they can massive you, it's not going to be a very safe bet for them, so they're forced to gamble free hits on themselves to get out of a defensive state.
Disadvantage - When your forced into a state where it's either risky or impossible to attack, you're considered to be at a disadvantage. This state happens when you're stunned, holding a massive, or forced into void block.
1 Step Theory - The core idea of 1 step is "1 step will determine whether you win or lose". This concept is very broad, and applies to almost everything in gladiator when executed properly. To try explaining further, a single step is often times what will deem who goes on offense or defense.
Example 1 - If you get stunned by a massive, and are within a fast bfly distance from your enemy, simply take one step away from them, and their bfly will miss you, allowing you to switch to offense instead of defense.
Example 2 - You stun your opponent. Take one step to their side and then execute an angle slash. This will trip your opponent up, and typically have them reveal their back to you since they have to follow you to see what you're doing.
Effective Patterns - There's many patterns in gladiator, each focusing on defeating certain common tactics. Here's a few to serve as examples.
Triangle - Triangle is a mixture of phase and angle bflys that follow a triangle pattern around a player. You should focus on mixing up where your slash lands, sometimes landing on the front, side, and back. This is a foundational pattern of the Stalker Style.
V Pattern - The V pattern is where you do 2 butterflies, resulting in a 75 to 90 degree angle at the point. For example, look at your enemy, look 45 degrees to the side of them, Front bfly, Look 90 degrees in the opposite direction (to make a 90 degree angle), and forward bfly again. This is a common approach pattern to try and throw your enemy off guard.
Forward Full Drift Dbfly - When fighting someone who's trying to backpedal or sidepedal, one easy option to stomp it out is to simply look 2 or 3 bodies in front of where you believe your opponent will be and do a wide arc full drift Dbfly. Eventually you'll get into a position where you can use Triangle or some other pattern to close up the distance.
Effective Phase/Angle Setups - To begin learning a pattern, it's important to learn how to setup your next slash so you go where you want. Ideally, you want your phase slash angle to setup your Angle Slash, and vice versa.
Example : Phase Slash 180, Reverse Angle Bfly, 180 to Zero Drift, Reverse Angle Dbfly

Intermediate : Effective Patterns, Effective Phase/Angle setups, Sacrificial Slashes, Effective Delay Slash, Dash Control, Counter Style/Stalker Tips, Ground to Air movement Transitions.
Advanced : Theories, Mindsets, and Tactics.
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