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🇬🇪🌞 Travel along the black sea coast of Georgia: in search of the golden fleece/ Путешествие по черноморскому побережью Грузии: В поисках золотого Руна/ Reise entlang der Schwarzmeerküste von Georgia: auf der Suche nach dem goldenen Vlies 👇(EN, RU, DE)

🇬🇪🌞 Travel along the black sea coast of Georgia: in search of the golden fleece/ Путешествие по черноморскому побережью Грузии: В поисках золотого Руна/ Reise entlang der Schwarzmeerküste von Georgia: auf der Suche nach dem goldenen Vlies 👇(EN, RU, DE)
(EN) 🗺 Georgian resorts are among the best on the Black Sea coast because there is nothing better than a combination of iodine sea and clean mountain air, which has a beneficial effect on the body. ℹ️ The beach season starts in July and ends in September, however, tourists come to the seaside resorts in Georgia in winter due to the warm climatic conditions. ✅ In addition to recreation on the sea coast, Georgia provides its tourists with many historical sights that allow them to better get acquainted with the Georgian flavor and its traditions. 👉Today, every resort on the coast of Georgia has a developed tourist infrastructure. Whichever resort you choose, you are guaranteed to get an unforgettable vacation experience in Georgia. Day 1️⃣-2️⃣ 🏝Anaklia is a new Georgian resort town located on the southeast coast of the Black Sea. A paradise for those who are looking for solitude and relaxation! Anaklia is the youngest resort - with modern hotels, 8️⃣ kilometers of coastline, and the longest pedestrian bridge in Europe (5️⃣4️⃣0️⃣ Meters) Every year Anaklia is transformed and becomes even more luxurious; for several years now the resort town has been hosting major music festivals, bringing together young people from neighboring countries. 👉Places to visit: ➕GEM Fest, an electronic music festival featuring world-class DJs and musicians. ➕ The water park is the largest on the territory of Georgia, with a variety of slides, pools, and attractions. ➕ Dadiani Palace - This beautiful palace belongs to an ancient princely family ➕Martvili Canyon - enjoy the picturesque nature, clean air, and take a boat trip along with the crystal clear waters of the canyon. 👉 A place to Stay: 🏨 4️⃣ Star-Hotel ''Anaklia'' is located right on the of the Black Sea shore. 👉 Hotel Services: ➕ Reception ➕ Bar-Restaurant ➕ pool ➕ Sun Terrace ➕ Conference Hall ➕ Parking Day 3️⃣-4️⃣ 🏙 Batumi is the third-largest city in Georgia and the most popular seaside resort in the region: ℹ Batumi can offer its guests not only a huge 7️⃣-kilometer beach but also the most interesting Old Town, the original New Batumi - an area of ​​skyscrapers, casinos, and excellent restaurants, as well as a wonderful world-famous Botanical Garden. 👉A place to Stay : 🏫 5️⃣The star hotel ''Hilton Batumi'' is located in the center of Batumi, right on the Black Sea coast 👉 Hotel services: ➕ Reception ➕ Sauna, Spa, and Pool ➕ Bar-Restaurant ➕ Fitness center ➕Sun terrace ➕ Children's playground ➕ Parking ➕ Casino Day 5️⃣ If you do not want to live in the city, but at the same time be close to it for the sake of cafes, restaurants, and entertainment, you can stay in Gonio or Kvariati. Both Resorts are 1️⃣5️⃣➖2️⃣0️⃣ minutes drive from the capital of Adjara 🏖 Gonio and Kvariati are more suitable for family holidays - you can rent a whole house surrounded by gorgeous eucalyptus trees that fill the air with a healing aroma. It is calm and peaceful here - this is the beauty of resorts. 🅿 Privilege package - 5️⃣ Days - 2️⃣ Persons- 4️⃣8️⃣0️⃣💲 = ➕ Transfer to the hotel (5️⃣ Stars) ➕ Breakfast ➕ Excursion around the area ➕ Personal driver. 🚤Everyone has heard the story about the Argonauts, when the Greeks, led by Jason, sailed to the Colchis kingdom for the golden fleece. ✅Become a modern Argonaut and gain experience worth its weight in gold, travel with us❗ (RU) 🗺 Грузинские курорты являются одними из лучших на черноморском побережье, поскольку нет ничего лучше сочетания йодистого морского и чистого горного воздуха, благоприятно влияющего на организм. ℹ️ Пляжный сезон начинается с июля и заканчивается в сентябре, однако туристы на морские курорты в Грузии приезжают и зимой благодаря теплым климатическим условиям. ✅ Кроме отдыха на морском побережье Грузия предоставляет своим туристам множество исторических достопримечательностей, позволяющих лучше познакомиться с грузинским колоритом и его традициями. 👉Сегодня каждый курорт на побережье Грузии имеет развитую туристическую инфраструктуру. Какой бы вами курорт не был выбран, вы гарантированно получите незабываемые впечатления от отдыха в Грузии. День 1️⃣-2️⃣ 🏝Анаклия - новый грузинский курортный городок, расположен на юго-восточном побережье Чёрного моря. Райский уголок для тех кто ищет уединения и Релакс! Анаклиа является самым молодым курортом-с современными отелями, 8️⃣ километровой береговой линии и самым длинным пешеходным мостом в Европе (5️⃣4️⃣0️⃣ Метров) Каждый год Анаклия преображается и становится еще роскошней,уже несколько лет курортный городок принимает у себя крупные музыкальные фестивали, собирая молодежь из соседних стран. 👉Места посещения: ➕фестиваль электронной музыки GEM Fest, где выступают диджеи и музыканты мирового класса. ➕ Аквапарк – самый большой на территории Грузии, с разнообразными горками, бассейнами и аттракционами. ➕ дворец Дадиани-Этот прекрасный дворец принадлежащему древнему княжескому роду ➕Мартвильский каньон - насладиться живописной природой, чистейшим воздухом и совершить прогулку на лодке по кристально-чистым водам каньона. 👉Mесто проживания: 🏨4️⃣ Звездочный-Отель ''Анаклия'' находится прямо на берегу черного Моря. 👉К услугам гостей: ➕Крулосуточная стоика регистрации ➕Бар-Ресторан ➕Бассеин ➕Терраса для Загара ➕Конференц Зал ➕Парковка День 3️⃣-4️⃣ 🏙 Батуми – третий по величине город Грузии и самый популярный морской курорт в регионе: ℹ Батуми может предложить своим гостям не только огромный 7️⃣ километровый пляж, но и интереснейший Старый город, самобытный Новый Батуми – район небоскребов, казино и отличных ресторанов, а также замечательный всемирно известный Ботанический сад. 👉Mесто проживания: 🏫 5️⃣Звездочный отель ''Хилтон Батуми'' расположен в центре Батуми,прямо на побережье черного моря 👉 К услугам гостей: ➕ Ресепшн ➕Сауна,Спа-центр и Бассейн ➕ Бар-Ресторан ➕Фитнес-центр ➕ терраса для загара ➕ детская игровая площадка ➕ Парковка ➕ Казино День 5️⃣ Если вы не хотите жить в городе, но при этом быть в непосредственной близости к нему ради кафе, ресторанов и развлечений, можно остановиться в Гонио или Квариати. Оба поселка находятся в 1️⃣5️⃣➖2️⃣0️⃣ минутах езды от столицы Аджарии 🏖 Гонио или Квариати больше подойдут для семейного отдыха – можно взять в аренду целый дом в окружении шикарных эвкалиптовых деревьев, которые наполняют воздух целебным ароматом. Здесь спокойно и умиротворяюще – в этом и состоит прелесть курортов. 🅿 Привилегированный пакет- 5️⃣ Дней-2️⃣ Человека- 4️⃣8️⃣0️⃣💲 = ➕ Трансфер в гостиницу (5️⃣ Звезд) ➕ Завтрак➕Экскурсия по местности ➕ Персональный водитель. 🚤Bсе слышали историю про аргонавтов,когда греки во главе которых стоял Ясон приплыли в колхидское царство за золотым руном. ✅Cтаньте современным аргонавтом и накапливайте впечатление на вес золота,путешествуйте с нами❗
(DE) 🗺 Georgische Resorts gehören zu den besten an der Schwarzmeerküste, denn es gibt nichts Besseres als eine Kombination aus Jodmeer und sauberer Bergluft, die sich positiv auf den Körper auswirkt. ℹ️ Die Strandsaison beginnt im Juli und endet im September. Im Winter kommen Touristen jedoch aufgrund der warmen klimatischen Bedingungen in die Badeorte in Georgia. ✅ Neben der Erholung an der Seeküste bietet Georgien seinen Touristen viele historische Sehenswürdigkeiten, mit denen sie den georgischen Geschmack und seine Traditionen besser kennenlernen können. 👉 Heute hat jedes Resort an der Küste von Georgia eine entwickelte touristische Infrastruktur. Egal für welches Resort Sie sich entscheiden, Sie werden garantiert ein unvergessliches Urlaubserlebnis in Georgia erleben. Tag 1️⃣-2️⃣ 🏝Anaklia ist ein neuer georgianischer Ferienort an der Südostküste des Schwarzen Meeres. Ein Paradies für alle, die Einsamkeit und Entspannung suchen! Anaklia ist das jüngste Resort - mit modernen Hotels, 8️⃣ Kilometer Küste und der längsten Fußgängerbrücke in Europa (5️⃣4️⃣0️⃣ Meter) Jedes Jahr verwandelt sich Anaklia und wird noch luxuriöser. Seit einigen Jahren finden in der Kurstadt große Musikfestivals statt, auf denen junge Menschen aus den Nachbarländern zusammenkommen. 👉Besuchsorte: ➕GEM Fest, ein Festival für elektronische Musik mit erstklassigen DJs und Musikern. ➕ Der Wasserpark ist der größte auf dem Territorium von Georgia und bietet eine Vielzahl von Rutschen, Pools und Attraktionen. ➕ Dadiani-Palast - Dieser wunderschöne Palast gehört einer alten Fürstenfamilie ➕Martvili Canyon - genießen Sie die malerische Natur, die saubere Luft und unternehmen Sie eine Bootsfahrt zusammen mit dem kristallklaren Wasser des Canyons. 👉 Platz zum bleiben: Das 🏨 4️⃣ Star-Hotel '' Anaklia '' liegt direkt am Ufer des Schwarzen Meeres. 👉 Hoteldienstleistungen: ➕ Empfang ➕ Bar-Restaurant ➕ Pool ➕ Sonnenterrasse ➕ Konferenzsaal ➕ Parkplatz Tag 3️⃣-4️⃣ 🏙 Batumi ist die drittgrößte Stadt in Georgien und der beliebteste Badeort in der Region: ℹ Batumi bietet seinen Gästen nicht nur einen riesigen 7️⃣ Kilometer langen Strand, sondern auch die interessanteste Altstadt, das ursprüngliche Neu Batumi - eine Gegend mit Wolkenkratzern, Kasinos und ausgezeichneten Restaurants sowie einen wunderschönen weltberühmten Botanischen Garten . 👉Platz zum bleiben: 🏫 5️⃣Das Sterne-Hotel Hilton Batumi befindet sich im Zentrum von Batumi, direkt an der Schwarzmeerküste 👉 Hoteldienstleistungen: ➕ Rezeption ➕ Sauna, Spa und Pool ➕ Bar-Restaurant ➕ Fitnesscenter ➕Sonnen-Terrasse ➕ Kinderspielplatz ➕ Parkplatz ➕ Casino Tag 5️⃣ Wenn Sie nicht in der Stadt leben möchten, aber gleichzeitig in der Nähe der Stadt sein möchten, um Cafés, Restaurants und Unterhaltung zu genießen, können Sie in Gonio oder Kvariati übernachten. Beide Resorts sind 1️⃣5️⃣➖2️⃣0️⃣ Autominuten von der Hauptstadt Adjara entfernt 🏖 Gonio und Kvariati eignen sich besser für einen Familienurlaub - Sie können ein ganzes Haus mieten, das von wunderschönen Eukalyptusbäumen umgeben ist, die die Luft mit einem heilenden Aroma füllen. Hier ist es ruhig und friedlich - das ist die Schönheit der Resorts. 🅿 Privilegiertes Paket - 5️⃣ Tage - 2️⃣ Personen- 4️⃣8️⃣0️⃣💲 = ➕ Transfer zum Hotel (5️⃣ Sterne) ➕ Frühstück ➕ Ausflug in die Umgebung ➕ Persönlicher Fahrer. 🚤Jeder hat die Geschichte über die Argonauten gehört, als die Griechen, angeführt von Jason, nach dem goldenen Vlies in das Königreich Kolchis segelten. ✅Werden Sie ein moderner Argonaut und sammeln Sie Erfahrungen, die Gold wert sind. Reisen Sie mit uns❗
#traveltime #Anaklia #Batumi #Gonio #Kvariati #Blacksea #hilton #Caucasus #SFFGeorgia #Грузия #Экскурсия #отпуск #Анаклиа #батуми #Гонио #поездка #exploring #explorer #Traveltips #adventure #Journey #Trip #Holidays #Timetotravel #luxurylifestyle #lovetotravel #Traveling #traveler #vacation #enjoylife #Urlaub #reisen #Travelagency #путешествие #Кавказ #travelers #travelbug #travelholic #travelinggram #travelphotography #travelgram #wanderer #wanderlust #doyoutravel #goexplore #travelmore #wonderfulplaces #roamtheplanet #travellifestyle #solotravels #solotraveldiaries #solotravelstories #nomadiclife #familytravels #travelingwithkids #familytravelmoment
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🇬🇪🍷Holiday in Batumi-Paradise has a place on earth/Der Urlaub im Batumi-Paradies hat einen Platz auf der Erde/Отдых в Батуми-У рая есть место на земле (RU,EN,DE)

🇬🇪🍷Holiday in Batumi-Paradise has a place on earth/Der Urlaub im Batumi-Paradies hat einen Platz auf der Erde/Отдых в Батуми-У рая есть место на земле (RU,EN,DE)
(EN) 🏖 Batumi is the third largest city in Georgia and its largest seaport. ✅ Over the past ten years, the Georgian authorities have made a lot of efforts to turn Batumi into a "shop window" of modern European Georgia, and in many ways they have completely succeeded. 👉Tourism in Batumi is very developed, every tourist of this city is surprised by an unimaginable number of beautiful places. Being quite an ancient city (the ancient Romans mentioned the first permanent settlement in its place), Batumi can offer its guests not only a huge 7-km beach, but also the interesting Old Town, the unique Primorsky Boulevard, the original New Batumi - an area of ​​skyscrapers, casinos and excellent restaurants, as well as the wonderful Batumi Botanical Garden. 👉 Batumi is the only beach city in Georgia with a developed shopping and entertainment infrastructure. ✅The climate of Adjara is humid subtropical. The main city of the republic has mild rainy winters and long hot summers. ✅ The beach season lasts from mid-May to October. In the summer months, the air temperature rises to + 28 ° С, and due to the high humidity, the heat is felt stronger 👉Places to visit: ➕Churches ➕Piazza Square ➕Europe Square and the statue of Medea ➕Fountain "Neptune" ➕Batum Sea Port ➕ Chachi fountain ➕Mark of Wonders ➕ Sculpture Ali and Nino ➕ iveria beach club ➕ Zags and fountains ➕Primorsky park ➕Batumi Boulevard ➕ Singing fountains ➕New Batumi ➕ Night Batumi ➕Casino ➕Botanical garden 👉Place to stay: 🏫5 The Castello Mare Hotel & Welness Resort is located on the Tsikhisdziri rock, just 17 km from Batumi. Here, the sea, sky and nature of Adjara create unique conditions for relaxation! ✅You can enjoy the author's architecture and cozy atmosphere, sea views from the panoramic pool, walking terraces. Visit the richly equipped OTIUM SPA and bowling entertainment center. Sunbathe on the beach, where 2 inclined elevators descend. Try the best dishes of Georgian and European cuisine. 🅿Privileged package-4 Days- $ 750💲 = Meeting at the airport and transfer to the hotel (5 stars) + all inclusive + Personal driver! ✅Travel with us and accumulate unforgettable impressions❗ (DE) 🏖 Batumi ist die drittgrößte Stadt in Georgien und der größte Seehafen. ✅ In den letzten zehn Jahren haben die georgischen Behörden große Anstrengungen unternommen, um Batumi zu einem "Schaufenster" des modernen europäischen Georgien zu machen, und dies ist ihnen in vielerlei Hinsicht völlig gelungen. 👉Tourismus in Batumi ist sehr entwickelt, jeder Tourist dieser Stadt wird von einer unvorstellbaren Anzahl schöner Orte überrascht. Batumi ist eine ziemlich alte Stadt (die alten Römer erwähnten die erste dauerhafte Siedlung an ihrer Stelle) und bietet seinen Gästen nicht nur einen riesigen 7 km langen Strand, sondern auch die interessante Altstadt, den einzigartigen Primorsky Boulevard, das ursprüngliche New Batumi - eine Gegend mit Wolkenkratzern, Casinos und ausgezeichneten Restaurants sowie dem wunderschönen Botanischen Garten Batumi. 👉 Batumi ist die einzige Strandstadt in Georgia mit einer entwickelten Einkaufs- und Unterhaltungsinfrastruktur. ✅Das Klima von Adjara ist feucht subtropisch. Die Hauptstadt der Republik hat milde regnerische Winter und lange heiße Sommer. ✅ Die Strandsaison dauert von Mitte Mai bis Oktober. In den Sommermonaten steigt die Lufttemperatur auf + 28 ° C und aufgrund der hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit wird die Hitze stärker empfunden 👉Besuchsorte: ➕Kirchen ➕Piazza-Platz ➕Europa-Platz und die Statue von Medea ➕Fontäne "Neptun" ➕Batumi Seehafen ➕ Chachi-Brunnen ➕Mark der Wunder ➕ Ali und Nino Skulptur ➕ iveria beach club ➕ Zacken und Brunnen ➕Primorsky Park ➕Batumi Boulevard ➕ Singende Fontäne ➕ Neuer Batumi ➕ Nacht Batumi ➕Casino ➕Botanischer Garten 👉Platz bleiben: 🏫5 Das Castello Mare Hotel & Welness Resort befindet sich auf dem Tsikhisdziri-Felsen, nur 17 km von Batumi entfernt. Hier schaffen das Meer, der Himmel und die Natur von Adjara einzigartige Bedingungen zur Entspannung! ✅Sie können die Architektur und die gemütliche Atmosphäre des Autors, den Meerblick vom Panoramapool und die Terrassen genießen. Besuchen Sie das reich ausgestattete OTIUM SPA und das Bowling Entertainment Center. Sonnen Sie sich am Strand, wo 2 Schrägaufzüge absteigen. Probieren Sie die besten Gerichte der georgischen und europäischen Küche. 🅿Privilegiertes Paket - 4 Tage - 750 US-Dollar" = Treffen am Flughafen und Transfer zum Hotel (5 Sterne) + All Inclusive + Persönlicher Fahrer! ✅Reisen Sie mit uns und sammeln Sie unvergessliche Eindrücke❗
(RU) 🏖Батуми – третий по величине город Грузии и ее крупнейший морской порт. ✅За последний десяток лет грузинские власти приложили немало усилий, чтобы превратить Батуми в «витрину» современной европейской Грузии, и во многом им это вполне удалось. 👉Туризм в Батуми очень развит, каждого туриста этого города удивляет невообразимое количество красивых мест. Будучи достаточно древним городом (первое постоянное поселение на его месте упоминали еще древние римляне), Батуми может предложить своим гостям не только огромный 7-километровый пляж, но и интереснейший Старый город, уникальный Приморский бульвар, самобытный Новый Батуми – район небоскребов, казино и отличных ресторанов, а также замечательный батумский Ботанический сад. 👉Батуми является единственным пляжным городом Грузии c развитой торговой и развлекательной инфраструктурой. ✅Климат Аджарии – влажный субтропический. В главном городе республики мягкая дождливая зима и длительное жаркое лето. ✅Пляжный сезон длится с середины мая по октябрь. В летние месяцы температура воздуха поднимается до +28°С, причем из-за высокой влажности жара ощущается сильнее 👉Места посещения: ➕Церкви ➕Площадь Piazza ➕Площадь Европы и статуя Медеи ➕Фонтан «Нептун» ➕Батумский морской порт ➕Фонтан чачи ➕Парк чудес ➕Скульптура Али и Нино ➕ иверия бич клаб ➕Загс и фонтаны ➕Приморский парк ➕Батумский бульвар ➕Поющие фонтаны ➕Новый Батуми ➕Ночной Батуми ➕Казино ➕Ботанический сад 👉Mесто проживания: 🏫5 Звездочный Отель и оздоровительный комплекс Castello Mare Hotel & Welness Resort расположен на скале Цихисдзири всего в 17 км от Батуми. Здесь море, небо и природа Аджарии создают уникальные условия для отдыха! ✅Вы сможете насладиться авторской архитектурой и уютной обстановкой, морскими видами из панорамного бассейна, прогулочных террас. Посетить богато оснащенный "OTIUM SPA" и развлекательный центр с боулингом. Позагорать на пляже, куда опускаются 2 наклонных лифта. Попробовать лучшие блюда грузинской и европейской кухни. 🅿Привилегированный пакет-4 Дней-$750💲 = Встреча в аэропорту и трансфер в гостиницу( 5 звезд) + всё включено+Персональный водитель! ✅путешествуйте с нами и накапливайте незабываемые впечатления❗
#visitgeorgia#Batumi#Blacksea#Enjoylife#Castello Mare Hotel & Welness Resort#Sffgeorgia#travelwithus
submitted by SFF_Georgia to u/SFF_Georgia [link] [comments]

What are the best things to do in Europe at night?

Europe looks as beautiful at night as it does during the daytime. Here are some best things that you can enjoy here, after sunset:
 Casinos and Formula I in Monaco
 Cafes in Skopje’s Historic center
 Pubs in Prague
 Santorini
 Batumi
 The old town in Porto
 Dancing fountains in Yerevan
 Northern lights in Iceland or Norway
 Lake Bled festival in Slovenia
More about the author Etias-Europe
submitted by JosephAGonzalez to u/JosephAGonzalez [link] [comments]

"The king of American real estate" is transformed into "the king of American obsession", or what is waiting for Georgia from Donald Trump
My dear Georgia, when will you finally have worthy allies and friends in the face of world powers? Or maybe you just do not deserve them yet?
What do we keep on counting on American President Donald Trump? We could count on something else under his predecessor Obama. But not now.
I remembered how on July 12, US President Donald Trump literally drove the representatives of Georgia and Ukraine out of the cabinet where the closed session of the NATO member countries was held. Then it was forgotten that the Georgians shed their blood together with the Americans in Afghanistan. True, he later came to his senses and again reassured Georgia, promising that she would join the ranks of NATO, but when it does, it was not said again.
On the same day, the American president criticized the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who allegedly “sponsors” the Russian “Nord Stream-2”, but does not pay the proper amount for the needs of the alliance. According to Mr. Trump, the actions of Frau Merkel are devoid of logic. Hear: are devoid of logic? And this is said by Donald Trump.
By the way, while we are pinning great hopes on a powerful American state, the powerful so-called “resistance movement” Donald Trump is growing in him. This was recently reported to the New York Times by an anonymous employee of the administration of the White House.
The dilemma that Trump, according to the employee, does not fully understand, is that many of the high-ranking officials in his own administration are working hard from the inside to rip off at least part of his plans and at least somehow limit his terrible inclinations. As stated by the anonymous author, “members of the movement believe that their first duty is to serve the US, and that the president continues to act in a way that damages the health of the republic.” That’s why many of those appointed by Trump have promised to do everything possible to preserve American democratic institutions, restraining Donald’s erroneous impulses and waiting until he finally gets out of control.
The anonymous author continues: “The root of the problem is the president’s immorality. Anyone who works with him knows that he is not tied to any obvious underlying principles that determine his decision-making. Despite the fact that he was elected a Republican, the president demonstrates a small affinity for the ideals long supported by the conservatives: freedom of speech, freedom of people, freedom of markets. At best, he used these ideals only in his personal scenarios. In the worst case, he just attacks them directly. In addition to his systematic statements that the press is “the enemy of the people,” President Trump’s messages are usually anti-trade and anti-democratic. “
According to the assessor, the style of the president’s leadership is swift and controversial, but petty and inefficient. High-ranking officials from the White House confidently acknowledge in the executive authorities their daily distrust of the comments and actions of the commander-in-chief. Most of them work only to isolate their personal interests and financial transactions from his whims.
“Meetings with him deviate from the topic and from the main course, he participates in recurring disputes, and his impulsiveness leads to unprepared, poorly informed and sometimes reckless decisions that have to be played back. He can literally within a minute change his mind and cancel the long-accepted important political decision, “the White House employee continues.
Interestingly, Trump does not attach any real significance to the ties that link the US to allies and like-minded people, including not only NATO and the EU, but also countries such as Georgia and Ukraine.
“There were earlier rumors referring to the 25th amendment, which will begin a complex process to remove the president. But no one wanted to accelerate the constitutional crisis. Therefore, we will do everything possible to manage the administration in the right direction, until — one way or another — it will all end. Of great concern is not what Mr. Trump did as president, but what we, as a nation, have allowed him to do with us. We have weakened our own laws and allowed this discourse to weaken our society, “the American emphasizes.
So, we see direct signs of “dual power” in the White House, and we can assume that in the coming months there will be new resignations “on their own”.
Trump himself had for his whole life only two strong desires connected with Georgia.
One thing about building two skyscrapers: Trump Tower in Tbilisi and Trump Riviera in Batumi. In both cases, it was a casino. As you know, then Donald Trump was actively interested in gambling, and an agreement on investments was reached in 2010 and 2011 during two meetings between Georgian President Saakashvili and an American billionaire in the famous Trump Tower in downtown Manhattan.
About the second desire, Trump said at a meeting with the Miho Trump Tower: “Today, Georgia has made fantastic achievements and was at the forefront of many indicators, including anti-corruption and security for businessmen. I am happy that I can conduct business there. Mikhail Saakashvili is the idol and dream of the whole world. The US should be proud of such a friend and partner. I would like to see such a great leader and my great country! But today it’s just a dream. “
Today, his dream, apparently, comes true — judging by the outward signs, soon he himself, like Miho, will tie his ties on the air ….
Now you see who we want to trust our future with.? And even if another president comes, he will also be from the same environment of the unbalanced American establishment. Look at what kind of undercover struggle they have there — they do not care for us at all. They will continue to lobby their personal interests, as if not going beyond the strict framework of promoting the interests of the American and world oligarchic leaders.
As for me, I am more impressed by states with sober leaders who are capable of leading their own country and partner countries to prosperity and stability without humiliation and pressure….
submitted by jonathanshow2234 to u/jonathanshow2234 [link] [comments]

Experience with Ukrferry ferry from Batumi to Odessa

Hi /sakartvelo, I hust came back from Georgia and loved the country and the people. I asked a few weeks ago if somebody has experience with the Batumi-Odessa ferry but sadly no one responded (but thanks for the upvotes!).
Ukrferry is an ukrainian ferry line, who have a conection from Ilyichevsk (very close to Odessa) to Batumi and back. They also go from Batumi to Varna, Bulgaria but I only took the way from Batumi to Ilyichevsk/Odessa.
Ukrferry goes several times a month this route and they use two ships. The MS Greifswald (an older ferry from East Germany) and the Kaunas Seaways (more modern from Lithuania). Both ships take passengers and cars, but mostly trucks. We were in the Kaunas Seaways and took a double stock bed room, which had a bathroom, a window and was quite comftable. The have more luxury rooms, for 80$ more with television and two rooms and cheaper rooms with four beds.
The price for the tickets was 110+25 (fees) USD per person. It is a 2-3 nights trip with three meals a day included. The food is quite good (all kind of combinations with salad, meat, rice) and since they placed all the english speaking guests on one table we had good company and the kitchen staff begged us to leave after each meal. Most of the other guests were georgian and ukrainian truck drivers. Some of the drivers spoke a little bit of english and invited us to drink wine with them. The second evening was a bit ruff and nearly every truck driver was drinking, it was a noisy but not a bad experience. We felt safe all the time. There is one Bar, but no Shop on the ship. Beer is 3$, coffee 1$, Water for free. You can pay in almost every currency, but the exchange rate is not the best. It is wise to bring own wine, to the ship and enjoy it at the evening at one of the tables outside.
How to get tickets? You can get tickets online and pick them up, in Ukrferrys office in Batumi. It is in front of the mosque. Also you can buy tickets in the office, or at the office in Odessa, or in Tbilisi, what we did. Buying tickets in Tbilisi is kind of complicated. First of all, if you look for the number on the street it is the big building with the many floors next to the casino. Ukrferry has two offices. The office on fifth floor is unhelpful, but the office at the end of second floor is very helpful. One guy speaks english and was very friendly. Since they can not take money, you have to pay the money cash at a bank counter, as soon as he gives you the invoice. Then you send him a picture of the receipt via Whatsapp, Email or Viber. Later you have to pick up the tickets in Batumis office.
On the day the ferry starts you go here: It is a bit of a walk, and there is only one small shop, so buy some food and wine earlier and take a cab for a few lari. After entering the ship, we had to wait some hours, till it was completely loaded with trucks and took off at sunset. For the next days we laid in the sun, played cards, waited for dinner time and watched dolphins. We should have arrived at the third evening but they told us that (for what reason I could not understand) we had to stay a third night on the ship and can leave in the morning. If you do not have a car, you can leave the ship pretty early and fast. But beaurocracy is strong with the Ukrainians and so we had to wait (1.5 hours) after leaving the ship in the harbour for a second (first was on the ship) passport check. If you bring a car from Georgia, you have to wait 3-4 hours, till you get your five stamps from five different offices around the harbour.
As conclusion, I have to say taking the ferry was one of the many highlights on our trip. It is a very slow, but relaxing way to travel.
submitted by Rohfisch to Sakartvelo [link] [comments]

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